Month: March 2005

  • Good afternoon

    Well, the ugly aunt finally arrived.   She's apparently lost all concept of being punctual.  Kicks her behind, and waits for to leave again.     Nothing like three weeks late.

    Jeremiah is helping me type.  Yeah, he's a lot of help.   Currently he has one thumb trapped in a desperate attempt to get ahold of the rest of the keys.

    silly brother.

    Did a couple extremely boring errands this morning.   Pharmacy as we lost a piece to our nebulizer...and they wouldn't replace it.  *argh*  So I have to call the doctor to get them to right a frickin' script for a teensy tiny piece of green plastic.  Beats head on desk.

    Unfortunately its a necessary piece...and we sooooooooooooooo can't find it.   Along with the brand new albuterol puffer that is floating around somewhere in this house.   So I picked up another one.  *growls*   Of course I'm really hoping this means I find the other one today...Murphy's law and all.  

    I've been writing.   And not on the writing boards.   Its taken several major edits to decide where I'm going with things.   I had to battle with writing it for *me* or writing it to market.    I finally chose to write it for me...and if someday its marketable that would be the gravy on the pancakes.     I have two chapters finished, and a outline for seven more.   Their not long chapters, so don't be quite as impressed.

    I will probably put them up here from time to time...just for fun.  Each chapter essentially stands alone, so probably I won't put them all up.    I don't know where this is going, but writing just calls to me, so I guess I'll answer. 

    *waves*  Other then that...just hanging around...and playing with a two year old pixie. 

  • Woooooooooooooo

    I climbed Mt. Laundry....and knocked it down to nothing. 

    Its alllllllllll folded.

    8 loads of laundry.

    One small step at a time.

    and now.

    I'm tired.  ROFL

  • Ya know...

    its sucks to be blunt.

    To be capable of being blunt.

    Shortly after I submitted that blog my father called.

    He's an incredibly strong wonderful man.     And NOBODY would tell him what the blood sugar of 15 meant last night.  He tried to pin my bil down (the emt who brought him...its a small community)   He tried to pin Kelly down.   And they all hedged.

    So blunt me had to explain it.

    15=death within the next hour.   If my sil hadn't gone to wake my brother...and recognized what was wrong...he'd be dead.

    Never be the one that has to explain that to your father.

    He was great about was what he expected, but wanted explained from a medical point of view.    He's a logger, not a doctor.   But man.  Yuck.


  • Good morning

    The sun is shining.  *cheers*  

    DH loaded ALL the kids up to go get me pop.  And wow the house is fascinatingly quiet.   As much as I whine about the noisey kids...I think this is entirely TOO quiet.

    My brother is home doing well as far as I know.  I haven't called them, they like to sleep in, and I'm hoping after last night that they are.    What a horrific thing.

    He's ONLY 30.     And as my dh so tactfully puts it...he was circling the drain.

    Rather makes one stop....

    and think.

    and.....gah!   So horrible.

    He was just in my house on Sunday...driving me rather batty.   He was kind of grumpy to be honest with you.  And my  observation at the end of the day was.  "I don't think his sugar levels were right."       Ugh.

    I'm so, so, so, glad I didn't say some of the things I wanted to say when he was grumpy.   Wow, it sure gives you added incentive to keep your mouth closed.     Somehow the fact that he thought our house was loud....pales in comparison now.

    I'm climbing up out of the depression.  Of course I've had one whole night of decent sleep...maybe that's what it is. 

    Or maybe its the realization that life is short.  But...I don't think thats it. 

    Depression for me...isn't about a reason for being upset, it just surrounds me like a gray fog that I can't push off.    I don't see a reason for it, its just there, and it leaves just as suddenly.      Something that entirely too many people do not understand.

    "Just get up and go for a walk,"  was my moms favorite advice.      "Or just read some Scripture."  was a friends advice.

    They've never dealt with clinical depression apparently.       

