Month: June 2007

  • Full Moon


    I crawled into bed last night without looking out the window--hey I was tired.  Rob says, wow look at the moon.  I put my glasses on, and climbed out of bed, went and got the tripod and began experimenting.  I learned so much last month with night pictures, that I wanted to see if I could improve.  I think I did.  But you tell me.  LOL  The very first picture I took as the moon peeks through the trees. 


    This picture was taken quite a bit later, but I love that you can see some of the shadows on the moon. 


    Just above the trees. 


    Up nice and full.  This one was taken on a accidental setting.  Seriously, I bumped the camera to something, and took it.  You can see the shadows on the moon so clearly, I was delighted!  Gotta use that setting again. 


    And then the moon decided it was done posing, and snuck behind the clouds.  But I actually thought that was rather cool too.

    Headed to the beach before it rains.

    See ya later. 



  • darn van

    So three weeks ago our van was taken to the shop for one thing.  It was the radiator, and the part was small which we were greatful for, but the work and towing ended up being $250 total.

    Last week the battery died on it, and we ended up fixing it, but it scared us.

    On Tuesday the white van died--and it was a bearing.  They fixed it and said we could come get it $125.  Rob drove it home, and the noise was just as bad as before.  I test drove it (its "my" car)  It was worse then before.   We turned around took it back to the shop, and apparently the bearings on both sides need to be fixed.  This shop is normally very realiable and always does a test drive.  I don't know how they could have possibly missed the sound.

    The good news is its the same bearing on the other side, and its only gonna be another $125.

    But ugh this is getting hard on the budget.

    Nevermind that the red van is WAY overdue for a tune-up, and is making its "own" funny sounds.

    Staying home is sounding better, and better.  Of course, it doesn't quite work that way. 

  • Refreshing

                                           sam and joel flying  

    This weeks photo blog challenge topic is Refreshing.  I immediately thought of this picture, and admit its my favorite contribution towards todays challenge.  It is to me everything refreshing.  Water, flying, and the safety of someone's arms.  I had to go look through a whole bunch of discs, as it's several years old.  But it's worth it. 



    This picture isn't exactly within the rules.  But every time I look at it up in my living room, I smile and am refreshed.  Reminded of so much.  So I added it as a free be. 



    Its amazing how much a good sunset just reminds you of everything that is right in the world. 


    And water.  Water always revitalizes me. 


    Such beauty, and a feeling of power all wrapped up in one.


    Oh I should add a clarification.  Rain in copious amounts in the middle of "summer"  That's not quite as refreshing in fact, its getting very old.  Once again its our weekend and its POURING.






  • raiiiiiiiinn

    Evie forgot.

    Its raining cats & dogs.

    We both agreed it would go better when the kids can run around outside.  Cause its just NASTY out there.

    So now I have a fabulously clean house to go into the weekend with.  Cool!  Houses are always cleaner when one is expecting company.  *snicker*

    I will be making Faith's fettucini for dinner, and just vedging. 

  • And it's raining.

    I was rather hoping to get the lawn finished, but apparently NOT.

    It looks like it's gonna be a rainy fourth this year.  Not like it's the first time that's ever happened. 

    But I'd like to point out calmly that I did not get my one nice sunny week in June, that is "usually" guaranteed. 

    So I think I shall stomp my feet and whine.


    My friend is coming over this afternoon for the evaluation, which of course means that my children are attempting to clean their bedrooms.  Its one of those UGH processes.  The good news is her kids are in a bigger family then ours.  (There is ten of them--only four will be coming over this afternoon).  They are used to sharing bedrooms, and won't be suprised to see three beds in the boys room, etc.  

    The last little girl that came over made a HUGE deal of that, thought that was sooooooo weird.   

    And from talking to Evie, she has similar issues with cleaning as we do.  *snicker*   And not just with her littles, but with her high boys.


    Oh, and who gave permission to Aunt Flo to arrive 10 days early?  This is the third time my period has arrived WAY before I was ready for it.  It used to be I had  a 31 day cycle.  Now apparently its a 21 day cycle.  i am NOT impressed. 

  •                     rainee

    Lana asked us to share a picture that makes us smile.  So here you go.   Maybe you can join?  If you do leave her a comment.     And me too. 

  • Good Morning

    Good morning.

    Yesterday was not quite as I expected.  Our white van started making funny noises about fifteen minutes from home.  So we had to drive all the way back home, and trade out vehicles.  Normally this wouldn't be possible, but Rob ran to work, so we could.  We then raced all the way in, to find out the lady had changed times, and forgot to tell us.

