Month: September 2005

  • We went on a  date night tonight with OUT Jeremiah. 

    No kids.

    We held hands like little kiddos at Walmart, and it was just so wonderful.   

    Rob kept looking at my hand, and saying..."This feels so good, has it really been that long since we've gotten to do this.

    Its the simple things that make life worth living.  


  • And solutions.

    I hate impasse's.   I hate obsessing over how to say the words without offending.  I HATE conflict.  major HATE it.

    So I made a decision that I feel extremely good about, and will submit to the wishes of the many.

    And yes I've written a lot of cryptic blogs this week.   Thanks for being patient.  

    But the peace in making the decision is overwhelming.  

    And wooo date night tonight.   Date night is marvelous.   And Jer is in a good mood, so he be staying with the babysitter.  4 precious hours with my husband without kids.

    I believe...this is just what the doctor ordered.

  • Good morning

    I got five hours of sleep last 20 minute segments.

    Between Jeremiah and Zeria essentially I got none.

    When Rob gets home I am so going back to bed.  LOL

    Yeah for weekends!!!

    Oh and Becky?   Zeria broke her arm riding her bike.   Which in and of itself doesn't sound that bad.   But when further questioned yesterday...we found she was doing a "trick" that she's been told not to.     She likes to stand on her bike seat and race down this really steep hill.  (EXTREMELY steep)

    She now knows why she isn't supposed to do that. 

    Funny thing is...I told her not to do it or she'd break a bone.  *sigh* and UGH

    Fall came in late Wednesday afternoon, and it poured buckets of rain all day yesterday...still raining now.   Its actually nice to hear the rain, although the humidity is just dreadful.

    Jeremiah is about to loose all Walker privledges.  He just has become entirely too destructive while in it.    Its not a break to let him be in he has learned to open drawers and cupboards...something none of my other babies did. 

    Each kiddo has to learn a new trick right? 

  • How to get your house clean when your exhausted and want to cry...

    Find out your mother is coming over in an hour.

    Ya know...I really shouldn't a just done that.  *snigger*   Although it does feel nice to be able to see the floor in the living room....

    Zeria woke up this morning feeling quite good.   She handed her sling to daddy and asked him to put it on.   "Why Zeria?"  I asked.  "I'm gonna go play."

    Apparently she forgot what I said about laying still for at least a week.

    So I had to gently explain to her why she had to lay still, and she started crying.   She just doesn't do still well.

    She is the child I think probably has ADD.  *sigh*   

    So, we started school and that has entertained her for over an hour.   My mom is coming over with pizza and Z's older siblings for lunch.   So that will cover some time.   And my mom is bringing some new videos over.

    Its gonna be an extremely long week.   Especially when we have someone with the attention span of a gnat. 

    Kaylin would be quite content to sit there all week, actually Sam would too.   This is so hard on Zeria.   But I do know its going to cause growth for her as well.

    Zeria funnys;   On the way into the ER yesterday in the midst of the screaming she announced.  "I hate this arm, its a stupid arm."   I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.   And then..."Now I'm not gonna get to go to Awana tonight."  Priorities of a eight year old you know.

    After the sedation and her arm being set we showed her pictures of her arm and what they did.   She looked at them for awhile.   And then said.  "How did they get inside my arm to fix it?"

    I was impressed with this question, and explained they didn't have to do that.   Then added, but they had to go inside with daddy.  "Thats way more then I wanted to know."  The Princess announced through the drugs.   I giggled cause that's why we call her the Princess, she definitely has opinions.  *snicker*

    I'm feeling a tinge sorry for myself too.   The Princess is my right-arm.   She can get Jer happy when I can't.   And he still has the do I for that matter.   I'm missing her help big time.  LOL   Not to mention that I'm having to do things for her that she would normally do for herself.     I know I'm terrible to even think it...but guess what I'm human.

    Finally brothers, whatever things are true...think on these things.

  • Life...has gotten much worse.

    Zeria broke both bones in her arm this morning.   Fortunately not her writing arm...thats about the only fortunate's I can find right now.

    I'm still angry, frustrated, hurt about the other thing...which is all rather stupid considering I've watched my daughter scream and scream and scream in pain.

    I've never seen something so grose as her arm...and I've done a couple trauma's these days.  It didn't break skin...but it was extremely mal-formed when I saw it.

    Just made me want to puke.

    Of course we're 20 plus minutes from the nearest doctor.  And she just screamed...and I cried.

    I spent all day in the ER with her.   She's currently drugged and sorta-sleeping in my bedroom.

