Month: July 2008

  • Important life lessons. *snort*

    I have some very important life lessons to share today.


    Lesson One;  If you see something on the far left side of your computer chair on the floor.  Get up and get it.  Do not lean over and try to reach it.  Your chair will tip you will grab your desk trying to prevent you from falling.  Get stuck half way up and half way down.  And have all of your family torn between laughing and rescuing you.  It does not save time and energy.  Get up out of the chair and pick it up.


    Lesson Two;  When your three your old son comes out of the bedroom with his shirt off don't ask him why.  He'll tell you.  "I took my shirt off so I could play with my belly button.  Its very hard not to respond to that with extreme laughter.

    Lesson Three;  When your son comes out covered in spit.  Don't ask why.  Just clean it up.  IF you get the answer...well its just too much.  "We were playing fire breathing dragons."  The spit was red (they sucked on a otter pop before spitting).  I was torn between horrified and amused.  I'm still not sure which one I should be.

    Lesson Four;  Huh.  I guess there's just three.  Enjoy some laughter at my expense.

  • stressed...and tired

     I know, I know I haven't been blogging.

    And no Karla its not cause anything's wrong.  Its just cause life is floating along.

    I've also been spending quite a lot of time figuring out the twirling stuff.

    Today I coached the Port Angeles team.  It wasn't quite as successful as last week.  Last week most of the moms didn't stay.  And things just flowed quite nicely.  "This week most of the moms stayed...and they all had things to offer, and better ways of doing things.  And kept interupting me to inform me how to do it "right". 

    It got old fast.

    About the fourth mom who told me how to do it "right" I finally said.  "There needs to be only one coach."

    I had made a announcement to that effect last week, but forgot to this week, and after talking to two of the moms afterwards realized that mostly the kids had heard it the first week. 

    It never occured to me to make it a second time.

    I will be next week.  LOL

    The women who are left on the team are very....strong personalities.  And its going to be intresting to see if it works. 

  • Braided Ribbon Tutorial

    This is my second tutorial.  This one is much harder then the lady bug.  If there are any questions or anything that is unclear please leave a comment or email me at 

    This is what we're making.

    This tutorial requires no plug-ins, but does require a working knowledge of psp.

    braided ribbon 

    But obviously it is NOT where we're starting from.  LOL

    braid blue

    This is where we're starting from. 

    Open a new image.  I opened mine at 12 inches high, and 2 inches wide.

    Right click on the above blue loops and save.  You can use it as your template.

    Trust me it will save you hours to just copy it.  If for some reason you can't get it saved, email me, and I'll send it to you.  Its not exactly a huge file.

    Okay now copy and paste the blue ribbon onto your new image.

    Then open your pen.  Set width at 6.  Click on the very top point of the left curve.   Set the second click over the top of the right curve.  Hold onto the mouse and move until the curve looks exactly like the blue one.  See the below example.

    braid gray1

    If your vector goes over the top of the left thats fine.  We'll be doing some deleting in a bit.

    Okay if you have that convert the vector to a rastor layer.

    Go to Effects; Drop Shadow; Vertical 1, Horizontal 1, Opacity 73, Blur; 5 Color Black.  Hit ok.


    Now right click on this raster layer and hit duplicate.  Take your move tool and move it slightly to the right Repeat this a second time.  It should look approximately like this.

    braid gray2

    Right click on the top copied layer, and hit merge down.  Do this twice.  So that all three gray circles are merged together.  Then right click and hit duplicate again.  Take the three merged layers and move over to the right again.  So that it looks like this.  Merge down so that all the gray is merged together.

    braid gray3

    The next step is the only "tricky" part.  On the gray raster layer lower the opacity to about 40%

    Take your free hand selection tool and click on the top left point of the blue (which  you can see under the gray)  follow this line straight across until your on the other side of the gray.  Click once.  Bring the mouse straight up to the top of the gray.  Click.  And then bring it back over to where you started and click a third time.  This will reconnect the marching ants.

    On your keyboard click delete.  Your beginning ribbon looks like this now.

    braid gray4

    If for some reason you left a little gray smudge like I did on mine.  Feel free to erase that.   Go to selections, and click none.

    No take your selection tool down to the bottom right corner of the gray ribbon where it hangs over the blue, and click around that and delete it too.

    If you click a little bit "too" much off that's okay.  It will be covered up in the next step. 

    Now restore your gray raster layer to 100%  And what you have should look like this.


    braid gray5

    Now go back to your pen tool.  And click on the top right corner of the blue line.  And the bottom right corner of the blue line.  Hold the mouse down and move it until it matches the blue line curve as closely as possible.

