Month: May 2007

  • 100_1562

    So here's our swimming pool.  IT expands to underneath the bridge.  There's actually a nice little rapid to ride.  Not super fast, but enough for the kids to enjoy themselves.  And the log up against the bridge is what the kids were jumping off of in the last blog.  As I said definitely nice for laps, as its all at least 3 feet deep or more the whole length.  And most of it is a nice rocky bottom.

    Which of course means the kids like to swim across to under this alder tree to the only muddy spot, and do this.



    I'm very very slowly getting over my cold.  Its not a miraculous overnight improvement what I'd like.  I'm still wheezing, and sniffling, and coughing, but I did have a wee bit more energy so there's hope.  And the pink eye is almost gone.   Its very hard to concentrate with pink eye. 


  • I built up a wee bit of energy and planted morning glory's this morning.  It took me five minutes and I'm exhausted.     I am getting better I can feel subtle differences, but its slow going.

    The kids and I have been spending each afternoon at the river.  I've gotten wet twice, but haven't actually swam.  I might get that brave today.  Rob built a better trail to our favorite hole, and we went out there twice.  Its a good 3/4's of a mile from our house one way.  So we've been driving the red van and then walking the last bit.  Its a pain in the butt carrying Jeremiah that far, and his little legs just don't move that fast especially over rough ground.

    The hole we swam in last summer is currently a HUMONGOUS log jam.  So that's why the walk.  The only other hole deep enough for truely swimming is in the shade most of the day--and that's just BRR.  Besides this hole is FAR superior.  I can swim Olympic pool size laps with a bit of caution in a couple places--as there's low lying logs. 

    There's even a lovely sized log for jumping off.  The waters is about five feet under it.  NOt deep enough for diving, but deep enough to get a nice size splash for the bigger kids. 



    I will have to make more pictures that actually show the hole.  I'll do that this afternoon if I think about it.   So you can know where I'll be every sunny day between now and half way through September.

  • full moon

    I took 25 shots of the moon with my camera.  I played with the varying settings.  I learned a TON.  And will attempt this again but when I have my tripod.  Balancing my baby (camera) on books on the window sill is probably not the best way to go about time exposure tricks.  I'm thrilled with what I've learned.  I want to go down and take pictures of Sekiu at night again with the tricks I learned.

    Its still not what I wanted, but this is the best one of the bunch.


    I used the zoom, the night scene setting, and had it balanced on books.  Got to relocate my tripod.  ROFL


    My second favorite.  Its much darker around the moon, but you can still see how bright it is etc.

    Anyhow had to see what they looked like, and then I had to share.  Have a great day--as the majority of you will be reading this as you wake up. 



  • Good morning.

    I've added pink eye to the mix.  Thanks Jeremiah.   The good news is I know it only lasted 3 days for him and one for all of the other kids.  So it should go away soon.

    I think I've just picked up another cold.  The congestion I've maintained between times is probably allergys.  I'll ride this cold out, and if the major symptoms go away and the cough remains then I'll deal.

    We have had beautiful weather the last two days, and it looks like again today.

    Sooooo nice!

  • You know your sick and tired when you holler for your child to come get something only to remember she is cuddling in your lap.

  • fairy art

    jeremiah fae


    For fathers Day for my dad I have put all of my fairys into a 8x8 brag book made by Shutterfly.  My dad collects fairys.  Yes, my 200 lb redhaired, redbearded neandrathal of a father collects flower fairys.  Its all rather amusing somehow.   I realized I had NONE of Jeremiah, and not quite as many of Samuel, so I made these four yesterday.  They don't require brains, there rather mindless.  I hope he enjoys them all. 


    Thimble Berry




    Salmon Berry

    They are best viewed in there original size, but I hope you enjoy them.



  • Samuel turned 9 today.  I have twins in the house until July when Zeria turns 10. 

