Month: June 2006

  • This weeks photo blog topic is guilty pleasure.  My guilty pleasure is the gas we spend on leisure.  If money disappears in anyone place its there.  And driving a 15 passenger van its a luxury, but oh...I love the ability to just leave whenever and explore the world around us.  To show my children how truely delightful nature is.

    I would live without ice cream, chocolate, and my precious Mt Dew just to get in the car and drive.   Its such fun to explore.  I constantly meet people who live around me who have never driven the 15 miles to see some world-class view and I'm just amazed that they can be content to sit.   I have to drive, to see, to investigate.   To love the land my God created.  I may have over-shared pictures today--but well I feel passionate about it. 


    Tongue Point, Washington



    Snake River Canyon


    Deer Park, Washington


    Shipwreck Point, Washington




    Jeremiah at Shipwreck Point


    Neah Bay, Washington

    Clallam Bay Community Park

    Embrace life just like my daughter does in this picture--and don't live with coulda-shoulda-wouldas.


  • The great child chase....

    Do you sense the recurring theme?

    We just had ten years shaved off our lives.  We were exhausted after getting back from chasing the pony, and lounging around the house.  I checked on the kiddos a couple times, Jer was asleep so I felt like I could "relax".

    I got dinner from the freezer all heads were accounted for, I headed inside got dinner in the oven.  (salsbury steak--aka hamburger with cream of mushroom sauce on it.)  and sat at the computer.

    Dinner was ready (about 15 minutes).  We rang the bell for the kids, and Rainee and Jamari failed to show.  They tend to be slow, so we rang it again.

    Still no show.  Rob heads for the llama field, I rang the bell some more.  Zeria headed one direction, Samuel another--no kids.  Rob came back from the llama field--no kids.  

    Panic ensues.   Samuel heads for the river, Zeria is sent to the house to keep an eye on Jeremiah.  I headed to the van to drive down the highway.  The highway is above our property and gives us a birds-eye view of it.  No Rainee & Jamari.  Teresa shows--the halter had been found on the pony.  She says she'll look the other direction on the highway. 

    And Rob found them.  They were exploring our neighbors lives in our llama field--he actually shares a field with us. 

    They are in sooooooooo much trouble.  Ya know its one of those moments where you hug them senseless, and then scream at them?  They are not allowed outside for a week without one of us.  They aren't allowed out of our sight without one of us. 

    I'm greatful their alive and okay, and I'm so angry. 

  • The great Pony chase

    This morning is brought to you by the great pony chase.

    Beats head on desk.

    I woke up to my kids calling out the window "Cricket, Cricket."   I ignored it as long as I could, but eventually I recognized that I must give into the fact that something was wrong.

    Rob informed me when I pulled my butt out of bed that Cricket was missing.  He already had the kids loaded in the van.

    We headed to the nearby store.  (the next house to us) and asked.  They said she'd last been seen down by the deserted hardware store.   We headed down there--no cricket.  We next headed to the espresso sstand, she hadn't seen her.  We stopped at the restaurant past that they also confirmed she hadn't gone that far.

    So we headed back towards town and began driving streets.  We were headed back towards the lady's house we bought her at to recruit help when we found her nonchalantly eating grass in the trailer park.

    None of the trailer park residents noticed...and some of them were out drinking coffee.  It must be a small town.

    But first problem.

    She wasn't wearing her halter that she'd had on....and her stake rope was GONE.  I told Rob to watch her, but not chase her I would go home for ropes.

    Rob is a city kid and has never chased horses.

    And he didn't listen.

    So when I got back neither he nor the pony were around.  I had to begin said search again.  I headed down towards the apartments, and where I knew Cricket had been pastured for awhile.   She's in heat, and I suspected she was looking for Lightening Jack.  She was.

    By this time Teresa (the lady we bought her from) and her daughter had shown up.  Everyone had assumed it was her horse out.  Teresa had been driving around doing the same thing we had...only we never saw her.  ROFL.

    After another 20 minutes of herding Cricket we finally tricked her into following one of Teresa's pony's into the field.  She was absolutely spooked out.   Cricket is NEVER wild, something completely unhinged her.  I squatted on the ground in front of the grain bucket and just talked to her.  And after a couple misses I finally managed to catch her main and not let go.   This enabled me to put the rope around her.   At which she completely wigged, and I was greatful there was a knot on the end of the rope to keep it from slipping out of my hands.  She pulled, I pulled back.  And the great pony chase was over.

    Well except for the fact that now Rob is walking her the mile and a half home.

