Month: January 2010

  • Saturday Silliness

    It was Jamari's birthday today and action packed.

    We woke up and gave him pressys, and daddy made blueberry waffles for breaky.  They were NUMMY!

    We then headed to Neah Bay where we snacked on Jelly Belly's and Doritoes, and toured the Neah Bay museum, and watched some amazing waves crash.  I'm gonna share pictures of that tomorrow, plus a video.

    For a very late lunch we had homemade hamburgers with onion soup mix in them.  Rainee had bbq sauce, ketchup and mayo on hers.  She was fine all afternoon.

    For dinner we had homemade pizza, with mushrooms, pizza sauce, cheddar cheeze and bacon.  For desert we had homemade chocolate cake with snickers bars in it, and peanutbutter in the frosting--daddy was in a creative mood.  LOL

    At bedtime Rainee's pft was only 100.  I suspect the pizza sauce, due to knowing she's allergic to salsa.

    She ate a bowl of marshmallow maties for a bedtime snack, and within five minutes was in bad distress, and breaking out in hives.  We spent from 7:15 until 9;45 getting her under control.  The only good news in this story is the marshmallow maties are ALL gone, and can't be eaten again.   And she came to us before she was hyperventaling, so no hysteria to go with the asthma.

    We rescued her with both albuterol and atrovent at 7:15, and did a second dose of albuterol at 7:30.  At 8:15 we gave her benadryl.  She just snuggled with us on our bed and watched tv.  At 8:45 we talked her into getting into the tub hoping it would distract her, and help the itches.  She came out at 9 still miserable, and stayed with until she announced about 9:30 or 9:45 that she was "ok".

    She's in her room chatting quietly with her sisters, and I suspect going to fall asleep sometime soon. 

    On other news we watched Up as a family tonight.  VERY VERY funny, and quite cute. 

  • fridays follys

    Had a good day today, it was quite warm outside, so we ended up playing outside quite a bit of it.  Headed to the river in the morning, and the kids started building a fort which  they did NOT want to leave.  CB had a early release day today, so Zeria had a early practice.  At 12:15 we took her to the gym, and the rest of us headed to the beach.

    Except there was an extreme high tide.  EXTREME.  LOL  We were walking across the very beginning of it on dry sand, and the wave got  big, so I climbed up on a two foot off the ground log to protect had been dry there it was safe.

    Snort I got wet up to my waist...

    And shortly thereafter Rainee scared the crap out of all of us by being way way up high on a log, when three rogue waves got very close to getting her.  In between the second and third Rob bailed down of the bank he was standing on grabbed Rainee threw her up the bank, and then jumped up behind her.  And I mean THREW her.

    She needless to say was screaming like a banshee.  It didn't help me any that I'd had a nightmare about tsnumani's last night.

    For breakfast Rainee had Marshmallow Maties, as we *thought* Rob was headed into town, and didn't have time to do breakfast.    She did great all morning, but we were outside, and she usually does better then.  

    After the wave incident we rescued Rainee due to asthma from screaming...which is rather understandable.  It was SCAREY.  We weren't on the ocean, just the strait, and the waves just don't act like those waves did.   LOL

    When we got home we had a late lunch of bologna sandwiches, and then headed back to the river.  But Rainee started melting down.  She was the one that wanted to go the most to the river, and suddenly she was exhausted, and with asthma.  So we had to do atrovent since we'd done albuterol less then 45 minutes earlier for the wave incident.  It got her calm, and she had a blast at the river.

    We had homemade mac & cheeze for dinner, which was delicious!

    Its 9:00 at night, and there have been NO night rescues for Rainee.  *cheers*  I even think t here asleep, but I may be celebrating early.  If I do have to rescue her I'll add it to the blog.

    I'm beginning to VERY much suspect bologna and hot dog meat.  The good news is its all gone, and there will be none until pay day.  LOL  And I may splurge and get some kind of lunch meat that is a wee more spendy just to test that theory.

  • Thursdays Tale

    Its too early to be up...okay its not, but I don't want to be up.  I'm doing this as a running commentary of the day, and will hit submit to the public at night.

    Rainee woke up rather whiny, but no asthma so far.  She *gasp* actually ate breakfast which is rather unusual, she doesn't like breakfast much LOL.  And this morning she ate 2 sausage egg burritoes. 

