Month: September 2004

  • I like this song....and I like the video more cause it sucks you in, and then whops you with a sermon.  If your a country fan watch for it.  Its worth it.  4 thumbs up!

    Joe Nichols  If Nobody Believed You. 

    I watched him take the two strike call:
    He hadn't tried to swing at all.
    I guess he'd had all that he could take,
    He walked away, for goodness sake.
    His father's voice was loud an' mean:
    "You won't amount to anything."

    That little boy quit tryin',
    He just walked away.
    There were teardrops on his face.
    Tell me, how would you feel?
    You'd probably give up too,
    If nobody believed in you.

    That old man said: "One more try"
    "I know I'm not too old to drive,
    "I promise, son, I'll do my best,
    "This time, I'm gonna pass the test."
    "Give me the keys, Dad, an' get in."
    His father never drove again.

    That old man quit tryin',
    He just turned away.
    An' there were teardrops on his face.
    Tell me, how would you feel?
    You'd probably give up too,
    If nobody believed in you.

    We take His name out of schools.
    The lawyers say it breaks the rules.
    Pledge of allegiance can't be writ,
    An' under God, should not be said.
    I wonder how He will take.
    I just pray it's not too late.

    What if God quit tryin',
    He just turned away?
    There were teardrops on his face?
    Tell me, how would you feel?
    You'd probably give up too,
    If nobody believed in you.

    Tell me, how would you feel?
    You'd probably give up too,
    If nobody believed in you.


    It was mostly a quiet day today.  I have the energy of a slug.   And spent most of the day re-reading the 3rd Harry Potter book. 

    I'm waiting for some digi pictures I ordered before I scrapbook anymore.  They should be here tomorrow or Friday.  In order to do things in chronological order I need those.  And then I'll be caught up until the year 2002.   From 2002-2004 I have scrapbooked on the computer, and will slowly get those printed in 8x10 pictures.   Speaking of which I really should shrink one or two and show them. 

    So I *think* I have about 50 pictures left so 10-15 pages and I'm done that scrapbook.  I will then play catch-up with Zeri, Sam, and Kaylin's photo albums.  

    Yup, my youngest 2 don't have any.    I haven't entirely decided what to do about albums for them as all their pictures are on the computer.  Except for a few I printed out cause I didn't want to loose them.   I guess *if* I get the oldest three's caught up I'll decide.  Ideas????

    The deal is I maintain albums for each child, and one for me.  It sounded like a good idea when I only had 2....and now is getting trickier, and trickier.  But isn't fair if I don't keep it for the wee ones right???   So I guess I'll start uploading to shutterfly, and slowly buying prints as I have money.

    At least all of the pictures are dated  (thanks to the digi)  *giggles*  And if I want to know what we did that day I just have to access xanga and wa-la instant info. 

    My two oldest are at Sparks tonight.  And my 3 youngest are sleeping.  Kaylin *has* been staying in SS, so I'm thinking Cubbies is going to be made available to her soon.   Jamari's gonna be ticked.  But I'm sorry he's NOT going this year.  He can just wait tanky very much. 

    I had a melt-down this afternoon.  All because the receptionist called to say I missed my midwife apointment.  I had it firmly planted in my head it was tomorrow.  I pulled out my card and read it, it says Thursday 7 pm.    So I called the receptionist back...and then re-read the card.  That was for September's apointments.  *growls*  Fortunately she has a reasonable sense of humour....and accidentally cancelled my last apointment.  So now we're apparently even.

    But I got off the phone and sobbed for 15 minutes.  Can you say pregnant???  Zeria, Rob, and Rainee just sat there staring at me.   It was so much fun.  (NOT!)

    Hopefully I got that outa my system.     

    Oh and maybe I'll stay away from the rice krispie squares in my cupboard as I suspect they were a contributer in the drips.

    Rainee has a cold.  And cried for 2 hours this afternoon.   I may not be sleeping this afternoon.  And may be going to the doctor tomorrow to check her ears if she repeats said scenario.   Hey its been a whole month since she's been to the doctor must be time right?

    bangs head on desk.

    Did ya know before I was married I hated doctors?

    God has a sense of humour.  I know this very much!!!  He made me marry a nurse, so every work-party is with doctors, and gave me a chronically sick child.  Yup, sense of humour.