    Tell me again why did I think a pony was a good idea?   And we can't find the halter or stake rope anywhere--we rather suspect fowl play from teenagers.  *sigh*

  • I have a sinus headache today, and I've been up since 5 am compliments of Jeremiah.  I tried to get back to sleep but it was fitful at best.

    This morning Jeremiah walked all the way down to the lama field climbed through the gate, and was headed who knows where.  Rob found him somewhat quickly.  And now we need to be doubly alert to where he goes.


    I headed to the bathroom with my lovely sinus headache.  And when I got done I thought oh I need to make sure I check on Jeremiah I haven't seen him in a bit.  I looked out the windows for where he usually is and couldn't find him.  I was just beginning to panic...


    When I remembered I'd laid him in his crib for a nap about fifteen minutes ago.

    its possible I'm tired today.

  • I opened a blog window at least 3x today, and each time a crying baby, or something distracted me.

    We camped outside last night, and my body feels like it.  It wasn't where I slept.  We have a lovely air mattress.  It was the fact that Jeremiah felt it necessary to sleep in my arms.  My back hurts from not rolling when I needed to, and kinking up in weird positions so as not to wake him for the 500tth time.

    I think I'm gonna do this for two weeks in a row?  We are gonna have to chat with the baby about his sleeping habits.

    Anyhow I had total mind-blank so didn't write anywhere.  Hopefully I sleep tomorrow and can think again.  ha!

  • Good morning.  The sun is back.  Does that make 4 days in a row?  *gasp*  The world may end now.  I believe that means we're due approximately 3 more and we will have hit our requirement of 7 days of summer.

    Sarcasm oozes.

    I'm thoroughly enjoying the sun.   Its making me scarce online, but its soooooooooo nice.  The river is starting to almost warm up, and is a lot of fun to splash around in it.  Jer even discovered it might be fun yesterday.  The first two trys he thought his mother was CRUEL.  The last one he enjoyed. 

    We detoured on the way home yesterday from all of our grocery shopping to stop at lake Lael.  This is where we swimmed every day every summer when we lived in Eden Valley.  My kids were missing there friends, and the diving board.  We couldn't stay long as we had food in the car ( in ice chests).   But they were very thankful they got to peak in.

    Ever since RAinee's doctors appointment I can not get myself back to eating right.  I let myself go off for two days and its turned into a week.   I am making a concerted effort today to be GOOD.  May it work.  I have veggies back in the house that actually look good so that will help.  I hope.  I also made a point of *not* buying high carb snacks that looked good.  LOL.

    I think I have to re loose 2 pounds.  Which really really frustrates me considering how hard I've been working, but I suppose in the long run it could be worse.  I guess I learned not to cheat.  *sigh*

    It really is a easy diet to use...its just that habits of snacking are hard to break.

  • quiet lazy day today...spent amongst me cramping and feeling puny.   Any volunteers for Aunt Flo to come visit THERE house?  She can leave mine now.

    And she was early by 4 days.  Shoots the old hag and burys her deep.  Well at least she wasn't late, then we start wondering if Rob's operation failed since we never did get his last check done.  *snicker*    I love JEremiah, and I love babies.  But I'm am so not wanting to be pregnant again.

    Anyhow we hit the beach this morning for about an hour.  Now that they fixed the local county park its all of one minute down the road.  There was another beach about 3 minutes down the road, but the access was a wee bit of a pain with a toddler in tow.  This beach is perfect, and its sand and agate beach both.  Its also where our river comes out, and Zeria ends up swimming in it everytime.  She may not be my daughter by blood, but oh man is she my daughter.

    After we got home I stared at the computer reading fanfic and wishing the world would just go away and let me be crampy in peace.  It didn't.  I finally drug myself out of my stuper long enough to make lunch, and then go down and play with the kids in the river.  Yup I got wet.  Yup its still frickin' cold.  And wonder of wonder it did away with my cramps for awhile.  Tired of hearing about those yet???  *snicker*

    After that a nice nap--thanks Rob, and then my experiment.  I taught myself how to make onion rings today.  And ooooooooooooooooh man were they good.  MMMMM  And everybody except Samuel liked them.  (wonder of wonders)    They weren't even that complicated, although I will admit that I screwed up the first panful as the grease wasn't quite hot enough yet.  AFter that they were quick and relatively easy.  The recipe.

    1 cup flour

    1 cup milk

    1 egg

    1/2 tsp salt. 

