Month: November 2008

  • Thanksgiving 2008


    Thanksgiving for us was on Friday--Saturday.  We had it at my moms house in Sequim.  We arrived a bit early, but my mom was glad cause the turkey was very done.  So a quick cutting of it, and we all sat down.

    Its funny how to me when I look at the next picture it seems like a little group.  Last year for Thanksgiving we managed to have 98% of the family.   There were umm 30 of us or so?  Oh well, it was still fun.



    It was just us, my mom and the three girls left at home, and my sister's boyfriend.  Afterwards my oldest sister at home had a friend come over and hang out for awhile.  He was an intriguing guy.  We got into a heated discussion with him about underage drinking.  Not an arguement, just a debate.  It was...not a way for him to impress me though.  ROFL 

    During the heated discussion I looked to the left of where my mom was sitting and found this "spying" on us.  They thought they were quite clever.  LOL


    After visiting for a nice while we all headed to a local motel to use the indoor swimming pool.  My mom had rented Rob and I a room there and got permission from the owner to let all of us use the pool.  It was a lovely way to burn off energy.  My mom didn't swim, but two of my three sisters did.  And we all had great fun.  Even if my stinky sister bit me.  Okay because she bit me.  She's learned from me so well.  ROFL  OF course there might have been four of us clawing, and scratching trying to get her ball away from her at the time.  So I probably deserved it.

    We came home and ate desert and more of Zeria and Kaylin's very delicious homemade bread, and then Rob and I snuck out to the motel for a very nice quiet night.  The little girls and Jeremiah slept in Bit's room.  Zeria slept with Jdai (there best buds only 2 and a bit years apart)  and the boys slept in my mom's room.  In the middle of the night when it was time for my mom to do her paper route she took Sam and Jamari with them.  They apparently enabled her to do her paper route in the shortest amount of time ever.  But I'm thinking she wore them out.

    Cause the next morning we wandered over to get the kids.  Loaded up got in the car...and about five minutes later this was the scene in the back of the car.


    He's clutching the money grandma paid him to help on the paper route.  ($2)  And he slept three hours.  Its normally a two hour drive home, but we had several errands.  He slept until we stopped to open the gate at home.  H was one tired cookie!

    One of our errands made us beam from ear to ear.  What was that?

    Check this price out!!


    We can't remember the last time we saw it that low.  *cheers*

  • Ghosts and Miracles

    Well its been a intresting week.

    First Rob was distraught when he examined our finances Sunday night and was unsure if we could afford to go to Idaho.  We really can't.  But we've been planning for it all year....well not financially planning obviously.  But his parents are definitely planning on it etc.

    So we talked and decided we'd make it a shorter trip, and went to bed.

    The next afternoon a forgotten bit of money showed up.  It doesn't totally alieve the financial pressure, but it definitely gave us a wee bit of breathing room.  And pays down our overdraft protection quite a bit.

    That was the first wee miracle.

    The second one is bigger.

    We went to bed last night like normal and in the middle of the night there was a bright flash of light.  I didn't open my eyes just assumed it was lightning, and counted to see how far away it was.  A few minutes later another flash, and no thunder.  I still didn't open my eyes but fell back into a light sleep.  Hey I'm a mom of 6 who went grocery shopping with all 6 yesterday I earned my sleep.  A few minutes later the light was on permanently.  I opened my eyes to realize it was our bedroom light.  And Rob was busy snoring.  And t here were no kids in the bedroom.

    "What in the world?"  I said in my mostly asleep mind.

    Rob jumped out of bed turned it off, and we went back to sleep.

    A few minutes later it happened a second time.

    Rob jumped up again turned it off and immediately commenced snoring.

    I however will admit to being just a wee bit wigged out.  I don't believe in ghosts.  But at o-dark thirty having just come out of a dark sleep demons were definitely on the mind!!!!

    I determined to lay there with my eyes open this time to see what was going on.  It was hard as I was sweepy (sleepy), but sure enough a couple minutes later the wretched light turned back on.  And nobody was in the room.

    "We better turn it off at the breaker."  I observed to Rob.  He groaned and got dressed to go to it.  The breaker is in the corner of the girls bedroom, and its a bit of a pain to get to it.