    Okies have 3 choices for 8 o'clock television.  Smallville, Lost, or Hawaii.  I haven't seen Lost, but it looks intriguing.  And I love both of the other two.  So I'll be channel flipping.......

    Have a night

  • Rob brought this home for me about a week ago.  I've been waiting until it came online....

    We identify with it all too well.

  • Good morning

    Its gorgeous again today.  and HOT!  Actually got cooked out of the hammock.   Tis fine.  My kids wanted to do school.  Yes, wanted.  As in their books, not special projects.   I'm wondering who they are and where *my* kids have gone. 

    Sam has currently done umm 10 pages in math.   And we learned four new letters and he read a story incorporating those letters.  And he's begging to do more.  So he will LOL.

    A lot of it is pretty cinchy "busy" work, but its okay, its good reinforcement.  

    I actually told him to be done as theirs a new concept and I don't want to fry his brain.   Or mine.  *snicker*

    Zeria has invited my nieces over this afternoon to play.  I'm not sure if their coming or yet.  They had to finish their own school.  My sil said she'd call at noon.

    Its okay her girls are nice.  And it gives my kiddos something to do.  

    If not....I'll have to deal with Zeria's melt-down.     Although if she melts-down too much I'll just tell her she can't try again another day.  hehehehehehehe.  Mommy plans!

    Salmon sandwiches for lunch, and then a nap until sil calls.  I like naptime!

    I'm 34 weeks today.  *hip-hip-hooray*   One more week and the baby is completely safe.    I can do 7 days right???? 

    I have my "nesting" project all lined up as soon as I get off.  Its bound to set me contracting...........or clean up a messy laundry room one of the two.  *snicker*


  • Ran away and took a sanity my moms.

    An hour with the kids being entertained by somebody else is worth its wait in gold.  *nods*

    I will survive until my kids go to bedtime.  I WILL!

  • From a comment on my last blog. 

    Rich sometimes just doesnt get it.  Last night I explained something three times and ended up saying: No, that's not right, I've explained it you're not hearing, I'm not explaining again!

    Rob wishes all women to know that men speak French, and Women English. 

    Its my job when we watch chick flicks to explain why a scene is funny...or sad....or why a woman would do that.   And after I explain he says.  "Okay, if you say so."   And I'm thinking why did I bother with that explanation?   French I tell ya!

    Or maybe its Mandarin Chinese....or some forgotten language spoken in Papua New Guinea.    *snicker*  


    8 more days and all restrictions will be off of this never-ending pregnancy.   And hopefully I will regain my sense of humour.  I'm rapidly loosing it.

    Yesterday was a good day.  But today I'm just barely coping.  And if my boys cause one more fight......I told Zeria I was gonna tie 'em to a door and start throwing pillows at them.   She thought that was immensely hysterical.   Fortunately they have both been reasonably good for all of 30 minutes.   

    30 minutes is a long time when you've been spatting with whoever is near you since you got up.

    Our well is incredibly low today.  I've had to restart the washing machine 6x in order to get it to finish the rinse cycle.   Of course if the kids would quit playing with the hose it would help. 

    Do you sense the recurring theme?   I swear their ornrey.  I keep trying to come up with some short-errand to do just to get us all out of the house for a bit.  So far haven't invented anything yet.

    Its quite beautiful today, and actually hot.   We have all the doors and windows open which is amazing for almost the last day in September.    Not going to be many more days like this.  I want to go garden, or weed, or go for a long hike, or play at the beach.

    I'm gonna shut up now.   One more week, and one more day.  And then I can do it.

    Or deliver this little bit of munchkin inside me. 

  • loooooooooooooooong day, longer night.   Between Rainee's owie's in the middle of the night, and my asthma attack.  I woke up on the WRONG side of the bed....

    at 5 a.m.   

    Thanks Rainee I love ya. 

    This might explain why at 7:20 she wanted to give me kisses I started crying and covered my face.    Or maybe that was the contractions I've had for what seems like forever.  The rocking and shaking my body crying kind on contractions.

    Or maybe it was the fact that I knew Rob was headed for Physical Therapy and I couldn't go back to bed.

    Or maybe it was all of it.     Anyhow LOOOOOOOOONG day. 

