Month: October 2008

  • We have new tires on our excursion.  *that* wasn't cheap.  Fortunately Rob has been saving for them, so it wasn't a terrible shock to our system...but man I can think of at least one other place for those to go.

    I'm really struggling with coming up with the money for baton and for Christmas.

    The lessons I can do.  But the other things like shoes etc is just urking me at the moment.  This too shall pass I know. 

    I have little pieces of paper all over my living room cause I never made the kids clean up there craft projects yesterday.  They aren't going to be impressed when after breakfast that's my first priority. 

    Rob is doing several overtimes to help make up some of the deffecit in this house.  I worry about him for that, but am not really sure what we can about it, except stop baton.  But we both agree at this point that's not an option.

    The Bible says "Do not worry about tomorrow,

                            Be anxious for nothing."

    So today my goal is to focus on that, and obey God's command that he *is* the blessed controller of all things. 

  • busy busy busy busy busy

    Its been an insanely busy week.  Tuesday was our Clallam Bay baton team.  Wednesday was Awana.  Thursday was our drive to Olympia to practice with coach Judy in her gym.  Her gym is so much organized and we were able to spend such better quality time there, that this will become a twice a month event.   She's got mirrors for the kids to participate in, she's much better rested so able to bring her A game.  And when we sat down and crunched numbers it will cost us exactly $50 more a month then it was when we were driving to P.A. twice a week.  LOL 

    The drive is a rather easy one as the back side of the Peninsula' highways are very straight, and most of it is 60 mph. 

    It was a gorgeous drive too, as we got to watch the sunrise over the Olympics, and set over the ocean going each direction.

    So here's the sunrise.


    The moon-set. 


    And then the sunset.


    The next day I left the kids with Rob and grocery shopped.  It was a gorgeous drive into Port Angeles, and I stopped and took pictures of some of the showy fall leaves.




    After grocery shopping I came home we had our date night, and half way through date night my back started spasming.  And it just got worse.

    I spent last night in PAIN.  Haven't felt it like that in months.  Hadn't missed it either.  Still don't really know what triggered it.  I finally got it to let up about 2 this afternoon.  Its still lingering, but I can at least breathe, walk, function without crying.  Needless to say my children barely saw me until about 4 this afternoon. 

    I stared blankly on the recliner chair, and then decided maybe a little walk would help, so we loaded up and went for a walk that had been recommended to us, but we'd never tried.  It was a perfect destination.  Along the HOko river.  We will definitely go back, it can be walked for miles, but we just did about a 1/2 mile.

    And took our traditional fall shot.


    Or rather shots.  Cause its virtually impossible to get one with everybody looking/smiling at the camera all at once.  LOL

    But I believe this one will grace our calendar this year.


    And so we're at tonight.  My back is still iffy.

    I know if I can get a good nights sleep it will be much better.  The trick is keeping it from spasming between now and bed.  Which means be very aware of the twinges.  If I move the second it twinges I can avoid full-out extreme nauseating pain.  We shall see how it goes.


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    It was a lazy weekend for the most part.  The visit of my moms went well, and they loved my soup.    I think they both said that about 30x ROFL.  We didn't go to the beach with them as it was raining, but we did walk to the river briefly.  And I didn't take any pictures, was just enjoying the visit. 

    Friday we had a date night.  We went to our local "fast food" restaurant.   Which isn't super fast, and has decent food.  And afterwards took a short drive along the coast, and a short walk.  It was rather brisk outside after all.  The above picture was where we walked.  Isn't it peaceful.


    Saturday was one of our two a month baton days, so that was mostly blown away.  And Sunday was GORGEOUS.  So after church and after lunch we drove a mile away and went to the beach.  We had a good giggle when our next door neighbors showed up there above 20 minutes after we did.  Apparently great minds think alike. 

    Rainee was lookin' specially cute in her double pony's so I had to snag a picture.  She even let me put ribbons in them.    The days of that are growing short...I know. 


    Yeah it was sunny, but it was also quite cold as we had our first heavy frost that morning.  So we were bundled up and just watched the waves.  While KK collected driftwood, and I collected agates.  I managed to find quite a few, and one really big one. 


    This was *supposed* to be a group shot.  Look carefully behind KK and you'll see Samuels elbow. 

  • I'm alive

    Nothing much happening.  Just going, being doing.

