Month: January 2006


    Talk about heart stopping.

    I live five minutes from the prison, and their have been escapes, so that always is close in my mind.

    My kids come running inside.  "MOM THEIRS a POLICEMAN in our DRIVEWAY."

    I immediately headed to the door.  I'm hoping its Ricky being a butt, but I'm assuming riot at prison, escape, tsunami warning.  ROFL.

    But no, someone dialed 911.  And when they tried to call back no one would answer.

    The someone would be Jer.

    And they couldn't answer cause he left the phone off the hook.

    I'll breathe in a little bit.  For the moment, I think I'm gonna nail the phone to the ceiling. 

  • And what a long busy day.

    Ever feel alone in a crowd?  I did that today at the basketball game.  I swear all of Clallam Bay was there.  The gym was packed out and HOT. 

    And I was there with my little munchkins all alone.

    Although people were friendly.  And several said hi.  Now if I could just remember how they knew me.  ROFL

    One of them I spent new years with about five years ago (their daughter was dating my brother)  figured who they were.

    A couple of them are couples from our soon to be new church.

    The others *sniggers*  maybe they were just friendly.

    So pictures.

    The first is of a eagle we saw the other day, its there, if you look closely LOL  Their are so many of them here, including two that live on our property. 

    Okies so I probably need a telephoto lens if I intend to take pictures of eagles.  LOL

    This is Jamari Sean in his birthday clothes.  He now looks like grandpa.  And is SOOOO proud of that fact. 


    And the basketball game.  It was fun, the teams were well matched.  We'd get 2 points, and they'd get 2 points.  The other team eventually won by 3.  But my kids didn't even know or care, they'd had fun, and learned a bit more about basketball.   And that was all good. 

    And Jer clapped for them.  LOL  And I said.  "Are you cheering for Zeri & Sam?"  And he said "Uh huh".  *grin*


    So there's the team checking in with the coach.  And here's Sam warming the bench.  The coach just swapped "teams" each quarter.   So everybody got equal playing time.  At this age level its about learning how to play not about competition.   After all the ref had to tell the kids where to stand when there was a foul shot.   And the kids who did 12-15 feet of carrying, were abundant.  *snigger*


    Next weeks game should be even more fun, as the kids aren't nervous, and they have figured a bit more how the game works. 

  • Woooooooooooooooooo

    What a fantastically busy weekend.

    I'm just exhausted LOL

    Saturday we headed to town, and found windows for our addition.

    Did I mention what we're doing for an addition?  I so can't remember.  I have been so hit and miss here due to my back, and the cold before that.  Anyhow we're going to close in our deck, make it one level, and call it a sun room/mud room.  I have plans of using it for a bit of a green house as well.

    So, we picked up 3 HUGE windows for the front of it.  We got them at waste not want not a recycled building supply place.  Which saved us a ton of money.

    The issue?  They wouldn't fit in our van. 

    The solution borrow my parents truck, we could bring it back Sunday and meet half-way as Jamari, Jonathan, and Sarah were having a party.  (jon & sarah being my niece and nephew)  they all have birthdays very very close together.   

    The issue?  The truck wouldn't start Sunday morning, we messed and messed with it no go.

    The solution, leave for church without it.  *growl*

    All day was spent at church, and my sis.  We raced back home just in time to get the big kids to their make-up bb practice.   It had to be made up as the gym was used for other purposes the day they were supposed to have practice.

    At 7 when things finally started winding down we were just exhausted, and stared at each other for a bit, before going to bed at 9.

    So, this morning DH charges BOTH batterys in the truck, and tries to start it no go.

    We have to get it back to my parents, and we can't do it Wednesday as originally planned as DH has a double shift he's doing.

    So we're hoping by charging both batterys it will go.  We charge them it doesn't start.  We're running out of time.


    I go to try.  Nothing.  And I'm sitting in the wretched beasty praying.  So, I put the clutch in, AND the brake.  VERRRUM VERRRUM it goes.  Its a Diseal FORD, apparently you need the brake down before it will start, and apparently NOTHING was wrong with it.

    Shakes head and mutters bad words.

    So, Rob runs into the house tells the kids to load up, and we make a marathon 1 hour 45 minute drive one way to drop the truck off, wave to my mom as we can't visit, and rush back home.  

    3 and a half hours stuck in a vehicle.  

    I'm exhausted and its NOON time ROFL

    Kids have their first game tonight, should be amusing.  Rob is about five minutes late to work thanks to are lovely marathon.

    But life continues to fly fast.

    And yes my back is still sore, though not as sore as it was. 

    I'm ready for all pain to be gone tanky very much.


  • on the mend maybe?

    I'm soooooooooo hoping.  LOL

    I went to the chiro wednesday evening (two days earlier then I thought I would be able to) yesterday I was still extremely sore, but it was achey sore, versus throbbing pain, so I was really really hoping it meant I was healing.

    Today I am mostly better, except I have to be extremely careful how I move.  I absolutely want it to heal, and not make it flare up again. 

