Month: January 2005

  • Yup he's sick.  

    No fever for which I'm thankful for.  But something is very much bothering him.   I'm thinking its trying to slip into his lungs....(big suprise huh??)

    Last night his respirations were about 42.  Mild for Rainee, but not considered totally great.   So in sheer desperation I gave him albuterol  (not his LOL mine)  Two minutes later he was asleep and slept for 3 hours.

    This morning he was fussing big time for Rob while I was trying to catch an hour of sleep.  And Rob tried the albuterol again.  Two minutes later he was asleep for 2 hours.   Sense a theme here?

    I'm greatful he's been healthy for 2 months. 

    Taking him in to the Dr to check his ears.  And even though its an emergency visit I got Dr W my favorite.  *grins*  Didn't even have to request him.  

    Soooooooooo so much for a day at home.  *shrugs*

    I will live.  I'm human this morning.  I got a  couple hours of sleep.  We can do this.


  • And........crash.

    "Whatever you do work at it with all your heart, working as to the Lord, not unto men."  Colossians 3:23

    Jeremiah is experiencing his first cold.  He's not impressed with it.  I've had him in my arms basically all day.  He's asleep in my sling right now...which in and of itself is a minor miracle.   Rob slept most of his day as he works tonight.   So I just sat and rocked and rocked and rocked him.   Daddy took him when he got up for a whole half hour and then hands him to me and says "I think he needs to nurse."   "I don't think so, he's just fussy."  I said with exhaustion.

    I was right.  He (Jeremiah) screamed at me...and I just started bawling.  All I wanted was a few minutes to myself. 

    Rob took him back.  LOL   And I went and hid in the bedroom so it wouldn't be so tempting to hand Jeremiah to me.  That was at 6:00 Rob headed to work.

    I should be greatful for 45 minutes eh? 

    I'm trying....

    Tomorrow is Friday.  Rob will go to H&R to do the taxes.   Other then that its a blank slate.   He has to work Sunday to make up for having Tuesday off, so it will be a short weekend. 

    If I were smart at all even though its only 8:10 I'd head to bed while Jeremiah was asleep.  Instead I'm just desperate for me time.  I know selfish.  But oy.

    Breathes.  And prays.  And remembers how important my job is...hard to remember too often.

    "Whatever you do work at it with all your heart, working as to the Lord, not unto men."  Colossians 3:23

  • "Whatever you do work at it with all your heart, working as to the Lord not unto men."  Colossians 3:23

    Its been a jam-packed day...again today.   And when I finally got to sit...I rather exploded. 

    Apologies a few minutes later, some prayer a refocusing on the right priorities and phew we're back in order.   Couldn't I have just skipped the explosion???

    Jeremiah is currently sleeping, and the kids are playing outside.  Mommy's enjoying the quiet.  There are several things that I should be doing...but I'm not that far along post-partum and I've decided sitting is a better option tanky very much. 

    Speaking of Jeremiah.   He's been "grunting" since he was born.  Its not all the time but its fairly startling when it happens.  Unfortunately we've never got him to do it in front of a doctor.  (typical LOL)   So I finally just described it in great detail and Dr. Weller came up with a diagnosis.  *sigh*

    I have another child with a birth-defect.  (big suprise)   Its not as serious as Rainee's and more then likely he will grow out of it.  Dr. W was not concerned.  He has trachealmalacia.  (floppy trachea)   Rather ironic as Rainee has a stiff one :-p   And bronchial malacia.   He said we could go to pulmo and do a bronchostopy but they'd just confirm it and say it'll get better as he's older.  Since I've so been there done that...I'll trust him.  And if things get worse we'll both reconsider.  *snicker*  Maybe Dr. Rosenfeld would listen when I'm at Rainee's apointment. 

    Mostly I'm just treating this as ironic and am not concerned.  Its hard to be truely concerned after Rainee.

    I think its a good thing we're done having kiddos.       We apparently got our genes from a grab-bag.

    Jer's other health concern is clogged tear ducts.   Its on a waiting pattern til he's a year old.  So we'll just watch it and keep de-gunking him. 

    Definitely easier concerns then Rainee so far.....

    I'm having a lot of fun this week developing a new charrie.   She is sparking unlike any have in a long time. 

    Oh and I'm still walking.  ((kudos please)  I haven't gotten very far...but I'm doing it 3 days a week and making it a little bit farther each time.  I feel good about it and that's whats important. 