    Zeria's bread didn't get ready for lunch, so we had burritoes for lunch.  The Mexican theme is getting old.  LOL  Rainee had one burrito, and some carrots & ranch dip for lunch.  She's done great so far this afternoon.

    We had baton this afternoon missed 3 of my girls, but it was still fun.  Taught them some new gymnastics which they loved.  Bought the three kids at baton pop as a VERY special basically never happens treat.  Rainee chose Orange Soda, which I was nervous about due to her reactions to Red Dye.  I was right.   She has admitted it, and she learned a valuable lesson.  So we rescued her, and moved on.  There's some lessons its just easier for your children to learn yourself.

    I made a FANTASTIC new Crockpot Recipe.  6 THUMBS up.

    Morocaan Chicken
    1 t cumin
    1 t tumeric
    1/2 t cinnamon
    1/2 t salt
    2 T lemon juice
    1 choped fine onion
    .1 cup raisins
    and your chicken

    Cook for 6 hours or so on low.  An hour before serving add Cauliflower and mix in with the chicken and spices.  Serve with couscous, although I'm sure rice would be just as good.

    It was sooooooooooooo good!  Rainee ate the chicken, but not the couscous, well five little bitty bites of it.

    I think Jeremiah is getting sick.  He's sleeping in my bed tonight--I guess I won't be lonely since Rob is sleeping in a computer chair at work.

    Zeria was also complaining about head ache, stomache ache etc.  But she *just* start Junior High Basketball, and has been doing 2 hour practices everyday so I suspect her pain is her body protesting all the movement its been getting.  At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    So Rainee ate a piece of homemade bread with blackberry jam, and a bowl of Marshmallow maties without milk as a bedtime snack.  I know  (*Gag*).    About 30 minutes later she had a sandwich wrap with bologna and pickel in it.  About ten minutes after that sandwich she came out in severe distress.  I  had to give her albuterol and atrovent within five minutes of each other to get her under control.  She didn't desat which was GOOD.   So she recognized it and got it dealt with before she was too miserable.  I'm pondering bologna and hot dogs which she LOOOOVES.  I know there nasty, but I love them too LOL.  Ironically when we had ham she did just awesome.  But as Rob observed its way way more processed.  I'll keep writing things down, and watching it.    She's now asleep, and I get to go to bed and finish my book, and enjoy a few minutes of quiet.

    I discussed with the ladies at baton that its the weepy/cranky time of the year.  We have had a beautiful January, but the short days just get to you after awhile.  We're all ready for spring. 

  • Rainees food

    Gonna write this now while I'm thinking it, and add to it during the day.

    Rainee woke up with asthma (not totally normal)  and was rescued before breakfast.  She's been fine the rest of the morning.  She had cold cereal for breakfast Marshmallow Maties--without milk.   And Tator Tots with Ketchup for lunch.

    She's been playing the computer all morning due to my being gone which keeps her vary distracted, and much less aware of being miserable.

    In the afternoon Rainee did quite well.  She was rescued once just before dinner time.  She hadn't had a snack, or any kind of food.

    For dinner she ate ham and rice.  She loves rice.  The rice was lightly seasoned with chicken bullion.  She had a peaceful non-asthma drive to Awana--which is a major bonus.  We have definitely proven that she is allergic to something in salsa.  Every Awana night was a crisis night until I put that little piece of wisdom together. 

    For after Awana snack she had Fishy crackers.  I rescued her *just* before the snack due to her falling down and twisting her ankle.  Crying ALWAYS gives her asthma, so that was definitely not food related.

    We've only been home about five minutes, so there could still be more drama as we get settled in.  

    Jamari had his own drama tonight and learned a very valuable lesson.  There is a little boy at Awana who is a BOOGER.  Major Major bully.  Just goes from tormenting one kid to tormenting another.  Three of my six kids got hit by him tonight.  Two know to avoid him...and for some reason Jeremiah lucked out.  As Zeria said if he picked on Jeremiah all of our claws would come out because Jeremiah's like 2 feet shorter then him LOL.