    My monthly enemy came this week so my inspiration for blogging went away.  LOL

    My mom and aunt are coming over today, so the house is shockingly clean.  You can even see the floor in my kids bedrooms...that actually having been the case since Monday.  Its shocking!

    Zeria was heard making the observation...I can Heelie in here. 

    "You know if you cleaned it every day that wouldn't  be so shocking."  I quipped back.

    I'm realistic it will never happen.  ROFL


    Last night Jeremiah was playing nerf football with me at Awana.  He would throw it I would catch it, I would throw it back.  The first time I threw it back it landed right where he could catch it...and he just didn't have the coordination to catch it.  "You missed mom."  He said giggling.

    "Umm, no, you MISSED."  I responded back.  He never did get that.  He was convinced if he didn't catch it it was my fault.  HMMMMMM


    My psp board is finally off summer break, and I've been playing there again.  They gave us new tubes yesterday and late last night I made this with it.

    joyfully   The tube is the little girl, the baton and everything else is mine.  I did a lot of blending with several different textures.

    If anybody's intrested in the board let me know and I'll find the link.  Its great they provide tutorials for varying things, tubes to play with, and there's always somebody willing to help you out of a corner when you get STUCK.


    I am donating one of my rugs to the Awana Christmas program at their request.  They fell in love with it and wanted to know if I could.  So the shades of green one that I'm currently working on will be it.  Its turning out quite nicely.  I got discouraged on one set of sheets that I was using, because it wasn't my favorite green.  But when I got done with that and added another shade of green it just blended in and looked awesome.  I'll have to take pictures when I'm done.

    Did I ever share my living room one?  I can't remember somehow I don't think I did.  I should share it too...when I remember to take a picture of it.


    I have chicken tortilla soup in the crockpot, and bread rising on the stove for dinner, and now we just need our company.

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    My afternoon project for today.  I tweaked it on and off all day, and had three copies I liked, but this is the one I ended up falling in love with.

    I took the beach scene last night, the bird scene about three weeks ago, and the leaves a week ago, I blended and added them to make a new scene and rather liked the results.  I think it will make a lovely card.    

    We headed to the beach this morning.  I didn't take a ton of pictures as I was having way way too much fun watching three gray whales show off for us!  The most we've seen since we moved here.  We watched them for over an hour.  And no I didn't even attempt to take a picture.  Its just not feasible.  They only come up for maybe three seconds at a time, blow there air, and go back down.  It sure was fun to watch them though.

    Rob is preaching tomorrow, and is quietly studying.  I think we have the kids finally in bed, and its a quiet night. 

  • Winter has begun.  And it must be time to build that Ark

    .winnie_25   Or borrow Pooh's umbrella which looks infinitely more fun!

    Yesterday Rob headed to run to work in a drizzle.  Before he got there he ran in a MAJOR downpour with hail added to the mix.  He was less then impressed.

    Today we're headed to grocery shop.  *boring*  But Jeremiah's excited.  LOL 

    You haven't lived until you've heard your son race down the hill in his big wheel and declare WICKED at the end of the race.  Said son being 3.  I'm still snickering about it.  And kinda curious why he was attracted to that word.

    And then there was the conversation at dinner Wednesday night where the kids were discussing the ages of people.  And I gasped and announced I was 300 years old.  The big kids of course immediately rolled there eyes at me, and continued on.

    Jeremiah however gasped in return and says.  "Dad's larger."

    Rob and I looked at each other and started laughing.  Rob observed.  A man went to a store and bought a suit.  He went to another store and bought two more suits.  How many suits did the man buy?  The answer?  Six cats of course.

    It makes just about as much sense as conversing with a three year old ya know. 

    Kids are goofy.

  • the green trunk, and the closet

    Okay so I have a couple catch-all's in my bedroom. And its been quite awhile since I've seen the bottom of them.  I admit.

    But does that mean Rob had to walk into the bedroom and say.  "Oh where'd we get the green trunk from?"

    I've had it since I was 21.  *snicker*

    It might be an indicator that umm...its been awhile.

    Needless to say its quite nice to be able to WALK into my walk in closet.  And admire the top of the green trunk.  And amazingly things are where they belong, not just dumped somewhere else. 