    "Whatever you do work at it with all your heart, Working as to the Lord not unto men."  Colossians 3:23



  • Meditation;

    We talked about the word meditation in Sunday School on Sunday.  The Bible says we are to meditate on the the Word day and night.  The word there literally means murmur.   To say it outloud to yourself continually.

    I was challenged by this.   It was a God-thing for me somehow.  So for me this week I am meditating on Colossians 3:23  "Whatever you do work at it with all your heart working as to the Lord not unto men."

    This for me...means

    Changing Diapers

    Cleaning up kid messes.

    Cooking Meals.

    Online time.

    Dealing with lemons.

    Bedtime for kids.


    Its a scarey proposition somehow...but when I'm focused that way...its amazing how much more peaceful I feel, and how much smoother my house runs.


    Got the rest of my blood-work back.  I'm anemic.  I've never been anemic when none-pregnant (well except for immediately after Rainee was born due to sever hemoraghing)  As a result I will be going on iron.   Does anybody have a recommendation for a good brand?  Pregnancy I've always used the prescription stuff.    I like the way it reacts with my body, keeps my body fluid.  (for lack of groser details)   I may just call my doctor and see if she can order it for me.....

    Rainee's pulmo called yesterday so we have an apointment for her February 18th.  *cheers*  I thought we'd have to wait much longer then that.

    Rob had his "v" consultation.  And will be going in for the procedure the 13th of February (I think thats the date)  Its right this time.   Some day we may be called to adopt again.  But I feel 100% at peace about not having another pregnancy.

    Does anyone know anything about glucosamine?  My father is taking it and has essentially "cured" his arthritis.  I'm developing arthritis in my hip (thanks to pregnancys)  and am considering it......

    Hmmm this is just one long health blog LOL. 

    Kids are watching Cool Runnings and laughing hysterically.  Zeria was delighted when I turned it on.  "Its all black people!"  she said cheering.  "I like black people."  she says with all seriousness.  "I hope so seeings you are black."  I said trying not to giggle.  "I like white people too mom."  she reassured me.   *snicker*   I responded "I like all colors of people, even purple people."

    She got quiet for a minute.  "Mom are there purple people???"

    sniggers madly.   Bad me.

    Today I had a first.

    I had to tell my kids No more school for a bit.  Oy they are addicted to the Disney books.  And after 2 doctors apointments, grocery shopping and Cosco in one busy day I just couldn't read with them anymore.  Never thought I'd be telling them no to school. 

    Oh yes...Jeremiah had his check-up today.   He's 15 pounds even.  (at 2 months of age)  Dr. W came in and the nurse said "He's here for his 2 month check."  Dr. W looks at Jeremiah and says "You mean his 4 month don't you?"  HE's just a big boy.  LOL

    Poor kiddo survived his 4 shots and seems to be doing well not even cranky.  *cheers*

    And that's life around here....

    Have a great night all.

    "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, working as to the Lord not to men."  Colossians 3:23


  • Whatever you do, work at it with your whole heart as to the Lord not unto men.   Colossians 3:23

  • *waves*

    Headed out the door for a Pregnancy CareNet concert.  But had to bump in for a few minutes.

    Got my blood-work back Saturday (in the mail)  And now I understand my current mood.  For the first time in 4 plus years my thyroid is over-working instead of under working.  Which explains the insomnia...and the abundance of pent-up energy.   I now understand why women beg their doctors to trip them over  into hyperthyroidism.  Boings and bounces off walls.

    I came home from working with 9 2 and 3 year olds ready to climb Mt. Everest.  Its all rather terrifying...

    When I crash.

    Its gonna be a big one. 

    Scored big yesterday.  Went into Goodwill for something else and found a in excellent condition leather couch for $90.  We've gone through a variety of really nasty ugly second hand couches in our marriage.  They each have a fairly funny story to go with them.  And for the last year I've been praying for a way to afford a leather one which would survive my kids spills and accidents a bit better.

    God answered. 

    He definitely cares about the little things.


  • Finds my sense of humour.   WARNING  R rated humour. 

    Oh my word...the discussions you have with kids.

    Rainee;  Jeremiah has a penus like the boys do. 

    Mommy;  (trying to not over-react)  Un huh

    Rainee;  "Only its a little one."

