Month: May 2004

  • Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Ya know it always amazes me how when you think your gonna break God gives just enough sunshine to allow you to continue on.

    This morning I was really struggling.  Didn't want to get moving etc.  Finally decided I was gonna load up the kids and go get a Dew.  I don't keep them in the house cause I have no will power.    So I get to have one a day if I make it out of the house.  Usually I run before DH leaves so I can take the Geo.   But I drug around too long today.

    Anyhow loaded 'em up in the rain and drizzle.  And kind sighed about the ickiness of the day.  

    And drove down the mountain and found it wasn't raining.   And was *almost* sunny.

    So after picking up my Dew I went to Salt Creek Park and let the kids play on the play ground equipment for an hour.  I needed that.

    I needed a break from mundane, and the rain thats been going on since Tuesday.   Sunshine.

    Even if it did involve a  yipping dog who locked us out of the van.  *snicker*  Fortunately a window was open for I found a crooked stick and used it to unlock the electric locks.

    Oh yes and did I mention Zeria smuggled the kitty into the van?   So we umm had to be very careful as to not let it get out...cause it woulda been goooooooooooooooone.

    But those were funny.   Cause I got a wee bit of sunshine and a break.   And just as I was thinking it was time to go it started sprinkling.    So greatful for the wee break. 

  • In another frame of mind....

    Kids were whining.  (What else is new.) 

    I muttered under my breathe.  *Bite me!*

    Rob said...I'd be happy to.

    Yeah...Thanks Dear.   Can you tell we haven't found a babysitter yet tonight???? 


    After many phone calls our regular baby sitter was finally home.  *cheers*

    We are runnin' away.  Trust me we NEED it.

  • Good afternoon.  Just barely.

    Kids are happy mommy bought them color crayons again yesterday.   They've been umm missing theirs for awhile.   They disappear rather quickly thanks to five little bodies being irreponsible.    And my hubby throwing them away when he sees them on the ground rather then putting them away.  *growls*

    They weren't happy however when mommy realized they had 30 pieces of paper between them to color on.   I narrowed it down to 2 each.   When those are full we'll negotiate. 

    Tonight for dinner we're having fresh garden grown salad.  My sil's grandma sent some our way.   They have a huge garden and love to share.   So theirs 3 kinds of lettuce and spinach.    I have a baby chicken in the oven that I'll be shredding to put in it.   Along with Ramen noodles and my favorite dressing. 

    My mouth is watering.   And Samuel?  He thinks it all sounds grose.....

    Made a run into town this morning by myself for a prescription order and the 4 items I forgot to get yesterday.   And guess what I *still* forgot to get one.  So much for the list working.   Well it would work if I'd remember to bring it into the store.  *snicker*

    Broke the color crayons out cause its rainin'.    And has been for the last 36 hours.   Well raining/drizzling/foggy.  I wish it would "real" rain we need it.

    Kids are getting ready to watch their educational tv...and soon I can put Rainee down for a nap.  Which means I can nap.  I like naps LOL

    I pulled out some knitting last night as my hands have gotten restless in the evenings.   Starting a wee sweater for the bebe in mommys tummy.  Its yarn I already have so a "free" project.   So far so good.  Its been awhile since I've knit anything usually crotchet, but I like the look of knit sweaters better.

    I *think*  I've felt peanut wiggling a few times in the last couple days.  *grin*   I like that feeling.   Its the one "fun" thing about being pregnant.  Almost makes up for the contractions, puking, and aching body....

    Other then that life moves on.  

  • First of all congratulations to Daylesmilk one of my longest online friends.  Who just had her son Noah James 8 pounds even.  

    Oh Tracie you'll be tickled to know your probably my second oldest online friend as a few others have disappeared in the woodwork over the last few months.  *grin*

    Wooooooooo  I survived grocery shopping pregnant with 5 kids in tow. 

    And I spent $215    I thought that was pretty dang good seeings it included 25 lb bags of flour & sugar, diapers, tp, and paper towels.    I also spent money for the kids for lunch but didn't include that in the grocery money.   I asked Rob if I could and he told me I had no choice.    He was right LOL

    I forgot to buy will have to pick that up, and forget to get Sam's batterys.   *growl*  You always forget something.      But tis okay we're not completely out of coffee, and I don't need the batterys until Sam's birthday on Friday.

    Two youngest are now sleeping and taking long ones...which just does NOT hurt my feelings....

    We got our lawn mowed and weed-eated yesterday (thanks to my brother)  and it looks so wonderful.    We probably should have skimped on that another week...but no lawn mower and the grass has to get cut somehow.    

