Month: July 2003

  • Do you know how LONG seven days is when your waiting to re-test?  Do you know how LITTLE patience I have waiting?  And do you know how TIRED I am of waiting????

    And yes my visitor has NOT come back.  I wish I knew what was going on with my body.  I *think*  I'm on day 37 or 38 or something, starting to loose count and don't feel like counting on my fingers again *snicker*

    DH came home this morning and I went back to bed as our normal agenda is on his night shifts.  And I slept in until 10:30.  Oy I NEVER sleep that late.  Woulda slept longer but had to use the necessary. 

    Still tired.    And so I wonder is "this" a "symptom"  or maybe I'm just tired 'cause I have 5 kids.  And CAN I PLEEEEEEEEEEASE justify spending the $$ on another test.  No I'll be patient. 


    I'm oh so NOT patient!

    Okay that vent is out of my system.

    Have a great day all. 

  • So here's the mermaid.   I won't tell you how many hours I spent creating her.  And I don't even have a character description for her.....pondering.  *grin*

  • soooooooo go to your start button and under search write AOL upload.  And see how many are in your computer.  Its a new kinda twisted poll.  I had 10 or more.  *sigh*

    Oh plus I have 4 aim instant messengers.  bwahaha

  • so the suppense is killing me too.    I took a test on Sunday.  It said no, but still no period either and I'm on day 35.  Soooooooo who knows. 

    My wrist is hurting me I jammed it swimming today, so may be not online quite as much.

    We had a lovely day today as DH had a unexpected day off.  (Long story)  And we dug on our cabin which we're gonna build on the top of our property.  We now have a fairly decent sized flat spot for it.  This is something we've been dreaming about for awhile.  Its gonna be very rustic,  basically just 4 walls and a roof and a bed.  A place for either of us adults to hide when we need a nap, or a run-away place.    It may take us years to finish snicker, but its fun to dream.

    Oh and the best news of the day?

    Rainee took 3 steps on her own!   She getting closer.

    And now the stupid joke I got in the mail that I just have to share. 

    A Dog named Mace

    A mechanic who worked out of his home had a dog named Mace. Mace had a bad
    habit of eating all the grass in the mechanic's lawn, so the mechanic had
    to keep Mace inside. The grass eventually became overgrown.

    One day the mechanic was working on a car in his backyard and dropped his
    wrench losing it in the tall grass. He couldn't find it for the life of
    him, so he decided to call it a day.

    That night, Mace escaped from the house and ate all the grass in the
    backyard. The next morning the mechanic went outside and saw his wrench
    glinting in the sunlight. Realizing what had happened he looked up to the
    heavens and proclaimed......

    Are you ready for this ???

    Are you sure ???

    Remember, YOU WERE WARNED!

    He proclaimed: "A grazing Mace, how sweet the hound, that saved a wrench
    for me!"


  • Okay then well no visitor yet.  *snicker*  Not sure when I'll buy a test.

    I do have to go grocery shopping tomorrow, but haven't decided if I want to spend the money yet. 

    Kids are all done VBS, and had a lovely week.  I'm greatful its over as they were all getting tired.

    I'm watching a lovely Star Gate episode.    I'd missed it as we've been out and about too much. 

    Rainee stood today for 15 seconds without any support.    I was cheering and clapping.  ROFL   So its coming slowly...

    I've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm allergic to ALL dairy.  Which means no more cheeze, ice cream, etc.  And I sooooooooooooooo love cheeze and ice cream.  I thought maybe it was chemicals or dyes in cheeze, or so on.  But nope I had mozerella cheeze on pizza tonight, and instant asthma.  Don't tell DH, he didn't want me to eat it.  *sigh*

    He was right. 

    Can anybody tell me where a web site is that tells what meds are or aren't safe while your preggo.  I know I'm jumping the gun, but I'm worried about a couple that I'm on right now, and would like to remove the worry, or go back to the doctor and get something else.  TIA

    This week without my sister has gone well, but things are falling behind, no matter how hard I try.  I'm so trying to find somebody to work for me this fall.  If I'm pregnant it will be a necessity not a dream, as I have rotten pregnancies.  If I'm not it would still be extremely nice.  Sooooooooo I continue to pray for the "perfect" person.