    After a couple minutes of fussing he found the right breaker, and he came back in.  "Do you smell something funny?"  Rob asked.  I made some half-baked joke and fell asleep.

    This morning Rob dismantled the switch to see what was going on.

    It was MELTED.  The inside of it in a inch wide diameter MELTED. 

    It wasn't demons turning the lights on.  It was angels.  We do not currently have a smoke detector in our bedroom.  And we were sleeping so hard last night I can't begin to think of what would have happened if it hadn't shorted itself on.   God was definitely watching over.   And now I need to go get a new light switch as the old one is definitely toast. 

  • mermaid

    Good morning.  Its quite nice outside, and I think its calling at me to go to the beach.  We shall see if it happens.

    I spent yesterday recovering from yesterday, and babying a bit of a sore jaw.  I'm fighting some kind of mouth infection.  Not sure if I'm winning yet or not.  LOL

    Jeremiah is celebrating his birthday tomorrow.  The "baby" will be 4.  It seems weird to know one more year and no more preschoolers.  As much work as they were so close together I did love them at that age.

    He's telling anybody who will listen.  I'm turning 4, then 5, then 10.

    Yeah we'll just skip 6,7,8, and 9 apparently. 

    He's getting more "roads" for his birthday.  He LOVES train tracks.  But they disappear eventually around here, so I picked him up a nice set to play with.

    When asked where he wanted to go or do on his birthday he informed me.  "I want to do something that isn't a lot of driving."

    I think he's done being drug around.  LOL  So we will eat at our local restaurant on the way home from church, and walk on the beach beside it.  ITs a nice beach with lots of agates, one we used to go to as kids. 

    So its looking like a beach weekend I think.  Which will be good because every weekend from now until Christmas is truely booked.  Sometimes double booked.  Its gonna be a intresting ride.  LOL

  • Funky_Winkerbean

    Yeah so Rainee loves scissors.  Loves scissors.  She spends hours a day cutting paper.  She makes rather ingenius things with them, and leaves little bits of paper all over the living room.

    Rainee lives for cutting things up into little pieces.  If we were to actually "loose" the scissors her life would end.  She would melt into this huge puddle of goo, and never recover.  I swear.  But regardless Rob and I shared a very long laugh at the above cartoon.

    Jeremiah's happy...he found his smile in the peanut butter--honest that's what he told me.



  • Hmm its been a week since I blogged.  Its been an uneventful week for the most part.

    This week is an Olympia week, so got that to plan for.

    Last week I finished my shades of green rug.  It turned out very well, and I delivered it to the lady who is collecting stuff for the silent auction.  I laid it down on the floor and took pictures of it first.   Its huge.  About 7 feet long, by five feet wide.  And made from 100% recyled material.


    Today I made a "tough"  decision and pulled my shades of red one that was about 5 foot long and five feet wide out.  I attempted to make a rectangular one, and just didn't like it much.   I have only gone three rounds on it, and am already so glad I pulled it out.  Its beautiful colors, and needs to be show cased rather then piecemealed.

    My mom's birthday was this weekend so we headed to her house on Saturday to spend the afternoon.  It was low key and uneventful.  A good thing.  LOL

    I moved over and above the anger with my dad with a lot of help from my Father  God.   I felt so much better after I blogged and then prayed.  Just so much better.  I actually sat in his car and visited with him for about 20 minutes Wednesday night and didn't come out of it wanting to strangle him.  LOL

    On notes to make you smile...I took these on Saturday of KK.




    We had fun taking them.  I wish I'd been closer on the first one, cause it would be my favorite.  And I wish her feet were showing in the third one cause then *it* would have been my favorite.  LOL 

    As it is I love number 2, and can't wait to "play" with it with psp. 




  • 100_4429

    This is for Karla. 

    Shakes head at my husband.  He is absolutely in love with that little muppet.   Cookie has wrapped his finger around Rob.  Rob has declared that when Cookie gets old and dies...hopefully not for a very long time he will be replaced by another peek-a-pom.  Cause he's "just so cute."  End quote.

    He is actually, and spoiled!  He gets carried more then he walks.  And yesterday evening he tried to jump up on Rob's lap, and he's not much of a jumper yet.  So Rob had his legs crossed, and instead he just walked up them and made himself home on his lap--thus the picture. 

