Month: April 2004

  • And this is just icky!

    Sudan Imposes Islamic Law on Khartoum’s Southerners

    Christian Girl Whipped for Not Wearing Headscarf

    by Barbara G. Baker


    ISTANBUL, April 28 (Compass) -- Sudan’s Islamic regime in Khartoum lashed and fined a young Christian Sudanese woman in mid April for not wearing a headscarf in public in the capital city.


    Cecilia John Holland, 27, was given 40 lashes on her back and fined 10,000 Sudanese dinars ($40) by the Sizana Islamic Court in Khartoum on April 14, sources in the capital confirmed to Compass.


    A Christian born in southern Sudan, Holland was traveling by minibus to her home in the Khartoum suburb of Haj Yousif on the night of April 13 when she was arrested by a group of 10 public-order policemen, some in uniform and others in plainclothes.


    She was just boarding the bus near Badr gardens in Khartoum Two at 9 p.m. when the police apparently spotted her. A police van pulled ahead of the bus, ordering the driver to stop, and Holland was dragged off the bus into the van.


    When Holland tried to pull free, protesting that she was a Christian and a southerner, she was struck with a hard blow on the neck and forced into the van. Four other women were already detained there, all wearing scarves, although their attire was tight and revealing.


    With temperatures in Khartoum ranging between 100 and 105 degrees F., Holland was wearing modest long sleeves and an ankle-length skirt, but her hair was uncovered.


    The police told Holland she was being arrested for not wearing a scarf. No one in Khartoum, “even a non-Muslim,” she was told, was exempt from Islamic bans against wearing improper dress.


    Two hours later, after seven more women had been arrested, the police delivered the van-load of detainees to the Dame police station, about 2.5 miles south of Khartoum’s city center. According to Howard, three of the women went elsewhere, but the remaining nine women were kept together in custody overnight.


    On the morning of April 14, the accused women were taken to the Sizana Islamic Court. There a policeman swore an oath on the Koran and then read out the charges against Holland and the other women. None of the accused women were allowed to say a word to the court.


    According to the police version of Holland’s case, she was accused of “standing near a garden at night” and “not wearing a scarf on her head at 11 p.m.” The police refused to register that she was employed, writing instead that she was “jobless.”


    Holland, who holds a diploma in catering from Khartoum Applied Sciences College, is employed as a catering officer for a local non-governmental organization.


    Declaring Holland guilty, the Sizana court sentenced her to be lashed 40 times on her back and pay a fine of 10,000 Sudanese dinars. That afternoon, after being whipped and paying the cash penalty, she was released. The fine represented a third of Holland’s monthly salary.


    Born to Moru parents in Wau, in southern Sudan, Holland has three brothers and two sisters. Since the death of her father, John Holland Bay, her mother has gone to live in Juba, a government-controlled city in southern Sudan.


    Because the young woman’s grandfather, Holland Bay, was Scottish, her skin color is lighter and her hair longer than the typical black southern Sudanese. However, her Christian name and Arabic accent confirmed her identity and verbal testimony to the police.


    Holland’s forced subjection to the restrictions and harsh punishments of Islamic law dramatizes one key issue now deadlocking a year of ongoing peace talks between the National Islamic Front government in Khartoum and the southern leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).


    Earlier this month, the Khartoum government refused to compromise on its insistence that Islamic law govern all Sudanese citizens residing in Khartoum. More than two million non-Muslim southerners live in and around the capital, displaced by the last 20 years of civil war between the African Christian-animist south and the Arab Muslim north.


    So far the SPLM’s alternative proposals have been outright rejected, to either establish a separate enclave within the capital for southerners, or subject its non-Muslim Sudanese to the same secular laws to be followed in the south during a six-year period of self-rule.


    Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir claimed on April 13 that southern negotiators had abandoned their demands and agreed to have “only one legislation” in Khartoum. According to an Agence France Press report, Bashir said the compromise came “after we gave them convincing guarantees regarding the cultural and religious diversities among the citizens.”


    But a SPLM spokesman denied any such agreement, which would in effect make the south’s non-Muslims “second-class citizens” in the country’s political capital.