    DH is doing overtime tomorrow.  So gonna miss him a ton.  I've gotten to really like him home on Saturdays.  *sigh*  And it kinda looks like the nice weather's going bye-bye so won't have the lake to spoil my kids with.

    I can do this.

    Oh and DH and I were bored this morning.  ROFL.  We love to pick out baby names.  So the current favorites are Arianna Praise,  and David Paul.  *grin*   The girls name would be prounounced AirEEahnah  and her nickname could be airee. 

    Okay, so what can I say we're silly.  My period will probably come in the next week, and quite frankly I'd be cool with that too, as 5 kids are hard work.  *snicker*

  • Good morning

    House is actually reasonably quiet...well except for Franklin the turtle on TV and MariMan scooting around making noises.

    The little girls are asleep and the two oldest are at VBS.  I could get used to this.  LOL

    I have dinner in the crock pot, and if the fog stays away will go play at the lake this afternoon.  If it doesn't...have NO idea what I'll do!

    DH is doing overtime this week and working on Saturday.  I'd kinda forgotten that, so now am trying to figure out what we're gonna do with our interupted weekend.  *sigh*

    HMMMM,  I just had a brainstorm.  *grin*  I'll have to think on it for a bit.  hehehe

    I'm having fun playing with Glory and Meghan at Diirlethe.    Its making me think for a bit.  I like thinking.

    MariMan is getting to be funnier, and funnier as he starting to talk.  He fell down the other night.  And I said.  "What are you doing down there."  He smiled and said.  "Slipping!"  hehe

    I went to Bible study yesterday, but nobody showed except my mom.  So instead we worked on sorting out the attic.  Our churches clothes closet.  I managed to score 4 new blouses for me and a pair of shoes for each of my kids.  This was way cool, as our very stupid puppy has managed to destroy one pair of shoes of each of my kids, and I was at a loss as to how to replace them all. 

    God works in lovely ways. 

    Oh and there's a pair of hiking boots there that will probably fit DH.  I'm hoping so as the wretched dog chewed those too.  Now if the dog chews my berkenstocks I'm gonna kill it.  I can't find those second-hand.  And the wretched things are way $$ and the only thing that keep me out of pain.

    I have funky shaped feet and after years of cheap shoes my brother talked me into trying berks, and I'm totally sold on them.  I haven't had sore feet in a year.  This is a miracle

    So, well umm tomorrow I'm gonna be late.  Yep that kinda late.  *snicker*  When do I invest in a test?  I know my cycle's gonna be screwed up for awhile as a result of not having one in two years.  But my body feels kinda different.  Trying not to read too much into it.  Except you know that sharp pain on the right side of your abdomen the "implant" pain.  I've had it for over a week.      Maybe its just a period trying to come.  No idea.  Will wait and see.  *grin*   It would make my kids happy they keep asking when we're gonna have the next baby.  And even told somebody we're having another one.  ROFL.    Princess helpful lass that she is even accused me of having one in my tummy...well your tummys fat like it has a baby in it.  GEE thanks Princess. 

    I'll tell you one thing IF I was what I'm thinking I might be.  I'm WEANING Kaylin!  And yesterday LOL.  Tandeming is bad enough,  I will NOT NOT NOT triplet if thats a word.

    Okay then, gonna go play some more while the house is quiet.  Have a great day all

  • Morning

    Have the rest of the week to be a housewife without help.  Do you think I can make it?

    My sister went to Creation at the Gorge for the rest of the week.  I'm gonna have to think about how to do this on my own again. 

    I have two cool pictures to share if xanga cooperates.  One is of the tea-party.  But the first one I took last night and oh my goodness is it hysterical.  Can you tell Kaylin picked her own clothes out???????


    Okay then now that you've had a good giggle here's the tea-party.  (I hope)  Well I've been waiting over 5 minutes and still no upload for the picture.