    He even gets to lay on our bed with us while we watch tv.  But he doesn't get to stay there at night, as he's too playful, he likes to attack hands and feet in the night--and that's a no go.  LOL

    In regards to my dad thanks for the prayers.  After venting about it, I went in the bedroom and prayed, and just placed all of the crap back in God's hands and felt instantly much, much better.

    Its kind of funny cause my dad called tonight, and was actually pretty sweet.  And is offering us one of his extra battery chargers so we have a rescue the next time his car dies.  He'll meet me at Awana while the kids are in the gym, so they don't have to know I see him.  I'll go meet him in the parking lot and get it.  Shakes head.

    I've hit angry before.  I'll hit it again.   I think its impossible not to in this situation.

    Tonight we were invited to participate in a lighted christmas parade with our batons.  I think that will be a lot of fun!  We don't have lighted batons, and there rather $$, so I think as a team we will duct-tape light sticks to the end of the batons and go that route.  It will be cold, but it should be fun

  • dark day===rant ahead.

    Woosh da!

    It was a long day.  I took Rob to work and dropped him off at 11:45 and headed into grocery shop.

    We didn't end up getting home until almost 6 pm.  It was pitch dark when we made it.

    Just long.

    I was so tired that when we stopped at McD's to eat around 4:30 I was close to tears, and I still had to go get hay for the ponies. 

    Everybody is fed. 

    Although I was laughing at the feed store.  I had dog food, pony food, and crickets.  We seemed to need something for everyone.  And that's only *some* of the menagerie.

    We could start counting the turtle, the beta fish, the cats.

    Its a zoo!

    Anyhow I believe I have each of my childrens main birthday pressy.  And I know what I'm getting my Pocatello nieces that we are spending Christmas with this year.  I just have to find it.  I got inspired at the Dollar Tree and found these two adorable aprons that say baker's helper on them.  I'm hoping to pick them up some kids-size "real" baking stuff.  A rolling pin, some little pie pans, or bread loafs or something.  They are two and three, and should enjoy "helping" there mom.  I know my kids always have.

    I also shockingly enough have most of the stocking stuffers done.  Next pay day I will pick up the girls make-up.  It should be at Walmart by then.  I always pick up a this big package of kid friendly make-up that comes in a single pack and divide it between the girls stockings.  Its a major hit every year, and a must.  LOL  Its mostly glitter/lip gloss and lighter finger polish, so nothing too wild.

    I also have all of the kids Christmas outfits, though I'm short a pair of pants for Jamari.  These are the clothes they wear the sunday closest to Christmas.  I still have to get them a outfit a piece for Christmas.  I haven't done it yet, as I still have two more paydays to decide *what* I'm getting.  LOL

    I had a not-so-enjoyable visit from my dad yesterday.  He showed up unannounced and uninvited.  It was already a crappy day due to our car battery being dead, due to lights being left on all night.  So we got dressed up for church and couldn't go.  *growl*  So the sun came out and I decided we all needed to get out in it, so we did, I walked down to river and slipped on the recently flooded and extremely muddy trail.  I was limping, muddy, and hurting, and he pulls into our pull out and honks the car expecting me to come.

    I hate people who honk.

    He does this because he's not supposed to be *near* my kids.  So in his mind...this is honoring his restraints.  He comes bearing gifts for the kids, lots of fruit.

    But doesn't see that as a violation of the no-contact order as he gives it to me, and doesn't talk to them. 

    I saw it as a violation.  And it made me angry as it hurts my kids so badly when he comes, but they aren't supposed to talk to him, or even go up to the fence and wave.  It just stirs up things that we are all trying to ignore.  So Kaylin and I both cried after he left.  Me from anger, her from hurt.  *sigh*  I just was so livid about it all. 

    Its funny...its taken me a year to get angry at him.  But I finally hit that stage.  I guess its harder to like him when my only contact is phone, and he has HORRID telephone habits.

    I do know that I'm greatful that I finally just told him we would not answer the phone in the evenings on weekends.  Its better then letting it ring and pretending like we're not home when we see its him.  He has impeccable timing.  And always calls about fifteen minutes after we get the kids in bed, and we're justing laying down in bed for a nice cuddle.  Its like we secrete a hormone.  LOL  So he knows that we only get three nights a week together, and we are going to guard them.  Period.