    We paid my parents back and now are no longer in debt.  I have to say this is another time I'm so greatful we don't have credit cards.   One pay check and we're basically back on track.    The adoption check comes in on the first and we're completely on track.   Although we won't be spending excess money until July 1st just to get a nice cushion again.    

    Oh and the birds are happy we ran out of birdfood have way through yesterday.  They thought we were cutting things close.   We are currently having so much fun watching them.   And have two new couples at our feeders this year.   Blackwing Grosbecks.   My kids have named them Spotty.    *giggles*

    This is a pic I found of them online...They don't hold still long enough for me to take a picture.

    They call him spotty because of those white  spots on his wings.    It took us awhile to identify but his mate is also visiting.   

    We also have the usual run of stellar jays, sparrows, chickadees, etc.    But their not nearly as exciting.  LOL

    I have several pictures of Rainee to share at sometime but I'm toooooo lazy.  

    On that note I'm considering curling up on the couch and watching Clean Sweep. 




  • Morning.

    My plans for today? 

    School with the kids...(eventually)

    Redo our budget.  (EWWW!)

    And right a very tight grocery list.

    Payday is tomorrow.   But its gonna be a light one so we can pay back my parents.   Our freezer is still full.   But we have to have the foods that go with meat etc.     My food budget is normally $300.   I'm hoping to cut at least a hundred off that.

    The good news is, is the adoption check comes on the first and then things will be back to normal.   With the exception of us being a bit more cautious with our spending.  LOL

    The bad news is its been awhile since we touched our budget...and its making me sick to my stomache thinking about it.   We don't have RAinee's monthly health care stuff budgeted.   And I'm not particularly looking forward to figuring out how to pay for it for "real".   Theirs a couple other things like that that we've just been paying...and now I need to deal with reality.  We kept hoping it would go away......


    The budget was painless...and it works.  Scarey.  I'm glad I did it now instead of obsessing about it.

    Now the trick is to get us out of the wee hole we're in so we can function with it.  hehehehehehe

    That is a big thank you God

    Okies goood news lots of food here.   Really could basically do without going to the grocery store if we absolutely had to.  It would be extremely boring LOL.   But we COULD.   So I'm not in bad straits...just hate dealing with the money stuff.

    What a depressing blog.

    On the upside its gorgeous outside.   And we'll probably be able to go find some place to swim.  I have gas for that.  *cheers*.   Soooooo  trying to decide whether my moms or the lake again.    We'll decide later.

    Have a great day All.

  • Soooooooo  a wee bit of a parenting dilema.   And I'm desperately trying to decide how to proceed.

    Zeria came to me this afternoon to discuss something that happened in SS.   Its Thursday.   So I'm not sure if it means she was upset and hid it...or was bored and wanted something to talk about.

    I'm still fishing for details and will be talking to my niece who is a year and a half older then Zeria and rather close to 18 in terms of emotional development.  *snicker*   Their not home waiting on the conclusion of the story.

    A new girl in SS (8 or 9?)  whose mom seems to be very sweet.   And enabled my biracial brother to get a good after-school job.    (see nice LOL)   Anyhow she says.  "My sister doesn't like black people."   Which Zeria was of course sad about.   And then apparently grabbed a piece of white chalk and tried to change their color for them so they'd be white.  (White being better of course).

    Apparently this happened in opening.   Where the teacher was I'm not entirely sure.....

    Andria's response to Zeria was.  "She's not very nice 'cause she doesn't have Jesus in her heart yet."   Andria's smart.  *grin*

    Sooooooo do I go parental  (after confirming story with my niece)  and talk to the mom or the teacher.   Or wait for something similar to happen?   Or drop it?

    I don't want to be over-protective.  But I also want my kids to feel safe and proud of their color and their heritage.


  • I keep forgetting to blog about my mini-miracle.   And the way God helps.   Rob and I both eat eggs for breakfast.  Instead of high carb stuff.

    Well we were down to just about a dozen eggs when we discovered our check book was below empty.   And decided for the next week and a half we'd save the eggs for the kids breakfast.  (they get pancakes, waffles, biscuits etc.)   Which would only require one-two eggs each day and we'd make it.     Just one of those budgeting kinda things.

    Anyhows I can't eat those things due to my low-carb been having rather umm intriguing foods for breakfast.     And was really missing eggs.    (hot dogs two different mornings :-X)   

    When we went up to the lake on Tuesday one of my friends stopped by for a wee visit on the way home from bringing her grandson home from school.  "Oh, I keep meaning to stop, do you need eggs?"  she asks.  "Oh yes."  I replied.   And fifteen minutes later she brought me three dozen fresh farm eggs.   Their chickens are laying surplus.