    Yesterday was a non-eventful day.  Hung at the lake, kids to VBS, and P/T for Rainee.  Someday that girls gonna walk!  *sigh*

    She's cruising lots which is a good thing.  And has learned to climb.  Into her high-chair being her newest destination, but no walking yet.  Some day soon!

    Oh cool here's the tea-party. 


    Okay have a phone call so got to hit submit and get off-line.

    Enjoy today.  And come get a giggle on my site. 

  • Okay,  I fixed Cat's siggie.  And I like it much better.  Though xanga is making it look blurry for some reason.  *sigh*  Hope that goes away.  Or I'm gonna be working on it again another day. 

  • Good morning,

    I have 30 minutes of quiet as DH is taking the kiddos to Vacation Bible School.  And won't be back 'til 9.  WOO HOO.  I like quiet especially in my own house.

    I read someone's blog yesterday.  And while I know she was frustrated I wanted to try to answer her question. 

    The question essentially was why do people have to make their religion public and try to force it on other people.  Now I have a good idea as to why the question was asked.   But I did want to share why I continue to talk about my faith. 

    My faith is not a religion.  It is not something that can be seperated from me.  I've tried a few times, and the two are so intertwined they can't be cut apart. 

    I can't even give you the words to explain.  Just that my best friend lives inside me.  Every day I consult him 1000 times a day.  When I'm scared, when I'm mad, when I'm happy I have someone right there to talk to to complain to to rejoice with.  He has given me principles to live by, and as long as I choose to walk by them things go easy.  Every time I choose to walk away from this friend life becomes one huge stressful experience.

    It is the most incredibly comforting experience in the world

    Last year when Rainee was born and wisked away from me 'cause of her health issues.  Rob was busy puking his guts out or passed out on the floor from the medication they gave him to stop puking.  My mom was busy making arrangements to follow  Rainee across the water.  And the nurses thought I was sleeping.  I wasn't.  I was terrifyling alone.  More alone then I'd ever been.

    BUT.  I wasn't.  Cause I am never alone.  I have a friend who lives inside me and is ALWAYS with me.  A symbiosis if you will.  The friendly dragon for those who are in fantasy.  A seperate identity but in an incredible oneness with me.

    So I can't seperate them.  If something good happened to me my friend is to be praised,  If something bad happened to me my friend is there to let me cry on his shoulder.  It is the most awesome thing in the whole entire world.

    And it is something I have to share.  Now,  I don't want to force it on others, and I'm rarely this vocal.  But I had to respond to that question and try to explain why I can't keep my faith quiet. 

  • I've kept myself incredibly busy the last couple days.  Who said weekends were for rest.

    Highlights,  my dad's birthday party,  Zeria's "family" b-day party.  And a accidental stop at Alicia's b-day party.  A visit with some friends from South Africa at my parents house, and now Zeria's tea-party party.  All in all kind of a hold on or I'm gonna crash day.

    The visit with the friends from South Africa was powerful.  He is black from South Africa she is white (Canadian).  They have spent the last 13 plus years in Swaziland.  For awhile this was because he couldn't have lived in S.A.  He ummm wasn't exactly excepted due to some nasty letters he wrote  in the 80's.  *snicker* 

    A powerful Christian brother who was awe inspiring and I would definitely say the visit touched my life and changed it even it was only a 2.5 hour stay.   He now carry's a Canadian passport and uses it to his advantage.  Although they said freely that S.A. is now a totally different place then it was.  

    I could go on for days about the things I learned.   But its mulling over in my head and sinking in and getting ready to grow first.   

    I was so impressed by their simplicity of what was important.  They've seen starvation, deprivation, and had people in their house threatening them with guns,  but they continue to be so joyous, or maybe because of this they are full of joy.  I mean my skin was tingling for hours after talking to them.  And they didn't brag, they were quite and imposing and just normal people raising teen-agers in a constantly confusing world.    She freely admitted her son got in fights in highschool (always protecting the underdog)  and so on.  So neat.  I wish I could transfer the moment.  I guess I'll just call it a God-moment.  I've had a few where I felt I was in the present of angels.  And last night was one of them.  It left me joyous, and yet incredibly drained. 

    Some day I'll write about another one of my God moments with my next door neighbour.

    God is good!