    I'm just wiped....and worried.     She'll be okay, but well ya know moms have the right.  



  • Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeams

    and oh I'm so angry its not even funny.

  • Good afternoon

    Yes, I'm still here.

    Its been a busy week...with nasty colds for most of us, and Jer cutting his first tooth.   He didn't cut it joyfully either.   He has another one trying for ugh.

    Thursday was just a quiet day where I did a lot of introspection and gentle grieving.

    Friday we tried to go see the stupid house in Clallam Bay again.  Long story, we still haven't seen the upstairs. 

    Saturday;  Rob jogged, and I vegged.

    Sunday;   Church, Sunday School, and a  awesome missionary from Ecuador.

    Monday;  Screaming, Coughing, Clingy Jeremiah.

    So there's my weekend in the shortened version.

    The beautiful fall weather continues, and each day is a gift from God.    I've battled with depression the last couple days, but its just from sheer exhaustion.   Coughing, teething, wheezing babies just not fun.

    And ya'll know how bad Rainee gets...she's bordered pneumonia all weekend.   The fun just continues.

    But I'm here...and was all ready to start getting caught up at BW, and its down.  So ha!  I don't have to.    


  • Well...shortly after I hit submit to my last blog, the phone rang.

    My grandma finally went to heaven.   The dream she's had for a long time.

    I'm numb, angry, sad, and a few other varying and sundry things.

    DH did me a favor and called in sick today.  Mostly I think I would be fine, but I told him I didn't want to try it.  

    I'm glad she's released from the life she was living, I'm sad she lived that life the last few years.

    I just finished reading letters she sent to me her last two "good" years...and was amazed to remember she was 75 when she wrote those.

    Raising chickens, building projects, garden growing, loving her kittens, teasing my dad, chauffering my cousins, and quoting Scripture.

    I want to remember that, and not the long slow goodbye.



  • Good morning,

    AS with the rest of the U.S. watching Rita rather warily.   Its a fascination of the horrific I suppose.

    Jer has a cold.   He would only sleep as long as I was touching him last night.  It was a long night, and I feel old this morning.  Ya know creeeeaky.

    Its just gorgeous again today.  So beautiful.  Calling me to bag school and go to the beach.   I won't bag school, but I *might* go to the beach.   I want to so bad.  

    Rob and I scurried around the house last night and were astounded how much housework, and dunging out you can get done in a forty minute period of Jer not being in EITHER of our arms.   All the little piles of stuff that needed to be put away got put away.   Just amazing.  

    Of course 40 minutes later the kids dumped a whole 25 pound bag of birdseed all over the entryway I'd just cleaned out.   *screams*

    It was amazing for a short amount of time.


    I continue to go back and forth about the whole moving thing.   But did have a momentary realization last night.  If God wants us to go to Clallam Bay , we won't be miserable, he will provide our needs.      

    My fear has been miserable.   I got stuck on four city lots of living versus 2.5 acres of treed living.    God helped me let go of that one.

    And I'm even excited about a new possibility.   One thing lacking out there is "clubs" and or "organizations" for kids.   So I'm already scheming about starting a Good News Club.  I've led them in the past...and I'd have the first six kids all on my own.  *Snicker*

    NOw...if I could just figure out how we're going to get all the little things in the house done that NEED to be done *IF* we're to move.

    Its funny...we talk about it likes its a done deal one moment, and the next we're singing praises as to what we like here, and the next we're obsessing about how we can afford what needs to be done to get this house caught up.  Its a fascinating round robin thing.  

  • Good afternoon holding a sleeping baby in my arms, and wishing I could join him.  LOL

    Have a nasty old headache that won't go away.  Shoo Shoo fly don't bother me.

    Okies nonsense leaving.   Awana is tonight, and I think I'm gonna try to do some work in the church Attic while I'm down there.   It all depends on wether Jeremiah agrees to let me or not.      And wether my headache behaves as well.

    Oh no sleeping baby that was a sudden wake up.  

    Jer cut his first tooth today.   *sniff sniff*  Is he allowed to keep getting bigger?   He actually managed to do it without being too cranky...just a lot of chewing on his fingers.

    Watching Hurricane Rita with bated just all scares me after Hurricane Katrina.   Don't forget the extra water Tracie...even if you are out of the main zone.   We always have bottled water our well is unaccessible when the power is out.   And I'm lower then we broke into it twice this summer...must replace it.

    Zeria did excellent in school today...taking a step backwards was worth it.    She also read several six letter words without much of a struggle.  So it was the right choice.