    I stepped back from walking for a couple days.   And I didn't fold my laundry.  I just sat.    And now I'm starting to feel better then I have in several weeks.   It was a wise choice.

    Of course...I'm feeling like conquering mountains in my mind today.    Probably shouldn't do about some baby Mt. Laundry.

    Ugh do I have to??????

  • And...they got him stablized quickly.   God's miracle, and the miracles of modern medicine.  His blood sugar was at 15.  FIFTEEN!!    He was in a coma and convulsing.

    I'm just shaking thinking about it....and greatful....very very greatful. 

  • I'm just on for about 2 minutes.   When I got offline...I found out my brother who is 30 years old and has a 9 year old and a 6 year.   Went into a diabetic coma.  His blood sugar is at 15.   He has regained consciousness, and is fading in and out.    If those who pray...would I'd appreciate it greatly.    


  • Rain, Wind, Hail, Snow, Sunshine.  All four all at once.

    Oh yeah...its just a beautiful day. 

  • Good morning

    I'm not worried about drought around here anymore....stares at the pouring down rain.  Its raining giraffes and elephants, I swear.

    My back is spasming...and its morning.  It usually waits until bedtime.  *growl*   Ice packs here I come.

    Jeremiah is happier today.  *cheers*  He was sooo miserable yesterday.   Screamed in my arms for hours...possibly why my back was spasming.   It was facinating to carry on aim conversations acting like things were normal while he continued to scream.    I hope I made sense yesterday....its highly possible I didn't. 

    The house is relatively clean, the laundry is excrutiatingly far behind.  I'm thinking the way I'm feeling, its going to stay that way.  Unless a miracle happens.

    Oh well, its okay, didn't want to do it anyhow.   Its clean, just not folded.  Its currently Mt. Laundry.

    I love leftovers!  Yesterday we had turkey soup.  Today mashpotato cassarole.    Tomorrow we can have a turkey cassarole.   *grin* 

    And that's just how exciting my life is today.....

  • What They Don't Want You to Know

    In order to understand peace you need to realize that everything is controlled by a aliens made up of frogs with help from germans.

    The conspiracy first started during 911 in Duckabush. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including Boston Tea Party.

    Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by chewing finger nails.

    They want to fist fighting Billy Graham and imprison resisters in Neah Bay using trains.

    In order to prepare for this, we all must stop. Since the media is controlled by Kerry we should get our information from Bush.

  • Good morning

    My kids...are still hyper...too much Easter Candy!!!

    They are also blowing bubbles in the house and singing bubble, bubble forest. 

    It rather looks like one somehow

    Its a pressie from Grandma...and their thoroughly enjoying it...even if its Kaylins pressie.  LOL


    Church yesterday.   It was fascinating.  We haven't had a full church in about 2.5-3 years.  It was FULL yesterday.   The elders in the last month have mended a TON of fences.   Its rather fun to see.   Even if the visionary on Friday things that Satan's winning, and going to hell in a handbasket...IMHO the only thing going down was all the cereal boxes. 

    One of the things their doing is doing some intensive leadership training for the men of the church.  Something I've been frustrated with for a good five years.   They asked the membership to present names of men who they felt would be good elder quality.   And then they are going to have a month long training session with about 15 of them.   Their not all going to be asked to be elders...I believe only two or three.   But it is superb training for life, and a good time for the men to get to know each other rather then feeling like islands.

    Rob was approached.  He is a wonderful candidate...even if I am biased.  He really is, he has a very calming personality, and a way of defusing the most tense situations.  I've seen him work on committees and such since college.     He so doesn't believe it.   But after a lot of discussion he's going to take the training.   I'm thrilled for him, as he needs the positive experience.  

    In all honesty...its me who quietly struggles with a feeling of complete inadequacy.  I sooooooo can't see my self as the wife of an elder.  I couldn't apparently even make people happy running a nursery.      God has a sense of humour.   A BIG one.    

    I guess I'll keep working on my Keep my mouth shut policy......