    The good news is my chiropractor referred me to someone closer for the next time this happens.  And its rather funny, as I grew up with him too.  Does it make me old when I played with the professionals I know go to???  Anyhow we did a TON of things with his family, camping, hiking, and crazy stuff.  His father was the only guy I ever met that came close to my dad's craziness.   He and my dad walked on wet soggy logs with him on his dads back, and me on my dads back at Nootka Island in B.C.  These were logs chained together, and they had a race to see who could walk the farthest and fastest.  I don't remember who one.  I just remember landing splash in the worlds coldest water ever.

    I also remember Bernie eating a raw muscle, just so my dad would.  And my dad and him daring each other to eat slugs.   And they did.   And these aren't little slugs, their like 6 inches long.   And then there was my dad who "pretended" to eat a red ant, and Bernie who did, cause he didn't realize my dad had faked it.  The ant rather bit back, much to my dads amusement.   The two of them were absolutely insane.  They came to my wedding, they came to my grad, and whenever we bump into them its like time stands still.  So, as much as I love Marty, I was glad to hear Kurt is practicing in Forks these days, and will try him, possibly Monday if I'm not completely back up to snuff by then.

    Tonight we are going to the pool, which really really helps my back.   And tomorrow we are going to run into Port Angeles, and leave the kids with my parents for a couple hours.  COUPLE time.  WOO HOO.   Its been a month, and we need it, never mind the fact that Rob has worked double time while I've been very very flat. 

  • Good morning

    I had a pretty decent sleep which is a good thing.

    I'm waking up in pain.   Which isn't so good.

    I have a doctors appointment tomorrow at which I can get referrals etc to the places I need to go.   I'm not sure I should have waited that long.   

    I hated to make an emergency apointment before I had my get-to-know-you apointment.   But ugh.

    And yes I'm whining.  I've also cried, rocked, and done a lot of praying, begging the pain would go away.

    I managed to do school yesterday, and function, but only with a lot of pushing through pain.  We're talking a LOT of pain.  I can't communicate it with simple typed words.

    I move, I stretch, I sit, I move I stretch, I sit.  And none of them are comfortable.  I just barely manage to keep the pain at the almost tolerable level.   Its just peachy.

  • I'm going to start a petition against cords.


    I hate em.  I have a whole drawer full of cords.   that go to "something"  And I dare not throw them away cause I might figure out what that something is.

    Of course, I haven't used them in five years, so I'm thinking that whatever that something is is now crushed in the landfill, or in my kids toybox.

    So, I'm throwing them away.

    But you know what?  I can guarantee within the next week I'm gonna go.  "OOOH, that's what that cord was for."

    The good news is, I think I found the cord for my computer that I've been accusing the kids of stealing.  Of course, that may actually be the cord for the computer I had five years ago.

    Scratches head, and mutters some more. 

  • We visited the Church of Christ church this morning.

    It felt good.  We saw nothing questionable, and every good.  There were even kids my kids approximate ages.   They all went outside and got to know each other on the lawn.

    Kaylin informed me one little girl said hi,  "But I was too scared to say hi back."  This is Kaylin to a T.  My timid middle child.  LOL

    Jamari he was quite willing to run off with the other kids behind the church to the shed.  *snicker*

    Zeria was hanging back a bit, she's 8, its not quite so easy to immediately make friends.

    We didn't do Sunday School, as we weren't even sure they had one.  They do...2 classes of it.   LOL

    Its a teensy church,  umm 25 of us all together?  But thats okay.  The building is beautiful on the inside, even if it is a modular, a old one.  The outside needs some hedges (IMO) but hey, maybe that'll be my job.  *giggles*

    EVERYONE was friendly, and all the men made a point of introducing themselves.  We may have found a church home.

    Now, we just have to say good bye to our old one. 

    That's why Zeria didn't want to enjoy herself btw.  She knew if she did, she'd be saying goodbye to her old church. (skunk) 

    So, we shall see, and pray.

    The Presbyterian pastor (just) called back yeserday.   But got our machine, so we shall have to try them later. 

    I woke up about 2 am breathing good for the first time in a month, and in no pain for the first time since I got back from Seattle.  I'm a bit creaky this morning, but feeling WAY better then the rest of the week.  This to me was a miracle.  God knew I needed to think when we headed to the new church.

    Its small, its family oriented.  All of their kids had tv trays to color on during the sermon.  *giggles*  And they complimented us 3x on our kiddos behavior.  

    So, I think God is leading us away from Joyce, something I've actually wanted for awhile. 


    I love this picture.   We finally found boots for Jer.  And figured out how to get them on his fat little feet.   He was fascinated with the boots, and the beach.  This is umm ten minutes from our house?  I'm very proud of that picture. 


    Of course, he had to learn about timing those big scarey waves.  *giggles*


    And no he didn't learn the lesson very quickly...if ever.  LOL

    And one more too cute Jer picture.   I actually didn't mean to take just Jer pictures, but the other kids had scampered far away.  I was just heading that way when the batterys quit on the camera.  *shrieks*

    It was sunny, and gorgeous.


    I would LOVE another day like that tomorrow not to be greedy or anything. 

  • notes on my back.

    I have a wonderful chiropractor, she happens to be two hours from here unfortunately.

    The good news is however.  *grin*

    Our town has a massage therapist, so I'm gonna go there in about five minutes and see wether that helps.

    And its sunny!!!!!!