Month: June 2002

  • Good morning

    It was a soggy day yesterday so the kids and I hid inside alllllll day long.

    My first two hours of the morning were EXTREMELY long, and overwhelming.  My sister was competing at  a track meet so I didn't have help.  And I thought I was gonna go stir-crazy.  But then I got into a routine and things went quite nicely.

    Just for the record 4 stinky diapers in less then a half hour is TOOOO much!!!  Samuel had a Major OOPS before he got up which he NEVER does, but he couldn't make it.  So I did 4 in a half hour while the other three owners of stinky diapers were screaming at the top of their lungs.  Life definitely gets exciting around here   Well if exciting means 4 stinkys at once

    Zeria has decided sleep at night is highly over rated.  And has been sneaking down stairs to sleep on our floor.  EVERY night.  She wakes us up says she had a nightmare in this very quiet calm none-panicky voice.  She can't always say what about, and then sleeps on our floor.   We closed our bedroom door one night and she was too scared to open it so she slept on the cold concrete floor outside our door.   We believe she's definitely afraid of something.  But we're not sure how to proceed.  Last night after snuggling her I tried to get her to go back upstairs to her own bed, it was a bust.     We bought her a night light which she promptly managed to break the first night.  (LOOOOONG story) 

    We let her leave the light on....and that keeps Kaylin awake all night long.  Any other ideas??  See she's *ahem* caught us a couple times, and we'd really like our privacy LOL.  Plus I'd like to know what's going on, but I can't really get her to talk.

    Jamari is doing sooooooooooo well.  And I'm greatful.  When I tell him to come here he does now.  He brings whatever thing he has he shouldn't and gives it up without a fuss.  He only gets cranky at night.  And this because he thinks he should eat hungry for about an hour in the evening  

    The testifying is coming up soon.  I'm treating it rather like I did my thought of having 5 kids when Rainee was born.  (MAJOR DENIAL )

    We've been having lots of fun as a family.  Going to the lake, the beach, and just enjoying each other.  We are finally at a place where we don't have major building projects going on etc.  So things are starting to slip into  a routine.  We do have a couple things that have to be done, but waiting for all the hospital bills to come in first to see whether we have any money left. 

    Father God, I pray that as we go to church we would learn something that would encourage us through the week, and give each family member something to remember, focus on and give them ways to improve themselves.  I ask that Samuel would enjoy SS and not be bothered by his "friend".  And I pray that I would be given wisdom to speak to this "friends" mom when the time is right about whats going on.  I thank you for your love, and encouragement in your sons name, Amen

  • Okay I am at 9,996 visitors.  Who wants to be 10,000????

  •          A trip 

          to the City       

       We woke up yesterday and decided it was time for another adventure.  We decided to drive over to Seattle and go to the Aquarium.  It was an action-packed-exhausting day.  The first fun thing was the ferry of course.  Its the only way for us to get where we wanted.  Well okay there's another way if you feel like adding an hour or more to the drive.

    The kids of course LOOOOOOOVE the ferry.  And were particularly fascinated by the other boats on the water, and the "city"  Because well we just don't have skyscrapers where we live. 

    This very poor picture is the munchkins at the window of the ferry.  My battery was dying (of course )


    And here we have the lovely city of Seattle as seen by the ferry.



    The aquarium was a ton of fun and everybody except Rainee thoroughly enjoyed it.  Rainee was too busy sleeping in my sling.    She started out in the double stroller but was oh so NOT impressed.  And so I ended up carrying her everywhere instead.  Though you can't see fish there were some behind the kids in both pictures.  And the kids were constantly moving.  Oy we thought we'd lost Samuel 5 or 6 times.  He's more work then the other 4 put together.  But having ever sooooooo much fun.   



    The best decision we made all day was to leave Jamari in that backpack.  It meant we only chased 3 kids all day long.    Kaylin road in the stroller between exhibits and on the sidewalks (most of the time.)  And Zeria and Sam took turns in the stroller too.  (Wish we could have tied them in there a couple times lol)

    After the aquarium we braved the rain and went and got fish & chips.  We perched underneath a roof and ate them.  And they were quite good.  Though Samuel didn't think so and threw his on the ground.   


    After the fish & chips we went and watch the Dolphin IMAX experience.  The kids enjoyed it at first, but started getting restless.  Rob helped this restlessness by accidentally causing Jamari to bump his head on the chairs armrest.    He ended up taking Rainee & Jamari out for the last 5 minutes as they were well SCREAMING.   

    The only downside of the whole trip was the walk from the Imax to the car.  We were tired.  Kaylin wouldn't ride in the stroller as she was exhausted so I had her in the sling.  Rainee wouldn't ride in the stroller as she just plain didn't like it.  So I had her in my arms.  Rob had Jamari in the backpack and the big kids in the stroller.  My arms hurt, Rob was a tinge grumpy and we had to wait for over 5 minutes for the #$@*(&@#$@*&( elevator to come downstairs so we could go up to our parking garage.   

    But we survived that and apologized to each other and all was well. 