  • good morning

    Its gorgeous outside today.   Which considering yesterday is fairly amazing.  Yesterday was actually sunny most of the day but major wind storm.   Apparently even some twisters were seen in the Seattle area.   Which is unheard of.

    Oh and we had thunder, and HARD rain after that.  

    And now its back to being gorgeous.

    Rainee decided this morning to go hiking without daddy.    We did a head count and realized one was missing.   The kids and I did a search of the house while daddy started running our trails.   In the meantime she heard us hollering and came back to us. 

    And now I'm shaking.   Oy.   I guess we're gonna have to talk more to the kids about being responsible for each other.    They actually do really well.   And of the five, only Rainee and Kaylin have gone missing each one time.   And each for less then five minutes.  And ironically they both took the same trail.     It must call to them.

    The problem was daddy said they were going hiking.   And he got side-tracked.   So Rainee went without him. 

    On Sunday a 3 year old boy almost drowned in a local river.  We have no water.   But we have cougars, and hours of trails.   So I'm thankful.   And trying not to think to hard of all the things that could have gone wrong....

    I'm 11 weeks along as of yesterday.   Tomorrow's my first mid-wife appointment.   Hopefully I'll get to hear the baby's heartbeat although its a wee-bit early.    I always rest more comfortably when I hear that.

    Raineebug has decided she hates bugs.  How does a two year old learn fear?  I don't mean spiders (blucky)   I mean infintesimle little bugs, like baby ants, and tater bugs.   BUGGIEE! BUGGIE! BUGGIE!!!  She screams when she sees one.   And waits for some galant hero to rescue her.

    We don't.    We do come and talk to her and tell her she's bigger then them etc.   So far she's NOT buying it.

    In many ways its actually very funny.   But one shouldn't laugh at their child when their having an anxiety attack right??? 

    My basil died.   It doesn't like Washington.   My cilantro is trying very hard to grow.   But I planted it in the place that every kid, dog and cat thinks they need to use as a short cut.   It will be a miracle if it makes it.

    I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly want to plant some veggies.    But I don't have the dirt prepared.   And am I really gonna want to weed when I'm as round as a house?  Probably not.   *sigh*   Wanted to do it last year too, but that was the beginning of Rainee's sleep apnea, and it was the first thing that went bye-bye on the list of things to do.

    Maybe someday.

    Our cat........ EWWWWWWWWWWWW   It brought in a chipmonk this morning,  and a mole.    Thanks.   We hired you for mice not that.   And couldn't you leave them outside like any other self-respecting animal???  PLEASE?  

    I hesitate to say this, but Ricky our new dog is working out awesome.   He stays home, he loves our kids, he's gentle.   He comes when I call him.   Scccarey.  Oh please let this one work out.   I'm so tired of loosing dogs!!!!

    Okies must find some breaky and move this day along.

  • Okies sorted through the zoo pictures.  And have a couple to share.   This one's my favorite.  It just looks real, like it came from Africa instead of a zoo.   The Woodland park has done a excellent job of the habitats.   Which actually has its downsides 'cause sometimes  you can't find the animals LOL

    But this is my favorite animal every time.   The tang-tang's so dubbed by Zeria the first time she saw them at 2 years old.   They look like my dad.  I don't believe in evolution....but oh the coincidence here is pretty strong. 


    It was hot at the zoo on Saturday and this guy was the picture of contentment.  He *was* playing with an orange peel but careless and it dropped down to the ground (about 20 feet)  He looked over at it as if to say nah too much work.   And put his hand behind his head and went back to sunnin'.    

    And then one last monkey picture.    I was so busy watching kids in the crowds of sunny Saturday zoo goers that I just didn't take that many.  That and I'm getting more and more picky about "good" pictures.  LOL


    Oh wait...I forgot.  I have a picture of some monkeys.  But then I said I didn't believe in evolution didn't I?   Well then how do you explain this??????