    The good news is I get a date tonight.  As long as the contractions are at the level they are its not going to hurt to go sit and eat dinner without kids.  When your running from your kids sweet adorable kisses you know you need a break. 

    Rob did eventually get home for the day, and I've been in bed ever since.  Got online to see if there was something to do on the  boards.  Nope, nobody responded to my postie's.  So I'll go lay flat for a few more minutes, and then go for a nice dinner.    A dinner where I don't have to watch my kids eat.  This is ALWAYS a major bonus.

    And tomorrow....

    tomorrow for the first day in a week Rob has to be absolutely nowhere.   He's had a p/t or doctors apointment every day this week.  So I'm going to enjoy the novelty of not needing to rush.  And I'm going to start a new day.  And new days are always better then messed up ones.


  • House is reasonably quiet right now.  Its a nice temporary break.  Rainee is currently sleeping, and the big kids were told to stay outside or join her.  Their stayin outside.

    Well I have newborn diapers, socks, blankets...its starting to feel a bit more real.   Of course this means I'll go two weeks overdue right???

    Baby is starting to do the earthquake tummy moving movements.  Where my stomache takes a mind of its own and rolls and shakes.  Its so much fun to watch. 

    I've had contractions for 24 hours straight.....*screams*  But laying down isn't slowing 'em down.  So I went to Walmart and got the essentials, and am gonna be good the rest of the day.  (maybe)

    I'm rather tired of being good.  These contractions aren't the super-painful kind like I had yesterday...just generally annoying.   Like a period.

    A lake-friend has dropped by a meal twice this week.   Not even a close lake friend...just met her this summer.  This has been a nice "extra" blessing. 

    Zeri and Sam seemed to enjoy sparks.  Although Zeria was a wee-bit miffed that the older kids had a pinata and they didn't.  (wah!)

    Other then that its quiet here.  Quiet is good right???

  • Earning good mom brownie points today.  Its been drizzling/raining all day.  And we all have a fairly good case of cabin fever.  So I broke down and made play dough.  I *HIGHLY* recommend this recipe.  Keeps in a tuppaware container in the fridge for months.  And is super-duper-simple.   Oh yes and bought almost 2 hours of mostly quiet play with my kids.  That is worth its weight in gold

    Bakeable "Salt Clay" added 3-12-98 Original Author Unknown

    Use cookie cutters or mold Salt Clay by hand, then bake in a 300 degree oven for use in creating refrigerator magnets, jewelry, ornaments, keychains, necklaces, and more.

    Stir together:
    2 cups plain flour
    1 cup salt
    1 to 1 1/2 cups cold water
    2 tablespoons cooking oil

    Knead well until it forms a soft ball. Line a baking tray with aluminum foil, make the shapes you want, and bake in the oven at 300 degrees or until hard (about one hour). You can use food coloring to color dough before you bake it, or paint it afterwards. A finishing coat of shellac or clear acrylic will make your salt clay products last longer.

    I have baked it before and it makes awesome baking clay as well. 


    The concept of no alludes Rainee.   And the concept of its broken.   Rainee currently has a broken balloon on a string.  She wants me to fix it.  I've told her no about 15x.  Its broken it can't be fixed.  FIX IT!     *sigh*   This is the second unrepairable broken thing she's brought to me in the past ten minutes.   Bangs head on table.

    Of course I'd be coping better if these frickin' nasty rotten contractions would stop.   They've been going strong since 9 this morning.  Up, down, ibuprofen their just here.   *GROWLS*  Beats them into submission.

    My kids are happy...tonight the two oldest are going to Awana.   I renigged on my violent no-go from last spring.   They have just begged for it too much.   Rob will drive them there, and I have a ride arranged for them to come home.   I am NOT entertaining little ones down there this year.  I REFUSE with  a capital R.    The issue about rides in the past is getting them there.  As its the same time Rob heads to work its not a issue.  Getting home is least 3 families drive past my door.  And *if*  their cars get too full we'll swap and they'll use our van.  SUCCESS.

    Kaylin wants to go to Cubbies and we've told her she has to go to SS without crying for a month before we let her.   One Sunday down, 3 to go.  *snicker*   Bribary?  But of course.  I refuse to come rescue her from a hour cubbies meeting because she can't take it.  She's just so emotional these days.  I'm not entirely convinced her thyroid is completely fixed yet.  I want my placid child back PLEASE????

