November 25, 2010

  • titles are overrated

    Did my bi-monthly trip to town today.  Was a wee bit icey on the way in, and all scraped off on the way home.  That made me VERY happy, as the snow started just as I was heading in, and I was afraid we were going to have a redo of our Blizzard on Monday. 

    Jeremiah went with me as he wanted special mom time for his birthday.  We had quiet fun.  I didn't feel like I could dawdle in town, as I did NOT want to get stranded, but he seemed to enjoy himself.  Although we're all scratching our head over this observation from him.  "Car's can't hurt you, they just kill you."

    Yeah, that makes sense. 

    Rainee has had a couple better days asthma wise.  And her zantac came in today, she's been out since Saturday, so that will help her red-itchy skin.  I think all the fresh air and snow has helped, plus she *just* came off the oral steroids, so that didn't hurt. 

    Rob and I decided to *not* call Dr. W this week due to it being Thanksgiving, and going to Childrens being a WASTE of time this week.  So, I guess I'll start playing telephone tag with him on Monday to see what happens next.  I think his idea of a couple day observation at Childrens might be a good one...but I'd sure like the allergy testing first.  *growl*

    In the past 6 months I've taken to always asking what Rainee just ate...and forgot to focus on environmental triggers.  So now, I've been asking.  "What did you just eat, where were you when the pain started, what were you doing."  Its painting a more complete picture. 

    We are biting the bullet and building her bunkbeds this weekend.  We don't really have the money for it, but we're going to do it anyhow.  We want her to get the top bunk, so the dogs can't sneak in and get on her bed.  We've been trying to make it a pet free-zone, but the dogs aren't completely cooperating.  I *meant* to buy a baby gate for there room today and forgot.  I will buy one on Friday as well.  This way they can NOT come in.   The girls are all tall enough to just jump over it, and if they forget to close the doors, the dogs don't go sneak in.  It won't stop the cat...but its a start.

    Tomorrow is just a day for us, as we always celebrate Friday.  Although I did buy some "treats" for us to eat for dinner tomorrow night.  Bought premade macaroni salad, and premade potatoe salad (Rob favorites).  And experimenting with some mostly made Philly Chicken Cheeze sandwiches I splurged on at Walmart.  Also have apple cider and cake.  

    Friday we will go to my moms and have "real" Thanksgiving there.  If the roads are safe, Isaiah and Christina and there families are going to join us.  I hope they get to.    I have early Christmas gifts stock-piled for all my nephews and nieces I'd like to get to them--nothing much, just a wee hand made sumfin'.

    I have fabric ripped into balls for another rug, that I fully intend to make on Friday as well.

    Rainee hasn't complained of asthma ONCE today...I can't remember the last time that happened.  Its been very nice.

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  • Blessings to all and especially to the kiddos dealing with illness.  You have your hands full for sure.

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