    Course that wouldn't have been possible if Rob hadn't built me another book shelf.  The kids have progressed to Juvenile books, and I just had no place for them.  You know the young adult books.  I'd collected quite a few over the years...long before they could read them, cause I love kids books.  And I've collected more trying to find what there intrested in.  And they've been stock-pilling all over my bedroom.  But now I have a lovely new book shelf with *gasp* two completely empty shelves on it still.  *cheers*

    And I have empty spaces in my old book shelf too.  Its soooooooo nice.

    Karla we put the new book shelf in the place of the double doors that led to the girls bedroom.  We are going to dry-wall there side of it and give them some more wall-space.  It looks so much nicer then the stupid double doors that never stayed closed, and the girls never used. 

    But now I think I need a shower.  man that stuff was dusty!!

  • let the healing begin...

    It turned into a nice day--though not weather wise LOL

    The kids and I loaded up and headed into town to visit my mom.  It was a mostly okay visit.  As okay as they go these days.  We hadn't been there in quite awhile and stayed about 2.5 hours.  While their Kaylin got to show off her mom's insanity.


    Otherwise known as Cookie.  She's a pek/pom cross.  And already potty-trained.  She hasn't had a single accident today!  Which is more then I can say for Rainee's dog.  LOL

    He's affectionate, playful, and looks a little bit like that walking foot stool on Beauty and the Beast.  *snicker*  He doesn't jump out of 6 foot high windows, and I haven't had to chase him once.  I think we're in love!

    I tracked my baton order down, and their supposedly coming.  The question is will they make it for practice tomorrow?  And if they don't then what???

    I guess I punt.  ROFL 

    We got the little male puppy so he can be the stud for the two females we have.  Zeria's dog payed for Christmas last year LOL, so its a nice little side business, never mind that it gives my kids something to love.  And yeah I suppose I'm crazy for bringing us back to 6 dogs.  But you already knew that didn't you!!!!

  • crappy week continues

    Yeah so I decided I was going to sleep in due to extreme exhaustion.

    And I got a call saying they'd changed there mind and decided that they were going to keep the dog.

    Unfortunately last night the kids heard me talking, and were rather expecting to go pick it up.  I haven't told them yet, as I rather hoping to find a miracle. 

    Its going to be a good day.

  • The week is over and it is NOT one I will miss.  I have ZERO nostalgia for it.  LOL

    Jeremiah is finally NOT throw-uppy.  So that's a plus.

    But last night the girls crawled in bed to go to sleep and found Kaylin's and my's dog dead.  There was no sign of a wound, so I have no guesses as to what happened.  She was only a little over 3, and showed ZERO signs of illness.  The other dogs have showed no signs of illness.  She was a purebred, so maybe she had a heart-attack.  I'm sure as heck NOT willing to pay for an autopsy or any such thing to find out.

    So last night and today was spent comforting the girls.

    They all ended up sleeping in my bedroom as I wanted all there bedding washing on general principles before they went back in.  Jeremiah was in there too, babying the last of being sick.  And yeah it was a long night.

    And you'd think I'd be willing to sleep tonight.  But here I am at 12:50 with insomnia!!!

    So the inevitable discussion about another dog came up.  Rob and I absolutely 100% did NOT want another puppy.  NOT.  I mean really really NOT!!  

    We have a Great Dane puppy that is going to be full-maintenance for quite awhile, and Baby Jeremiah and Rainee's dog who is only 9 months old, and still not fully housebroken.  90%, but not totally.  Puppy sounded like a nightmare.

    I spent a long time looking online, and looking, and thinking.  And tonight I called an add that I *almost* missed and found a 1 1/2 year old chihuahua male whose been raised with kids.  The woman is going back to work full-time, and wants it in a house that its loved.  It is a little bit of money, but no where near what I payed for Kaylin's original dog.  And more then likely he will come home with us tomorrow.

    I believe very much that it was God's gracious answer to prayer.

    I was raised that pets were not sacred.  You loved them.  You cried when they died, and you replaced them as quickly as possible.  I believe for (me) it was a good policy.  And one we've attempted to continue.  So Lord willing we will go pick up our second new dog in a month.  He's fully housebroke, leash trained, and loves kids.  I somehow doubt that we will change our mind.  Unless of course someone else can get there before us.  But she sounded like she would hold him for us.  Sympathy for a daughter who lost her pet helped.  And amazingly she liked our philosophy about pets.  She was actually a lot of fun to visit with.  So here's hoping it all goes well.