    The kids slept most of the drive home and we may do this trip again some day...........but not anytime too soon

  • Good morning   Well I got the break I blogged about last.  But it wasn't long enough.  I kept feeling guilty for leaving my kids, and ended up coming home early.  It was my first REAL break since Rainee was born and I didn't know how to take it  

    So I'm taking a REAL one today, because quite frankly I'm running on empty. 

    Telephone calls, Kids crying, Doctors visits, etc, etc.  It NEVER ends it seems.  I haven't blogged this week, because I've never gotten 30 seconds to put together.  But I NEED me time because I'm running out of the ability to take care of my children because of not taking care of myself.  I knew as soon as I came home last Saturday that I had NOT relaxed and was not ready to face my family yet.

    So today I'm determined to take care of myself long enough so that I can take care of my family. 

    I had my post-op visit with the doctor yesterday and have a clean bill of health in regards to my pregnancy.   

    I had a doctors visit for Rainee on Tuesday to get my questions answered about her breathing stuff.  So after spending $115 at the pharmacy we have a medicine regime for her.  It IS helping.  She has gone from sleeping in 3 hour chunks to sleeping a 6-7 hour chunk at night.  Which was a benefit I hadn't counted on. 

    The question remains however does Rainee have allergys which are giving her asthma or reflux which is irritating her bronchials and giving her asthma.  So we're working on that one.  

    I guess I couldn't expect to have one child asthma free huh?    And Rainee's asthma at least is classic asthma you don't have to watch for the retractions etc.  You just have to be beside her and you can hear her wheeeeeeeeeeeeezing. 

    I changed my background on my xanga site last night.  Come and see it   I would have changed my profile picture but xanga was being a butt.

    I have a bunch of pictures from our varying activities.  And will upload them as I have time.  But today I upload just the one of Rainee sleeping.  She was soooooooo peaceful.    And I just wanted to stare and stare at her.   


    One of our discoverys in regards to Rainee's sleep/asthma is that she sleeps much longer if she's upright.  So she's been sleeping in her bouncy seat or her swing. 

    Father God, I need to get some rythems and patterns going and I just seem to be running.  Help me start getting a system (of sorts going)  In your sons name, Amen

  • Good morning

    Its 7:45 at approximately 8:10 10 minutes AFTER my sister gets here.  I am bundling up Rainee and getting OUT of here.

    I have been a GOOD mom this week.   I have loved, spent extra time with etc etc my kids.  I even chose to play with them yesterday on "my" day.  And now

    I NEED a BREAK!!!!!!

    Okay got that out of my system.

    Every minute I wasn't entertaining my kids I was on the telephone with caseworkers, lawyers, etc.  (BLUCH)  I hate hate hate using the telephone.  And am getting ever so good at it

    But the negotiations went well and we managed to let the lawyer only make me testify.  Which means Rob can watch the kids.  I think we'll all go down, and then just me go in.  I really, really, wish I had somebody to go into the court with me. 

    This will be the first time I meet the birth mom.  And it will be very uncomfortable.  I'm oh so NOT looking forward to it.      Especially cause every foster mom we've ever talked to says she hates foster parents and is very angry against them.    Rob is worried for me as he's dealt with a few too many of this type of person at his job    

    Breathing, praying, and desperately hoping she doesn't show up    Which would mean that they would just say she's done. 

    Father God, give me refreshment today and the ability to come back ready to serve my family again.  I thank you for my children and the ways they are growing.  In your sons name, Amen

  • Yawn, Whine, Sigh

  • Good morning  

    My kids are all napping.  All at once.    I REALLY REALLY needed this down time.  The last 24 hours has been highly stressful, and I should not be on the computer right now as I'm waiting for an important phone call...but I NEEDED to vedge for a bit.

    We've been subpeonead to testify at the termination of our sons birthmoms parenting rights.  This means a 6 hour drive one way.     The ONLY good thing is it is planned on one of Rob's normal days off...we absolutely can NOT afford to take more time off right now.  We have no idea what they want us for.  Thats the phone call I'm waiting for.  And they did NOT bother telling us this was coming....just sent us the official letter. 

    We have made arrangements to pay my sil's gas to drive down there and watch Rainee.  I'm so greatful she didn't even hesitate.  This means Rainee will probably have to have a bottle...but if it means allowing us to get the #$@*&( paperwork out of the way in regards to keeping our son I guess I'll have to make that sacrifice.     My sil has friends in that area so she can visit them afterwards so that was a GOOD thing too.

    For three years I've been praying Rob could have Sundays off.  There is now a SLIGHT chance he might.  I'm praying so hard that this would happen.  But only if its God's will. 

    Okay gotta get off the net. 