    This would be the Sam~monkey the Zeria~monkey and the Kaylin~monkey.  ROFL

    Today was HOT and lovely.   My lawn chair and I got intimately acquainted.   And my skin and the sun re-established relations.   And a few parts that haven't seen sun in oh 9 months are just a wee bit burnt this afternoon.   It was LOOOOOOOOOOVERLY.

    Broke out the slip&slide and the kids were quite delighted with it.  Played in it off and on all day.    And a couple of them probably got a bit more sun then they should have..... Oh well they'll live.



  • Mornin'

    Guess what I did this weekend? 

    I walked away from the computer.  *gasp*  Even turned it completely off and didn't even miss it slightly.

    Wow what is the world coming to.   Haven't been online since Friday.

    Got caught up on the boards mostly.    So thats not hanging over my head.  Although should probably peak in at Whispin for 30 seconds and Elmemire.  

    Saturday we woke up to a fairly nice day and restless.   Got the kids dressed and into the car all the while discussing where we were going.   We didn't know.  ROFL

    About Sequim,  (45 minutes away)  we decided on the Woodland Park Zoo.   And it was a lot of fun.    Rainee actually "saw" the animals this time, and did quite a bit of walking.   Although we also had to carry her frequently due to her getting wheezy.     But what else is new??

    Anyhow it was a lovely day two ferry rides, zoo, McD's for lunch, Subway for dinner and home about 7:15 in the evening. 

    Sunday was church, a date (as we didn't have one Friday) and evening service.   It was a good day but on top of the day before I was more then a little bit ready for bed.   And my body rather yelled at me for overdoing it.    Big suprise there. 

    I have pictures...but haven't brought my camera inside yet.   So will see if I get them up.

    The magic eraser worked awesome.   And all the murals are gone.    They do disappear rather quickly, but as they work so well thats ok.

    And my mind went blannnnnnnnnk.   So thats it for now. 

  • AFternoon.

    Woke up to it being very yucky this morning.   So instead of painting Zeria and I went grocery shopping.   Was hoping this would be a help and keep me from getting too tired, but not as much of a pain as having ALL the munchkins.   Mostly it worked.

    She decided to sing through Walmart.   And that was umm annoying.  Now don't get me wrong.  Singing is fine.   But singing about house-hold products while I'm trying to find the right one is rather exasperating. 

    Bought some Mr. Clean Magic Eraser's.  I'm really hoping they work.  I have several kid "murals"  that I'd love to see disappear.    I'll tell ya if its all hype.  *snicker*

    Came home took a nap woke up to find my husband and kids gone.  No note.  Have absolutely no idea where they are.   I wish I could train him to leave a note.  *growls8   Here's hoping he comes home with a diet-pop.  I NEED one.

    I'm not used to the house being this quiet.  Its rather disconcerting.  Oh wait here they come.   Noise here I come. 

    Its gorgeous this afternoon.   And I'm thinking of tackling another window.   Rob and I are just thrilled with how much of a difference the paint did.   After I got after yesterday we took a vote and decided instead of our front door being white with the little bit of trim on it blue.  I would paint it all blue.  Wow did we make a good choice.  I can't believe how much I like it.

    I know pictures.  I'll get to it eventually....

    Read through some old blogs from right after Rainee was born.   For the first time they were catheric instead of causing me to flashback and panic.     

    Sat down and calculated out how many days Rainee had been hospitalized that first year.   Figured out 21.   OY.   No wonder I was a basketcase.    

    And now after that I'm just so greatful we finally have medicine that works.   And doctors that listen.   And that we've managed to keep her hospital free for 9 months.   It is a major accomplishment.   And something to be extremely greatful for!   God IS good. 

    Oh and on good news we have her flovent down to 44 mrg.  I think we'll be able to have that all summer long.  It is so good to get her on less steroids.   Now if we could just get her off oxygen.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    HMMMM no date night tonight as we can't get our babysitters to answer the phone.  Do ya think their hiding from us?????? Wait don't answer that.

    Okay as soon as this baby is done nursin' I think I'm gonna go paint.    *grin* 

    As in regards to the boards.   Lets just say my muse is on vacation.   She'll come back in a couple days.   I need a bit of a break, but am not abandoning everybody just breathin'.