    Mini-miracles.   God is awesome!

  • Mornin'

    Its nice outside allbeit a bit windy.    Rainee decided that morning came at 5:15...I disagree.

    This mornings recurring theme from her was "Me 'elp u.  "Me 'elp u."  Over and over and over and over.    So I started saying it.  Much to daddys chagrin.  He says I have the inflection down just right.    *snicker* 

    I don't think he meant that as a compliment.

    Oh in my blondish mlife.  Did I mention I've passed my first trimester?    Still dealing with nausea off and on.   But maybe this means it will leave soon eh?

    Other then that life goes on.....

  • Good morning.

    Yesterday was soooooo gorgeous.   And today is overcast and icky.  *shrugs*   Oh well I'll be thankful for yesterday.   And my mild sunburn on my shoulders I got even hiding in the shade.

    It was so hot I *gasp* took the kids up to the lake.   Its only a mile drive so not bad on the lack of gas-budget.    I told them I doubted they'd swim it would be too cold, but at least we could cool off.   They swam.   ALL of them.  Even Rainee...unintentionally.     I was sitting visiting with a friend (who joined us after a bit)   and she sees a blonde head bobbing in the lake.  "Oh, just so you know Kaylin's swimming."  I looked and jumped up running to the shore.  (I stay about 5-10 feet away at all times to begin with.)   ZERIA GRAB RAINEE!  I screamed knowing she was already wet...and closer and faster then me.  

    Rainee was doing not bad all things considered.   She wears one of the life-jacket/swimming suit combos.   And she'd get her head up for a second and then her head would go down.   She had the sense to close her mouth and didn't swallow any water.   So all things considered she did a good job.   But I'd rather not witness it again.

    But omgoodness.  I'll be sitting closer now tankee very much.  None of my other just walkings got more then a foot in the water.    Well MariMan did the first day.    He went running in up to his waist like the big kids and found it was cold LOL.

    On the way home from the lake I was informed that Grandma's don't have husbands.   "Oh?"  I asked.  "Nope, they have Grandpa's."   This from the words of Kaylin.

    Kaylin is of the age she's trying to figure out family relations.  Our family is umm tricky.  *giggles*   Because Zeria, Sam, and Mari our sisters and brothers to my 6 youngest siblings.   But my 6 youngest siblings are technically Kaylin and Rainee's aunts and uncles.   Poor kid its all rather like a r/p board. 

    MariMan decided to find out what was inside a egg yesterday....On top of my 25 container pound of sugar.    I was NOT a happy mommy when I found it.....

    Rainee has hit the terrible two with a vengeance.   And is enjoying several temper her crib where we don't have to.  She's slowly figuring out that if she turns the anger off she can get snuggles.   Yesterday it was a good day and I just would say.  "Okay, thats enough, or your gonna have to go to your crib."   Today not so good.      We'll survive this too right????

  • Good morning.

    Its gorgeous outside. HOT  I've been hiding in the shade since 9.   We never hide in the shade in May.   WEather is so funky this year.   I've even contemplating a trip to the lake....which I wouldn't go in...but my kiddos would sure like it.

    Rainee would like to show you how to sunbathe....she learned today.


    We won't discuss why she's sunbathing in rubber boots.........I guess that's cause she's born and raised in Washington.   Typically Washintonians don't tan they rust after all.....

    We watched Swiss Family Robinson with the kids last night.   They were enthralled with it.   And when the pirates were attacking the family.   Both of my boys began to shout die! DIE! DIE!

    Rob and I were dying with silent laughter.

    I played hours of pretend Swiss Family Robinson growing up......we had this awesome hill we built a "fort" on.   And threw pinecones (coconut bombs)  at make believe pirates.     Very fun.  *grin*

    The kids discovered our chicken house.   Its a building my sis & bil gave to us.   Because I desperately want chickens.   I raised them most of my growing up years.   I was planning on buying some within the next couple weeks...  HAHAHAHAHAHA   financially that ain't happening right away.   Anyhow its very clean...and they think the worlds greatest toy.   Its been their umm 4 years?   But they discovered it yesterday and it is now their number one toy.  

    Did I mention my petite Princess rainee in my last blog?  Can't remember.   She's only 24 pounds at 2 years of age.   Fortunately the doctor didn't freak on me.   He knows its the exact same weight Kaylin was....LOL

    Guess they may come out of my womb big...but then they forget to keep growing.   Tis okay means I can carry them longer.

    Speaking of which.   Zeria sat on my lap last night...and she's almost too big.  How'd that happen???? *sniff sniff*

    Well the sunshine is calling gonna go do one last board check and then go back out in it.  Have a great day.