    Anyhow before Awana started the kids were running around in the gym, and Booger Boy punched/beat on two of Jamari's friends.  Jamari was mad cause an adult didn't see it or intervene and decided to give BoogerBoy a big shove.  Both boys missed game time as a result, which consequence I agreed with.     It was handled poorly by the Director on several accounts, but she apologized to Jamari for that later, so all is good.  Jamari and I had a long long chat about what to do if BoogerBoy  becomes a issue.  And that is NOT to take matters into his own hands, but instead to find a leader or me Immediately.   All of the other kids have had the lesson reiterated and life moves on. 

    Rainee went to bed WITHOUT a rescue.  I cant' remember the last time that happened.  I'm rather in shock.

  • Rainee rescue

    Rainee has been a full time gig today.

    We had bannana muffins for breakfast--made from scratch by daddy with real butter on top.

    She was rescued at 8;30 , and at 11.

    At noon we had "super nachoes"  with cheddar cheeze, hamburger, refried beans, and sour cream--no salsa we were out.   She had one oatmeal granola bar.

    The afternoon was a continuation of frustration.  At 2ish she came and cuddled with me--a sign that she's not doing well.  "Rainee do you have asthma?"  No, I'm fine.

    "Does something hurt?"  No I'm just tired.  (Said in whispy voice)

    I sit up and wrap her in my arms--my way of discretely testing her lungs.  She's breathing hard and fast.  I get the albuterol and rescue her.  As soon as it its in her system she's done snuggling and ready to play.  "Do you feel tired now?"  No.

    "That's cause you had asthma."  OOOOh.  She says and moves on.  Asthma is such a part of her life it just doesn't phase her LOL

    For dinner we had burritoes (not homemade)  What can I say we were in a Mexican mood today.

    She asked about 5:30 if she could have bologna.  (We eat early)  I said yes...she ate the whole frickin' package over the next couple hours.   I did NOT say yes to that LOL.  

    From then until 7:45 she did quite well.  Bed time was at 7.  At 7:45 she came out with asthma.  I rescued her and gave her maintenance puffer--cause I'd forgotten it. 

    At 8:30 she came out with asthma again.  I rescued her again with albuterol.  (This  with in the amount the doctor told us she could have--but she's allowed no more abuterol until 12:30 at night.)   At 9:20 she came out again with asthma.  I gave her the atrovent--she's now used up all rescue meds until 12:30.  Her saturation rates were good most of the night.  With the exception of her last visit out which was still tolerable at 94.

    She's not asleep yet, so the game may still be on.  Is it any wonder I'm exhausted?

    I appreciate observations about what you think might work, but I also want you to know there's a lot of extenuating circumstances for reasons some suggestions may not work.  All suggestions and prayers are appreciated. 

  • medical frustration

    I just spent the last 30 minutes rereading my blog trying to see a connect point with Rainee's sick episodes, and realized...I have stopped writing about sick, I only blog when I have something happy--with the exception of two recent whines.

    And as a result.  I have NO record of Rainee's many sick episodes.  Unfortunately for you that means you get to hear about them.  I need to start recording what I do and when so I can possibly find a pattern as to why, and when she gets so miserable.

    So today she was FINE all day.  No rescues until 45 minutes after bedtime.  She came out with asthma satting between 90-92.  I rescued her she perked back up, and went back to her room.

    About 35 minutes later Zeria came out to tell me she was crying.  I told her to bring her out.  Her sats were at 98.  But I could hear her wheezing.  She was already crying. 

    In the process of dealing with her already being miserable I discovered something naughty she did.  I didn't even scold her, but she started crying even worse.  And cried herself to sleep.

    She had hot dogs & ketchup for dinner along with at least one apple and one bananna.  She had chicken noodle soup & granola bar for a snack. 

    She was covered in red welts when she came out the second time--and warm.  Though I didn't take her temperature.

    I sat her in my arms gave her a second treatment, and kept the window open to help her get some fresh air.  She cried for about 30 minutes before falling asleep mid cry.

  • Beautiful blue sky and sunshine today...totally rare.  Especially on a Saturday when we can enjoy it!  So we headed to the beach and just did that.  Rob and I laid on that rock for over an hour while the kids played tag below us.

    KK took that picture with her Christmas camera.

    Our find of the day was a dead octopus.  KK took that one as well.

    And I rather liked this one she took as well.

    I took this one.  

    Trust me when I say they were quite high!

    SEE!  Jeremiah REFUSED to climb to the top for the picture.  LOL