  • Afternoon.

    Feeling much better today.  Which of course makes me want to do all the things I haven't been able to do in days.   And umm freely admit I've been painting trim on the outside of the house.  (blushes)

    Its latex and "safe".    And yup I've been up on a ladder a bit.  But not high up.   And I know after all my venting about being tired its goofy to do.

    But ya'know some days ya just got to push out and do something regardless.

    And I love to paint and our trim needs it BAAAAAAADLY!  And Rob HAAAAAAATES it.

    Only did it for about twenty minutes.   And will do twenty more later.   I figured that wasn't over doing it.   And it WILL get the trim done eventually.  Managed to do the door and one window that way.   Will do the second coat of those after cyberchase is over.  

    That leaves one more easy access window to do.   And some that my mother is saying I absolutely shouldn't touch.   She's probably right.   But I don't listen well to my mother.  *giggles*   We'll see how it goes.

    And whether my body doesn't kill me for what I've done to it so far. 

    Of course I walked away from the paint for a minute and Rainee "painted" while I was gone.  So had to clean up that mess.   I knew better too...although typically its SAM that plays in the paint.

    I hadn't realized how badly the paint had faded until I put the first bit up.  And their rather like two different colors.  (EWWWW)   So it will make things look MUCH better.

    On the kid front.

    They LOVE the new sandbox.   And are spending hours in it. 

    Yesterday the girls collected rocks that looked like eggs (in their opinion   and made egg houses.   They were rather elaborate.   And I was forced to listen to a ten minute description of them.   Oh yes, but the mommy egg was dead.  It got eaten by a dinosaur and they buried it.  According to Zeria.

    That reassured me lots. 

    Rainee is finally cutting her eye teeth.  All 4 in one week.   We may or may not survive her doing this.  Oh my whiney!

    And its beautiful today.   And my lawn chair is calling me.  Or the paint.

    Lawn chair?  paint?  Lawn chair?  paint?  Decisions, Decisions......


  • Hip Hip HOoray!  I'm done with the dentist.  

    Last cavity filled this morning.

    Spent the rest of the morning collecting stuff to upholster the window seat "right"   The quilt I put on it just got too dirty.   So I splurged on $50 of vinyl and put it on.  It looks MUUUUUUUUUUCH better.

    I still have to hang the curtains.   But as I mentioned yesterday I'm functioning on virtually no energy.   So I'm doing things in five minute increments.    The kids are all currently testing it to see if its comfy.   Sam's only complaint is the sun makes it "hot". 

    The vinyl was actually a lot less then I thought it would be...shoulda gone with it to begin with.  Oh well live and learn. 

    Ten weeks preggers as of yesterday.    so many many more weeks to go.  I can do step at a time.  


  • Good morning.

    Well umm so I'm hormoanal.  I'm pregnant.  *snicker*

    And I'm also incredibly tired.   That would be the pregnant too right?

    I barely have the energy to take care of my kids let alone sit upright at the computer.   As a result some of my charries might take awhile to get it together.   But the boards are slow so hopefully it won't be too much of a problem. 

    Basically life just quit underneath me.   I'm alive...but barely.   And the computer is the thing that has to go for awhile.


  • Good morning.   Its been an extremely busy weekend.   And I gave myself permission to stay off-line.   I managed to read everyone's sir's.   And check e-mail.   But other then that pretty much stayed off.

    Today is Rainee Grace's birthday.   She's officially 2 years old (well at 11:19 tonight LOL).  

    We celebrated it this weekend.   And of course I have pictures.  *grin*  I

    The firstly one is her in her birthday outfit that mommy and daddy got her.   She picked where to "pose" for the picture.   And was all quite grown-up about it.  ROFL

    On Friday we woke up and realized it was gonna be nice so we decided to go to the Game Farm.   The energy required for this was lacking (in me)   But it ended up being a lot of fun.   Rainee LOVED the animals.   Although I must say she fed more seagulls then anything.  *snicker*   The seagulls apparently were very exciting.