    Okies that contraction just plain hurt.  *sigh*  So I'll go back to prison...otherwise known as my recliner chair.  The pain is not worth the ability to sit up. 

  •  On the whining front.  I'm 33 weeks.  One more week of being extremely good and the laying flat restrictions are gone.   One more week after that of being cautious and let that baby come!  LOL

    Or I get to start painting....its a nesting thing.   I have like six different things I want to get painted.   And I keep looking at them longingly...I'm rather strange I love to paint. 

     My kids are building a tree fort.  They are quite excited about it......I've been too scared to go look.  I suppose I should have DH go...but he looses his sense of humour when it comes to kids creativity.   Maybe I'll pretend I don't know????? 

    Kaylin has this way of distracting mom from anger.  Its actually quite funny.   She will sense mommys tension rising and start going "mom?!  mom?!  mom?!"   I'll take a deep breathe ready to answer question 551.  "WHAT?"  usually comes out a bit harsher then it should have.    And then the whomper.  "I love you."  she says in this sad little voice.

    Great now I feel 2 inches tall. 

    So yesterday she did that, and I found my sense of humour and started saying "Kaylin?  Kaylin?  Kaylin?"   Not only would she not answer she put stinky blanket over her head and hid from me.  :-p   Skunk!

    Rainee came up to me with a big smile on her face and said "Mom your a butthead."   I stare at her for a moment unsure if that was what I really heard.  "Mom your a butthead."   Yup it was what I heard.    "Rainee, that's not nice and we're not saying that again."  I informed her very quietly.    Fortunately she hasn't.  

    But big sister who rather likes that word and uses it when she thinks mommy isn't listening got a wee bit of a lecture about her word choices. 

    I've taken on another responsibility at church.  It should involve about 2-3 hours a month at most.  Our church has a attic room with gently used clothes.  Its available to any who need them and there free.   I've actually been working there off and on since it started, and my kids benefit from it greatly.   So now the responsibility is mine.   We went yesterday and I sat on a pew and sorted threw clothes while the kids delivered them to there rightful destinations. 

    People did ya know are slobs???   When your donating clothes...please just throw the underware away.  And the used nylons.   And don't ya think you could wash them first???  EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

    Zeria got 4 new shirts out of yesterdays clean up.  And Mari 6 plus several pairs of pants.  The back of the van is currently full of clothes to go to the dump.  That's how bad what was donated was.  Just plain EWW!

    Rob is headed to p/t and to empty the van.   And I'm making a note to myself to make an announcement on Sunday (again)  About what qualifies as donation worthy.  *sigh*


  • Morning

    I think Rainee feel's its her duty to prepare me for a newborn.   *yaaaaawn*  6 am is entirely TOO early to wake up.

    Especially when one didn't get to sleep until 12:30.  

    The road Rob usually drives to work is closed for 6 weeks.  As a result he is having to drive around and its adding 20 plus minutes to his commute time.  Which means he's getting home at 11:20-30 pm.  And then we have to wind down.......

    So by midnight or so we're in bed.   And then Rainee's alarm starts going off.  Does it see us coming???  I'm beginning to suspect so.  

    This morning I went for my dew, and snuck to McD's for a sausage mcmuffin.  And then came home and laid in bed.  My kids played outside my door.   I think I might have actually slept a few minutes....which is NOT a good thing when one has five kids.  I still feel like sleeping.  But lunch is cooking, and thought I probably should be semi-awake for that....

    And then we're all taking a nap.  May I wake up after that.  This is ridiculous I'm so stinkin' tired.

    Do you think if I hollered telepathically to my kids lunch was ready they'd hear me.  They are ignoring me currently, and I don't have the energy to go get them.  Aren't I pathetic?????????  Don't answer that, I know the answer.

    I don't *have* to wait up until Rob comes home, but he does appreciate it when I do.  I think tonight may be one of those nights I don't make it......

    I NEED some more caffeine.  Too bad I don't have any.  

    After all my venting about kids bedtime last night they went to sleep without a hitch.  It was rather astounding.  And I did absolutely nothing different.  *shrugs*   It would be nice if it was repeated again tonight.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!