    We didn't do anything super spectacular.  Burning is his FAVORITE thing in the world to do--so we pushed our fire together and just puttered.  Grandma and Grandpa came out in the afternoon yesterday with my youngest sister, and the kids played hard with her.   I'll have to take a video of the game they have recently invented.  Its too hard to explain.  But let me tell you it gets them tired!

    At bedtime we let Samuel stay up and watch the first of the second Star Wars series.  If that makes sense at all.  He barely blinked the whole night.  It was a BLAST watching him watch it. 

    He loves anything to do with Star Wars.  When it came out in the theater we were uncomfy with him seeing it.  And it had been so long since I'd seen it I couldn't remember if I was making a mistake letting him watch it now.  As it was it was mild enough I think Zeria could have handled it too--Zeria doesn't cope with stress well.

    About 5 pm last night I began getting a scratchy throat and by bedtime I was in tears it hurt so bad.  800 ibuprofen AND Tylenol allergy finally allowed me to sleep.  The throat is gone today, but I have recieved my 550th cold since the end of February which has been very much attacking my lungs.  I can walk about 5 steps without puffing and wheezing.  *Growl*

    Probably I overdid it this weekend.

    The truely irritating thing is I have NEVER gotten rid of my mucussy cough since my first cold that I got in the end of February.  If a miracle doesn't happen by Wednesday I'm going to go to the doctor.  This is ridiculous.  I haven't been able to write on the boards in so long--as invariably I'm miserable the days that are somewhat free.





  • burning weekend

    Its been a truely marvelous weekend.  Our yard looks 500 bazillion times better.  Maybe even 600.   Its so nice to get that much work done, and to not have to look out of my computer window and see work.


    My kids were fabulous sports and worked there little hearts out.   They never complained, never grumped, just trudged on and on.  And kept asking "What do you want to do next?"  

    We as a result rewarded them and told Zeria and Kaylin we would pay them each $10 for the weekends work.  Jamari and Rainee $8.  Samuel was on a different deal as he did some special projects so he ended up doing $15.  He used his muscles and his hammer and did some major deconstruction for me.  MAJOR.  HE took apart a very well built set of steps (the ones we took down when we built the sunroom).  A old wooden couch, and a old gutting table.  (Gutting fish)   Two out of the three were relics from the previous owner.  They had to come down so we could burn them.  He LOVES to deconstruct.  ROFL.

    The money seems like a lot in some ways--but on Saturday they quite literally worked 6 hours with very little breaks.  And not because I forced them, but because they were good sports.   They don't get an allowance, we just offer them "extra" jobs when they want spending money, and the rest of them time there required to help out because well they eat here.    Rob and I just felt like they deserveda  bonus this weekend.  They were major troopers!  If you could have seen some of the things they helped me haul to the fire.  *proud mom*

    We didn't always work.  We kept having to let the fire burn down.  So we sit by the fire and watch it, or lay in he grass, or they'd run around.  But it was still a lot of work.


    Rainee spent an hour raking the driveway.  Getting all the little sticks that needed to go bye-bye.   She LOVES the rake. 

    Kaylin has become my little worker bee.  Everytime I begin another project within 30 seconds she's beside me asking to help--or just pitching in and helping where she can.  She loves mom time, and figures this is a good way to get it.  She's becoming quite effecient too. 

    Last night after they'd already put in a hard days at work I left everybody enjoying the fire and snuck into the house to make dinner.   Rainee came in a few minutes later and said "Mom can I help?"   She ended up unloading the dishwasher (with my help)  And doing multiple errands.  Because of her the weekends destruction zone in the kitchen was cleaned up in 12-15 minutes.  What troopers.


    Kaylin taking a rest in the buttercups.  She'd EARNED it!

    Zeria the first part of Saturday wasn't much into helping, and I didn't push it.  But about 11 she realized how much fun the other kids were having began to volunteer to work, and then announced "This is fun I like burning--except its hot."  I laughed at her and said.  "It makes everything look clean doesn't it."  And she agreed that's why it was fun, it was good to see our yard become pretty again.