    Father God, give me a peaceful heart.  Its so easy to stress about these new bumber things in my life.  I give them to you.  I ask for joy today as well, joy in serving Jesus.  In your sons name, Amen

  • Good afternoon

    Well its official I have a chunk for a baby She weighed in today at her 2 month checkup at 13 pounds 10 ounces.  That breastmilk seems to be working

    We had questions about Rainee's breathing and because of her history they respected those questions and had me go over to the hospital to get x-rays.   By the time I got home after Bible study I got the answers.  Her heart looks great which had been a earlier concern, and her lungs are fine.  Her bronchial tubes however are swollen which explains the breathing stuff.  So they said we could give her nebulizer treatments when she starts having trouble.  i knew there was no way I would have one child with NO asthma trouble  

    Other then that she's doing very very well, and I'm glad this x-ray cleared up the heart stuff

    Have you seen the way they give baby-s x-rays.  It was NOT fun   They made her sit on this little plastic stool and wrapped this plastic see-through thing around her with only her head/mouth sticking out and her hands stuck above her head.  And then swivel it around to wherever they want to pictures of.  Trust me she was NOT happy about it...neither was I.  I wanted to cry for her

    Zeria today wanted to know if all ponys' were boys.  No there are girls and boys.  Well what makes a boy pony different from a girl pony?  Ummm do I have to answer?   So we did some sex-ed. hehe 

    Okay this blog has been interrupted too long for me to remember what I was gonna say next.  So I guess I'll hit submit.  I'm sorry my blogs have been so disjointed lately...its just hard work to get time to sit. 

    Father God, thank you for the answers to prayer about Rainee's heart/lungs.  And thank for giving me the wisdom to get a baby sitter for that visit.  In your sons name, Amen

  • Well our pony is back living with us after a little longer then originally expected winter holiday.  We just weren't able to move him up until now thanks to the lovely complications of my delivery.  So I have 2 children completely excstatic to see August back. 


    And how did we move this pony?  Well the same way we always do in the back of our Mini-van.  We brought him home at the end of our "date" night.  hehehe

    And finally to satisfy my incredulous net friends who didn't quite believe we did it that way......I have pictures of us doing it. 



    There ya have it folks...the multi-use family-mini-van   

  • I can tell today is Monday.  Just before we go on date night we are both absolutely ready to wring our kids necks.    And man am I ready

    Its like they loose all ability to obey or be reasonable about 3:30 Monday.  hehehe.  Or maybe we're just desperate for a break from them. 

    Nope was just interputed its gotta be a Monday thing.  Samuel and Zeria were sent upstairs to play and NOT disturb us for 15 minutes.  This is not an unreasonable demand for them.  They went upstairs and immediately started swinging off their curtains :-O  And of course the curtains weren't made for this so they fell down.  And they got hurt.  So the kids come downstairs crying and mommy says how'd you get hurt?  The curtain fell down say the culprits.  Oh really were you swinging on it again---"oh no".  Yeah right the curtain just magically fell down all on its own.  whatever. 

    Okay got that out of my system.    Yesterday was a relaxing and fun day.    And at the end of the day I realized how clearly God answered my prayer request for having joy in my children.  They entertained me all day.   Soooooooooooo if you don't want to here the braggings of "my kid said this"  move on and don't ready any further

    As we were getting ready to get out the door to church Samuel asked "What are machines."  Good timing Samuel.  God gave me the wisdom to say...can we put that question on hold?  So he waited until we were driving down the road.  And we had a nice discussion about machines. 

    So then Zeria wanted to talk about the quarter she found (fell out of one of our pockets )  She was all enthusiastic about it.  And we talked about the value of nickels vs quarters.  LOL  And then in all seriousness my almost 5 year old says....Mommy you've got more cash then me huh?  You've got LOTS of cash huh mommy.   HEHEHEHE

    So Samuel has another question...Mommy what are those things?   What things?  Those things mommy?  Samuel you need to be more specific then that what things.   You know those things...those things that float under water.  You mean submarines?  I ask.  No mommy those things.....those egg shaped things that have men in them and shoot things.  HMMMMMMMM  mommy is frantically trying to guess from this description what the heck my son is talking about.    the shoot things gave me the right clue.  The only movie my kids have watched with shooting in it was.....Atlantis and that was NOT because I allowed them to watch it (long story involving a babysitter )  You mean the machines in Atlantis?  Yeah those things.  PHEW  mommy found out what he was talking about.  I think I get a prize for detecting that piece of information    (All chocolate prizes welcome)

    So then I just started chuckling because my munchkins were so silly...and of course they wanted to know Why are you laughing, "I'll tell you in 5 years are so.  LOL  And so I journal it so I CAN tell them

    And then at the picnic.  My niece whom I've held/known she was 5 days old needed help at the picnic table.  I was closest so I took her cup and filled it.  Miss Zeria in all her wisdom says...Don't worry "E"  my mommy can help you she's not a stranger. 

    The trim is up on the doors in our bedroom   Rob did that today.  All thats left in the bedroom is the wiring (to be done in July when the 'ils are here)  And the trim on the corners (maybe never done ). 

    Its even decorated in there, and I've had a ton of fun doing it.  So as soon as I get batterys in my camera I'll take pictures. 

    Father God, we need you tonight.  We need you to allow us to enjoy each other, and be renewed so we can face another week of raising our kids.  Please give us strength for that in your sons name Amen