    This has also been a weekend (for me)  of evaluation.   As most of you know RAinee's birth/and many health adventures have been a long emotional drain on me.   So I did some serious reflecting.   And of course have no "real" answers.    But it was good.   And for the first time since I found out I was pregnant with this one in my tummy I allowed myself to daydream about him/her. 

    I hadn't realized that I wouldn't.    Its all part and parcel of the things Rainee broke when she was born.   Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks along.   And will probably call sometime this week to set up my first mid-wife appointment.   I hate the phone LOL    But I also like the assurance of knowing their there to answer my many twisted questions.  *giggles*

    This is Rainee watching a bear.   The bear was quite happy with the doughnut we gave him.   And then the half a loaf of bread.  LOL


    Growls.   I can't seem to get online and stay.   Now I'm doing this blog offline.   And may or may not ever get to finish it.   I don't seem to be able to convince people to quit calling.   Of course it would help if my mom would remember it takes me 30 seconds to get offline.   So I get offline and she calls someone else and starts talking for a half hour.   So much for what she wanting being so-called urgent.  *whine*

    Last year when Rainee turned one I was desperately hoping to have a victory party.   Instead 2 weeks before her first birthday we added sleep apnea to her list of diagnosis.   And our life changed drastically once again.   A year later we still deal with the pulse ox, and oxygen.   And apnea events almost nightly that the oxygen doesn't help.     Several people in church hoped that she'd outgrow it...with their lack of expert knowledge to guide them.  She hasn't. 

    Friday night we'd been invited out for dinner.   (just Rob and I)   So we did that for date night.  And Saturday we  hung around the house and let Rainee open the rest of her birthday pressies.    She liked that.  *grin*   And Saturday evening we did birthday cake.

    Was gonna buy one, but couldn't find anything.   So bought a mix which I asked DH to do up.  He did....and decorated it.   And did a awesome job.    That was ummmmm suprising.  ROFL  Man of many hidden talents

    Oh and each kid got their OWN pop.   Twas a MAJOR treat.  

    Sunday was church.   And my sister Tina was home for the weekend as our younger sisters were doing a homeschool drama.    My mom invited just us over for lunch to visit with her as she is sibling to 3 of my kids.   And she wanted a picture of all 9 of them.   Poor Kaylin she was just broken hearted when she realized she wasn't invited to be in the picture.   See Zeria, Sam and Mari are her siblings, so aren't the others?  Oy and you think the r/p'ers have family tree headaches.

    So their they all are.  One huge family.   And no the boys wouldn't smile.   They didn't want their pictures taken.   And yes we  told them when they were whining about how the picture turned out that it twas their own fault.   bwahahahaha

    It was very hard on my kids to only Tina for such a short time.   Especially Jamari.   Jamari bonded with Tina before he did us.     She looks just like their birthmom.   And Jamari lived with his birthmom for five months.   He had to go all through the grieving process again yesterday.   It wasn't fun.     Fortunately today he seems to have moved on again.   Poor guy.    HE just sobbed when we went to the play last night and realized Tina wasn't their.   And clung to me for dear life.

    3 year olds should not have to deal with that much abandonment.

    Rainee got clothes from Grandma and Grandpa S as well.   So she wore them on Sunday.   And of course had to take another picture.  *grin*

    She likes to pose.  ROFL

    And that was our weekend.   Phew!  it was busy.  LOL   But I don't feel nearly as tired today as I did after the lots-of-Easter we did last week.   So maybe I took enough rests this time.  

    I have a blog lurking in my head about Rainee and the two years we've conquered.   But I'll save it for later.   This ones big enough as it is. 



  • So this is what I've done off and on in the last 24 hours.   I was whining to Crisia about my charrie not having very many pictures.   And she found a bunch LOL.   And well okies so Justin grew some hair.  *giggles*    But these pictures were just too cool to pass up.  


    Sand is here have a bunch of pictures but I'll have to shrink 'em and edit 'em.   So probably tomorrow unless I get reaaaaaaaaaaaaally energetic.

    Rainee is not feeling good today.   She found brief energy to play in the sand (and was quite tickled with it)   And then took a very very early nap.   I so hope she wakes up feeling better.