    So that's good.  I just feel frustrated about the no-contact order, and relieved by it at the same time.  And feel guilty for feeling relieved.  How's that for a quandry of emotions?????

    Oh and if I have to hear from him that he's broke once more...I might be hauled in for murder.  I just might be.  I know how much money he spends on frivolous.  

    Lets discuss $45 in gas to come out and stand in my driveway for five minutes yesterday.  Yeah I'm so sorry your broke.  Try your wife whose holding two jobs who hasn't seen a penny of child support from you in 9 months.  Lets talk about....deadbeat dads and the thing you swore you'd never be.


    Lets do.

    Or not.

    On another side note.  My dad is going decidely gray.  That was weird to note.  I just want to wave a wand and fix things.  And nothings fixable.

  • Good morning

    Its raining.

    Its November.

    Its what November typically does best.

    We got a LOT of rain in the last three days.  The rivers are very swollen, but so far their staying essentially where they belong and haven't creeped up onto my doorstep.

    Jeremiah LOVES floods.  He loves looking at ditches, and swollen rivers, and discussing floods.  He keeps talking and talking and talking about them.  Over and over.  I asked him if they were scarey, but he informs me they are cool.

    The kids are continuing to learn baton and do well.  The coach has suggested they go to regionals to compete this year...which is in California in June.  It just may be our vacation isn't in Idaho this coming year.  That would *not* hurt my feelings.  LOL  I'm not sure where in California, that is still to be determined.  Rob grew up in Cali, and has several very favorite camping spots he has been wanting to take the kids to since before we got married, so I'm thinking it just *might* happen.  The deal with the kids is they have to practice and earn it.  I don't care about them being the best, I do care about them being dedicated.  So far that is mostly happening, so we shall see.

    We are really liking the coach now that we're going to Olympia.  I think she was just tired by the time she saw us.  Which rather makes sense as she drives up here, and then coaches for over 8 hours straight without a break.  On Thursdays she's just so relaxed.  The kids get four hours with her, and its well worth it.

    We are leaving the 18th of December for Christmas at the 'ils.  So I have quite a bit less time to get Christmas ready.  So last night I spent quite a bit of time making this to be put into a poster as a thanks for the kids coach.


    I was quite happy with the end result.  If anybody has any suggestions as to how to improve it please tell me, its very easy to edit at this point. 


  • name game

    It was a long boring drive into Port Angeles and back to do an errand for a co-worker.   We had to pick up pellets for her pellet stove.  She is a widower, and these pellets are HEAVY!  Since we bought our trailer its a relatively easy job for us to do.  And this time she even gave us a wee bit of gas money which always helps.

    Any how on the way home after being stuck in the car for about four hours together we were getting a bit loopy.  We were playing question games, math games, school games to keep us alert and NOT squabbling.  This after the boys had a food fight.  They learned also why that will not be happening as that resulted in them spending an hour when they got home cleaning ALL of the car, not just the food they through.

    Any how I asked the kids if they could remember the name of the newly elected president.  They could, but several of them couldn't remember how to pronounce his first name. 

    Samuel kept trying to say oarack.   And there were several other miss-pronounces.

    So I thought I would help and Said Buh-rack.  You know like a chicken.  Buhr--------ack.  Buhr----ack.

    What proceeded was five minutes of six children clucking our future presidents name out like laying hens.

    I'm thinking they will NEVER forget his name again.

    And I might regret that way of helping them remember it.

    Never mind the whole respect issues that just went woosh out the door.

  • big mistake

    I made a big big big mistake.

    I should not have gone into my girls bedroom to look for Kaylin's leotard.

    Because at this point if there room doesn't look considerably better there will be NO Awana this week.  Something that actually serves me well as I have to go to Olympia on Thursday and would prefer doing it with a good nights sleep.

    They don't really think I mean it.

    But oh man I do.

    I could NOT walk.  I had to shuffle six inches of CRAP.

    In amongst that crap half of my silverware, one mostly eaten bowl of ramen.  Many Many pieces of garbage and at least one puppy poop that someone had STEPPED on.

    Okay we *are* puppy trainning.  But lets not just you know ignore the poop or anything.

    And when I pointed it out...

    they all looked at me, and no one volunteered to clean it until I pointed at a child and said go clean it up.






    in there!!!!