    Oh my word!


    I didn't have a mommy break this week.  I am feeling it today.  And Rob headed to bed 2 hours earlier then normal so I didn't have my walk.

    My kids aren't being bad.  Its just I have no tolerance for them.  *sigh*

    DEEP BREATHING happens here.

    Okay actually they *did* do something.  They borrowed my scissors.  And "nobody" knows where they are.  Typically this wouldn't be a big deal, but I wanted to scrapbook and I need them for that.   And "NOBODY" knows where they are at.  They just vanished.  And every time I ask them they give me a blank look like you own scissors?

    Deep breathes again.

    Its the little things that set you off.

    Never the big things. 

    I finally told them they had five minutes to find them or I'd start taking their toys.   

    Guess what they found them within 30 seconds of this threat.

    And now their mad at me.  Cause they want the dollar I originally bribed them with. 

    Wellllllllllllllll  pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt on them.

    Dollar was for voluntarily looking for something THEY lost.


    Deep breathes some more.

    Its gonna be a good day.

    Or I'm gonna put the tv on and place them in front of it for the rest of it. 

  • Sisterly love.  I've wondered often in the last few weeks how I would survive without Zeria.  When something's boiling on the stove and Jeremiah decides to scream she'll willingly take him.  When mommys tired and needs a break she'll take him.  And she offers isn't forced.  If I see any hesitation I don't force it...I don't want to loose her helpfulness LOL

    So yesterday I asked her to entertain Jeremiah so I could make dinner.  This is how I found them.


    Two birds with one stone.  LOL  What a lovely big sister she makes.  Sam wants to take care of Jeremiah too...and actually did a reasonably good job yesterday.  But I don't trust him as much.  He just forgets what he's supposed to be doing entirely too easily.

    And then there's his ability for accidents.  Yesterday the kids were running down the snowy hill and jumping into the ditch that was full of a foot of water.  Why?  cauuse there kids of course.    Anyhow Jamari  and Samuel went to run and jump at the same time.  Jamari managed to fall...and Samuel jumped on his head.    It was one of those moments where I was sympathetic.....and trying desperately hard not to laugh at the picture of it all.

    You can tell Jamari wasn't ammused.   And sporting a nice boot track on his forehead.    He recovered quickly mommy got him in a nice warm tub and cleaned up.  


    Poor kiddo. 

    Kaylin was very brave at the hospital today while getting her blood draw.  Poor thing the tech didn't get the blood right away and was fishing in her arm for the vein.    And yet she held very still and just whimpered.  I wanted to cry for her.....I'd just had mine done the day before. 

    The pulmo hasn't called I'm gonna have to start playing telephone tag soon.  *growls*  Usually their pretty good about returning calls...although it IS respitory season.   Rainee is doing so well, I'd rather not go, but I suppose we should be good one more time....

    I'm scrapbooking again.  And did 4 pages yesterday and 2 today.  I'm almost done the year 2002 for Jamari.      Rainee doesn't have a book yet....snicker.  Some day.  


  • Flooding, Mud, and no power.

    I'm quite ready for winter to be done tanky very much.

    Today I spent an hour digging out our ditches.  Our 18 inches of snow was deluged with several inches of rain.  NAAAASTY!   The ditches couldn't work as there was icey clumps of snow stuck in them.  So my driveway (what isn't all torn up from being stuck)  was under about 2.5 inches of running water.  *joy*  Sooooooooo I got to play.

    I love digging ditches.   I think those of you who've been reading my site for awhile know this.  I'm a bit weird...goes back to my love of digging in the mud when I was a kid I guess.  ROFL    But my driveway is no longer a river....and the ditches are working.

    And then the wind came.  *sigh*  And took out the power....AGAIN.

    I really like electricity.  At least it was only about 15 minutes before my kiddos had to go to no entertaining them in the dark without a hubby to keep me semi-sane.  (emphasis on semi)

    Tomorrow is a new day.  *cheers*

    Went and got my thyroid tested today, getting Kaylin's checked tomorrow.  Finally getting it together to get everybody's medical stuff up to date.   Jeremiah has a check-up next Tuesday, Rob has his apointment for the "v" next Tuesday.  And I have a call into the pulmonoligist for Rainee's every 6 month checkup.   Gotta love doctors.

    God is good!

    All the time.

    All the time

    God is good!