    It should look like this. 

    braid gray6

    Convert to raster layer.  And go to effects, drop shadow, Repeat the same as you did the first time. 

    Now we're going to do exactly like we did on the other side.  Duplicate the line.  Only this time move it to the left. Duplicate a second time.  Move it to the left.  Merge these three lines together. 

    Duplicate move to the left and you'll have covered the second blue line.

    braid gray7

    Merge all of the left lines together.  And change the opacity on the gray layer to 50%

    Take your selection tool on freehand and click on the right hand corner above the gray.  Bring it down and to the left until you reach the other side of the braid.   Bring it back up to the top, and reconnect to the other side.  Hit delete on the keyboard.  It should look like this.

    braid gray8

    Now as you can see the bottom gray is hanging over.  Take the selection tool and cut that off straight with the blue under template as well. 

    Return opacity to 100%

    Now delete the blue template.

    The hard part is done.  *cheers*

    Now go to effects drop shadow, and drop shadow both layers.  Then merge together visible.

    Take your move tool and move your wee little fellow to the very top of your layers.  Right click on the layer and click duplicate.

    Lower the second layer down until it fits like this.


    Merge together.  Click Duplicate.  Lower the duplicate layer and you have a braid of four.

    Merge Visible.  Click Duplicate.  Repeat until your braid is as long as you want it.

    Sometimes the braid will want to go crooked as your duplicating.  Watch the checked boxes behind it to keep it straight.  Or use your straighten tool when your all done.

    To change the color of the braid when its all done.  Click select all, float, defloat.  Add a second layer.  Flood fill with your color of choice, and play with blend layers.

    If you want you can also use Greg Factory's output pool shadow effect.  This is a plug-in that you can find through google. 

    Have fun.  The skies the limit. 



  • sparkly


    It was a bright and sparkly afternoon.  Rob woke up early from his day time sleep just as I was getting ready to take the kids to the beach.  We loaded up a few minutes later and just drove a mile and a half away and played at the "bridge" beach.  The Clallam Bay park's beach.  It was the perfect temperature.  A wee bit of wind, but the rocks nice and hot to lay on.

    My kids were content to dig in the rocks, and soak up the rays so much that Rob and I wandered a bit a way and laid down and just totally relaxed.  I laid my head on his stomache and just enjoyed the sound of the waves and the bell in the buoy ringing.  Just absolutely perfect. ]


    Eventually our children remembered we existed and we rejoined them. 

    Kaylin and I took a nice long walk and picked up agates.  And Jamari and Rainee took a good long while burying my feet much to there amusement.

    It was soooooooooooo nice. 


  • baton

    It was my first day of being  a baton coach. It went very well.  Apparently even better then I thought.


    The ladies were so impressed that they are considering offering to pay my gas to teach...and possibly for my time as well.

    I almost died when I heard that.

    But if they can come up with the gas I'd be willing to consider it.  Shoot even if they can't I'd be willing to do it ONE day a week.  I think I'm a sucker.  LOL

    We shall see how things go.

    Tomorrow I have to go...


    For the first time in quite awhile I have nowhere to go on a Wednesday.  Its all rather shocking.  But I think I could get used to it.  Its supposed to be very nice, so I might drive down to the beach a mile a way and let the kids play in the salt-water.  But other then that no plans. 


    In the meantime I did the above scrap last night and thought it was rather cute. 


    You know I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has a special plan for Rainee's life.

    He's brought her through so much, and continues to do so. 

    Today just proved it to me once more.

    In a moment of dumbness, and actually a more typical Samuel moment then Rainee moment Rainee decided to play limbo with a glass lamp cord.  The glass lamp towered about eight feet above her, as she swung the cord and dipped and played with it.

    I had my back turned to her, but was in the same room.

    When suddenly the loud sound of glass shattering made both Zeria and I jump and turn around.  Rainee was crouching in a pile of glass screaming her head off.  The glass lamp fell down hit her on the head, and broke in a bazillion pieces.

    And you know what?  She didn't get a single cut.  NOT one.

    She has a good sized goose egg on her head, but no cuts, no blood.

    Just amazing.

    Of course three hours later Jeremiah managed to find a piece of glass and cut his toe open...I guess you can't have too many miracles in one day.

  • 100_3949

    These pictures were taken a week ago Saturday, but I finally got them off of my camera.  They were taken while waiting for the Fun Days Fireworks.  Several of the kids were twirrling as the sun set.  And I had a lot of fun experimenting. 