    Slice onions soak for 1/2 hour, then dip in batter and fry.   CINCHY.  Although I have to admit I was slightly tempted to try the beer batter ones.  I might do that sometime, although I will feel rather foolish purchasing the beer for it.   I just never drink.  Okay...occasionally like once every two years on a VERY special date I will buy a pina colada, but that's it.  I'm raising drug babies, I just don't need them to see it available, or something that their parents do.  My best friend in  high school was beaten regularly by her father--due to his alchoholism.  It dutifully frightened me from ever experimenting.  I'm very glad for that.

    Tonight after the onion frying was over the cramps one.  And I just kinda curled over and wished to die.  But a nice big pint of Rocky Road ice cream perked me up--my husbands a good man he knows just what I need.  *giggles*

    Tomorrow we're headed to my parents to celebrate Fathers Day.  We didn't do it last week as my dad was over saying goodbye to his brother who died late Saturday night.   As far as he knows he didn't turn his heart toward God.  And he didn't want a memorial service.  I'm gonna miss him, but I was never super close to its one of those things I see from a distance, not close enough to grieve.

    And this blog has wondered all over quite nicely.  Giggles.  Must be time to go crawl in bed with my book.  Or I could go find a new fanfic to read.  I'm sooooo addicted to them right now.  And some of them are sooo awful.  Just poor writing, but several have been highly engaging so I guess you win some you loose some. 

  • Today's photo blog challenge is about Quality Time.   Its my specialty in pictures.  It was impossible to pick one, or even five.  I scrolled through already loaded xanga pictures over the last couple years and picked the ones that just made me grin at the memory involved in them.  Enjoy.



    This was taken with a tri-pod on a hike we went on last spring. 


    This was taken 3 days before Jeremiah was born. I love the faces in it. 

     Kaylinbalance beam 

    A beach trip when Kaylin was much smaller. 


    Zeria my 8 year old took this of me watching a sunset.   She did a good job.


    This is my son and how I see him when he's nursing.


    The snuggly moments that just aren't going to last long enough.


    This one is for Bluetoban.  My fellow puddle jumper.


    A snuggly moment with Kaylin this week.  (self-portrait)


    And another one taken with the tripod from just before Christmas. 


  • Good morning

    I was woke up in the middle of the night multiple times by my friends wretched jack braying.  He was a true jack ass.  Great inspiration for a friends writing charrie.  *Snicker* Which then made my dogs bark  over and over.  And then they'd all shut up, and then they'd start over.    

    We are tethering him as she's short on grass, and we have an over abundance of it.  Man he's noisy. 

    This morning I was desperate to recover a bit of that sleep, but instead my dad came at 8 in the morning to visit.  Its okay he hasn't showed up for a spur of the moment visit since we moved to the hinter lands.   Rob came in and woke me up cause he knew I'd want to be.  He comes home in the morning after work and takes care of the kids for a hour or two while I sleep.   And then I get up and he goes to bed for the day.  It works quite well. 

    But man I'm tired now.  *yaaaaaaaaaawn*

    I've been spending a few minutes each day de-weeding my yard.  With any luck and *if* my back holds out it might be back to snuff by sometime next week. 

    Other then that its a morning that hasn't followed any normal routine yet, and I'm thinking I should give up on said routine today.  *snicker* 

  •  100_2548 Pictures, Pictures, Pictures.  I finally got my camera and uploaded, so these are over a couple days in randem order.  LOOL    The top is Jamari at the river.  He was a wee bit cold as he'd been floating in the river a few minutes earlier.  It was 60 degrees, and the river is BRRR cold.  But my kids are as determined for summer to appear as I am. 


    A snuggly moment with babyK.  Of course she's not the baby anymore, but for reasons unknown her nicname stuck.  She's my most placid child, and the one I talk about the least.  She's so my husbands daughter its not even funny, even if she did get my curls.  LOL   


    Samuel playing with the boogie board in the river.  


    Rainee at the beach tonight--and yes she ended up in the water again.  *snicker*  That would be my fault.  When I was at college the two or three times a year it rained my friend and I would go puddle jumping like 4 year olds.   So as a result, I can't even get mad when they get their clothes wet.  *snigger*


    Jeremiah exploring the rocks.  Notice he has one in his left hand.  Almost every picture I take of Jer he has a rock somewhere on his person.  He LOVES rocks.

    I actually found the cutest little kids folk song about rocks.  "I've got rocks in my pockets, I've got rocks in my shoes."  Are the first set of words.  I found it on Rhapsody, and just giggle every time I listen to it. 

    The sun came out about 4 o'clock and it was sooooooo nice to see blue.  Now if it would just stay in the day time.  I'm not greedy.  *snicker*