    Zeria taking a goof-of break.  Or is that being goofy?

    Samuel has just gotten so strong.  We kept lifting these 8 foot long railroad ties.  They were HEAVY.  But he never once complained, instead beamed as he lifted his end up.  "I'm strong mom!"  He'd announce, and I would grin and agree.


    Jamari has been the "little" boy.  And has for the most part been required to not do too much.  Take care of his own stuff--and mostly just be a gopher for mom.  But in the last couple weeks he's taken this huge jump in maturity.   Now when dad wants something lifted he has two strong sons.  I'm constantly amazed what Jamari can suddenly carry, and do.  We have this big huge HEAVY gate across our driveway.  It has to be opened and shut each time we leave our property.  It has to be drug across the driveway as its hung wrong and sits on the ground.  Its a  awful job.  And he does it now with aplomb.  Kaylin can't even begin to open it--we know she's tried.  LOL   So this weekend when Samuel and I couldn't lift it--we'd call Jamari and his added strength was what we needed.

    Jamari has tended in the past to be a bit of a mamby pamby--so its fun to see him taking pride in his strength, and watch him mature.


    And yes even Jeremiah worked.  HE found sticks his size about once every five to fifteen minutes.  He'd bring them over to me.  "I throw in fire?"  "Yes, you can throw it in the fire."  He'd beam from ear to ear and chuck it--most of the time missing.  And then wander off to play on the swingset, push his bike around or climb trees.   Too cute.  Yes, this weekend he learned to climb trees.  He's 2 and a half.  TOO YOUNG.  That stump I put the video up.  Its ten feet off the ground.  As a result he wore himself up.  And after one of his moilky breaks on mommy he fell asleep.  Samuel brought me his blanky, and we layed him in the buttercups where he slept for over an hour.  So sweet.


    The video of him climbing doesn't do a great job of showing the height of the stump.  So I had to share this one;


    I can't explain the euphoria spending that much time in my yard burning and working gives to me.  I think the thing is.  YOu spend 5-10 minutes loading the fire and then you can sit and watch the mezmerizing fire burn it all away until the raging beast becomes managable, and then you add some more to the beast.  ITs amazing the power, and the beauty, and how much it cleans.

    And I can sit with my feet up and watch the mess disappear.


    What do ya think they dirty enough????


  • I am doing my favorite thing this weekend BURNING.  I love fire.  In another life I was a pyro.  When I came home from town last night Rob had a rip roaring four foot wide four foot tall fire going.  The legal limit.  Okay in all honesty it was probably five or six feet wide.  *blushes*  The danger tree my dad took down last fall had never had all of its limbs burned up.  They were just two wet last fall.  And the removal of our old deck had never been disgarded.  By the end of today it should be ALL gone.  You can not believe how big of a difference it makes!!!!  HUGE difference. 

    Our farther out yard has looked soooooooooo bad.  As a bonus I believe I'm going to get rid of one other pile that was driving me bonkers as well.  And my closer up yard is going to be sparkling clean.  *cheers* 

    The fire burned all night, and I was out at 6:30 this morning scraping it back together.  It was still quite warm and in minutes was blazing away--albeit not quite as big.  The close up wood has all been burned up now.  I gathered it all up after scraping the fire up.  So I'll be butt hauling from farther away today.  With the exception of 3 major railroad ties.  These suckers are right on the edge of my lifting skills--so Sam and Zeria will help me with them when their a bit more awake. 

    Rob is working until 2:00.  I would LOVE to suprise him with having it all cleaned up by then.  But whatever we get done he'll be thrilled by.


    I am looking for a boys magazine to add to Samuel's birthday pressies.  He LOVES magazines, comic books.  And anything that encourages him to study the written word is just fine with me.  I considered Ranger Rick, but would prefer some sort of Christian boys magazine if anyone knows something out their they can recommend.