  • mornin


    It hasn't been a truely "hot" weekend.  Although it did warm up yesterday afternoon some.  Not like last weekend which was just so gorgeous. Yesterday was just a lazy day around the house.  Rob took Zeria and Jamari on there first trail/horse back ride.  He led Jamari's pony until they got off the high-way.  The ponys had an objection to the bridge they had to cross, but did well the rest of the time. 

    Today we have to head to PA to watch a video with the baton team.  If its nice we'll stop at the lake on the way home.  I sure hope it is.  Zeria still hasn't had her swim. 

    I haven't run away this week...and I'm starting to feel it.

  • I am a very very good and patient mom.

    I have very very very loud music on at my computer while my children use blocks as drums.

    Its very very very loud.

    And if I had a pair of ear-plugs like my husband I would be wearing them too. 

  • She's 11

    As much as it pains me to say.

    Miss Zeria is 11.

    Its...shocking somehow. 

    Her birthday was a bit hard.  We were so busy that "celebrating" it snuck up on us.  I had pressys and stuff, but she didn't really bug about it until Tuesday when she asked for a birthday party.  It was tooooooo hard to make one come out of thin out that quickly.  And as a result she was a bit sad today.

    I've promised her a party sometime this week...but she's never been one for delayed gratification.

    Add to that...that she has a very special birthday.  She shares it with my dad.

    Which means her birthday has always been very honored.  She always had ALL the extended family at it, and its just been a blast.

    My dad can't be anywhere near the kids for at least the next four months.  (we found that out last night...we thought it was a month or two.)  So there was a lot of sadness over just plain missing grandpa.

    Soooooo we always have a birthday outing.  And today was no exception.  Zeria LOVES to swim, so we got on our swimsuits packed a picnic lunch and headed to the "closest" lake about 35 minutes away from us.  IT was gorgeous and hot here, so we just went in our swim suits.

    About five miles from the lake the fog kicked in, and the wind.  And we could barely sit outside to eat our lunch.  IT was BRR freezing nasty cold.  Needless to say she cried.  I just let her.  I told her go ahead, it just plain sucks.  LOL

    This afternoon went mostly better, except as bedtime approached she finally admitted how much it was hurting that Grandpa wasn't here, and I hugged her and she was sobbing.  And then she mentioned she was also sad that J'dai hadn't called.  (her next oldest sister, my moms youngest).  I was actually quite frankly a bit frustrated that they hadn't called.  So I snuck into the bedroom and grabbed the phone and dialed up.  Got the answering machine, left a message asking them to call. Tried again two minutes later suspecting I'd gotten the voice mail, got Jdai and Jdai was more then willing to talk to Zeria.  I brought the phone out into the living room and that lightened Zeria's mood greatly.  My mom was out, so she didn't talk, but a few minutes later I checked the caller i.d and realized we'd missed 4 calls...2 of them being my moms.  *growl*

    Zeria got off the phone with Jdai and got weepy again.  I hugged her and suggested she come watch tv with Rob and I.  Everybody else was in bed.   She liked that idea, and we cuddled up to watch the first episode of season three of Voyager.   The phone rang.

    Shock of all shocks it was Zeria's oldest sister Christina.  Christina was my nanny for several years.  And *used* to be very very attatched to the kids.  Then she grew up...and its been a hard road for her, and some stuff has happened, and she hasn't been a very good big sister.  Its hurt Zeria a lot.  For her to remember Zeria's birthday was probably her best gift!    They talked for a little bit...and then we snuggled back into watch the movie.  And the phone rang again.  It was my brother Gabe calling to wish Zeria happy birthday.  So three out of her six siblings called her.  It made her very happy, and ended the day on a much lighter note.

    Tomorrow we are trying our old neighbor hood lake.  Lake Lael.  If its sunny.  I think we'll call our old neighbors before traversing there.  ROFL.  BEcause flop two of the birthday outing would ever so NOT be pretty.  If its not...I think its time to go to a pool.  As much as I hate the cholrene in them, my very big 11 year old needs one thing to go right on her birthday.

    Miss Judy a very dear friend at church saw Zeria shortly after the return from the Lake Drive and said Zeria had every right to cry.  LOL  And then reminded me of the song.  "Its my party I'll cry if I want to."  I guess some days just don't quite work out the way we expect them to.

    Anyhow on that note Here's my very big Zeria Louise. In her fancy schmancy hair doo that my sister Christina did while we were on vacation.  She is still wearing it, and it still looks quite good actually.     We should get at least 2 more weeks out of it, more if we'd remember to put her doo rag on at night.


    Happy Birthday Princess