    Beats head on desk.   We got the girls measured for their batons, and watched the last fifteen minutes of class.  In some ways that was better, cause now the girls are VERY excited, and know what to expect.  While there I also found out that their is a Junior Twirlers club an hour before.  So, I'm going to let Rainee participate as well.  So now I have three batons twirling everywhere.  *snicker*

    My husband finally dug out my electric lawn mower for me, so we are wandering around getting the parts of the lawn the ponies haven't.  They don't do buttercups, stickers, and one really ugly weed I don't recognize.  Anywhere that is grass is mowed immaculately. 

    Zeria wants to learn to mow, and is out trying while I sit and rest.  Whatever she does is better then nothing.  LOL

    I will be running away to the library and for lunch in a few minutes.  But don't feel as desperate for it as some days.  Yesterday morning Rob took the kids down to the river by himself for almost two hours.  I LOVE having the house totally to myself for a bit.  I get so much accomplished, and I get to enjoy it, before it gets retrashed. 

  • Homeschool Report Card

    As I've mentioned before our h/s evaluation by an accredited teacher is being done on Thursday.  I wanted to have something organized for my piece of mind, so began write down what we've done.  I thought the homeschooling, and unschooling moms might like to see it.  It all looks rather impressive somehow.  Especially when I know I'm missing a lot of stuff. 


    2006-2007 School  Year


    Math;               Place Value to ten thousand

            ;               Counting nickels

                            Counting dimes

                            Counting quarters

                            Counting mixed change

                            Money awareness (too much not enough)

                            Skip counting by 2,3,4,5,6, and 10

                            Simple Addition and Subtraction

                            Double Digit Addition with carrying

                            Multiplication up to 6

                            Division up to 6

                            Time;  Can do 7:00, 8:00  still working on small hand

                            Measuring with varying objects, Rulers, and Measuring Tapes



    Reading;            Chapter books for Zeria.   First 3 books of Mystery of Droon, Nancy Drew, Princess book, Character studies book.  Several American Girl books

    Simple books for Samuel;  Goofy the Woodsman, Bugs Life, Dinosaur books a plenty.   Many Archie comic digest books, and the Discovery magazine.

    Can’t stop Kaylin reading.  Little House on the Prairie, Ivan, American Girl.        


    English;             Nouns



                            Rhyming Words, and spelling simple rhyming words.   i.e. lock, rock, sock.  see, me, be.  night, right, sight.


    Science;           Ocean Animal Identification

                            Tree Identification

                            Flower Identification

                            Experimenting with magnets, binoculars, and magnifying glasses

                            Animal Husbandary

                            Fossili Study including trip to John Day Fossil Beds, and Fossil hunting at                       beaches

    The study of water and where it goes.  Rain, Snow, Creeks, Rivers, and Oceans


    History;            George Washington

                            Abraham Lincoln

                            Revolutionary War 

                            Native American History; including visiting Makah museum

                            Followed Oregon Trail

                            Discussions of states and capitals


    Art;                  Entered Fair water color    

                            How to use hot glue gun, hammer, nails, screws, hatchet, and handsaw.

                            Building projects a plenty

                            Beginning Photography


    Music;              Participation in Missoula Childrens Theater Little Mermaid.  Zeria got a leading role.  Samuel was a Town Crier, and Kaylin a Seahorse.   Singing on tune, memorizing many lines.

  • The link to Math u see is here.  It is a hands on math program, that allows the kids to work with manipulatives before doing it on paper.  (that's the very short version.)   It also makes VERY sure you have mastered one thing before you move on to another.

    I've been using Moving with Math.  Which is also manipulative heavy.  But the prep time for it is intense.  And it hops and skips and jumps all over the place.  My kids don't handle the jumps well at all.   It also did a couple things backwares IMO.  I taught time and money without teaching skip counting first.  Which is just rather impossible for most kids.   So, I think we're gonna change.  Moving with Math is also quite a bit cheaper, plus its been used more, so I can find it on ebay.   All in all I think I'm gonna make the switch. 

    Today almost looks like it might be sunny.  It would be nice.  We have yet to have a week full of nice weather.  I'm all rather sick of it!!!!

    Today we will be heading into town for the girls first baton class.  I hope it goes well, and turns into a good thing for them.  If not we will move on and look for something else.   So much of my day will be taken up with driving back & forth.  (joy)


  • Math U See

    Can anybody tell me pros or cons for Math U See?