Month: March 2002

  • Because HE lives I can face tomorrow.  Because He lives all fear is gone.  Because I know I know he holds the future and life is worth the living Just because He lives.

    Well the babies and I won't be doing Easter this year.  The "traditional" Easter.  The looking for Easter eggs at grandma's.  The sunrise service.....I'm watching cars drive up to it right now.  Its held at the top of our mountain.  And the Easter Service with the beautiful music and the Easter clothes that mommy bought but will not be worn.

    My tendancy would be to poubt.  I had that pity party yesterday.  I found a way to get my two oldest to part of "Easter"  My parents will pick them up on the way down the hill from the sunrise service.  Take them to church and the easter egg hunt.  We don't do Easter baskets.

    But after I got done my pity party...I remembered.  Easter is

    NOT Easter eggs,

    NOT the Sunrise Service

    NOT the music at church

    NOT the beautiful dresses

    NOT healthy children

    NOT a family dinner.

    EASTER is the reason I can face tomorrow.  And tomorrow seems a long long ways away today as Kaylin is still sick.  So I will focus on GOD and not the man-made traditions I'm missing.

    Took Kaylin to the ER last night.  But after two hours waiting and it being obvious I would wait at least 4 more took her back home again.  *sigh*  She screamed about every two hours last night.  Except for a stint from 3-6:30 this morning.  She's in on my bed crying right now.  But I'm hiding from her to do my devotions.  I needed this tiny bit of space before I could face my children.

    I need to remind myself GOD IS IN CONTROL.

    Because he LIVES I can do this day.  I will not feel sorry for myself missing the sunrise service.  The most important part of Easter to me.  I will just be greatful that God is good....all the time.  All the time God is good. 

    My baby in my womb is healthy.  And soon will be out.  Three of my kids are still healthy.  And I have a husband who slept with the baby for several hours so I could get a little bit of sleep.

    God is Good

    Happy Easter. 

    Now off to take care of a very sick little munchkin. 

  • Good morning   This little munchkin is still very sick.  Fever at 103 still.     Ibuprofen is starting to kick in for her so she's down on the floor...but its a temporary thing I'm sure.  Her playing happily attention span is VERY short. 


    Took her into the ped yesterday afternoon for the second time.  Still no sign of ear infection etc.  She has a snotty nose and THAT is it.  Ped said if she still had fever on Monday then he'd bag her and check for a UTI.  *sigh*  Monday is a LONG ways away.

    I was actually very impressed with this ped.  Hadn't seen him yet as he's new to the clinic.  Kaylin was miserable and started howling when I had to put her down to have her ears checked.  And would NOT stop howling and the doctor wanted to observe her breathing.  So I bit the bullet and said...I'll nurse her and she'll stop.   So sat down and did that.  Instant success.  He thought that was way cool.  He was observing her (while she was nursing hehehe)  and I mentioned I was due in 3 weeks.  Well so is his wife    And we started talking about that a bit.  And he just thought it was SO cool that it would be easier for me to nurse the newborn because I'd already have milk etc, etc.     He was like a little boy in the candy store with his excitement.  It was contagious.     He said that's the way nature made it...and the way it should still be.

    I think I like him!!!!

    I may be switching my kids healthy baby check-ups to him....he was so unhurried and just sat their chatting etc.  The last couple times my doctor of choice was NOT that way....and I was getting a bit frustrated with her...but we shall see.  HMMM maybe his wife and I will be at the hospital at the same time

    It is GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS outside.  Even if it is only 7 am.   I may bundle my fever baby up and take us all outside even if she is sick.  It seems like an incredible waste of a good day.  We shall see how she's doing. 

    At this rate however we may be missing Easter Sunday.  I'm not looking forward to explaining that to my kids.  Praying hard that Kaylin gets better soonest!

    Father God, I thank you for the blue sky & sunshine.  I ask that things go smoothly today and the kids are overly demanding.  I ask that Kaylin's fever/infection whatever it is would heal so we could do Easter.  I thank you for your love for us in your sons name, Amen

  • Good morning

    Its been a long night.  And I'm not a very gracious, happy, or cheerful lady this morning.  Fortunately NOBODY knows I've been hiding behind the computer keeping my mouth shut

    Kaylin was soooooooo miserable yesterday.  She started getting a fever about 3:00 in the afternoon and had it all night.  It was at 103 before tylenol...and stayed about 100 with tylenol.  She was scaring me.  And ended up sleeping between us in bed so we could keep a closer eye on her.  Her fever is down to 99 something with OUT hopefully its going away. 

    Zeria woke up at 10:15 (waking Kaylin of course)  with a leg ache.  She ended up on a mattress on our was easier then the temper tantrum she was getting ready to pitch about being sent back to her bed room without Kaylin.  (She does NOT like to sleep in a bedroom by herself)     Samuel woke up at 11:45 with a nightmare.   He settled himself down without our intervention (phew)   Jamari woke up screaming at 2:15.  Rob had to go up & down the stairs several times to get him soothed.  And through all of this we have this fever induced fidgety baby between us. 

    Gotta love nights like that..............NOT!!!

    Last night just after the kids were tucked in bed our big dog bit a jogger as he was running past our house.        I don't know what his problem is.  All of a sudden he's become so ornrey.  We will NOT keep a dog that bites.  So today he's disappearing......  *sigh*   

    I never allowed myself to get attatched to this dog..........probably a good thing.  But I'm really not looking forward to explaining things to my kids.  And am EXTREMELY greatful we have the new puppy to distract them with.    Who has learned to sleep in the entry way without Yiping all night (YEAH!!!!!)

    In the meantime I'm really gonna miss our guard dog outside as I do NOT like being home late at night alone without one...........

    I know bummer of a blog huh?

    I'm sorry....kinda bummer of a day too.

    Father God, you are in charge of this day.  Let me honor you in it even though I'm feeling so ornrey.  And help things to go well.  Help Kaylin to continue to improve...and none of the other kids to get sick.  In your sons name, Amen

  • Good morning

    Today oh joy and bliss I take Kaylin to her 2 year check-up.  She's unfortunately not so healthy.  Sniffles, and cranky.  But hey this way I KNOW if she has a ear-ache right  

    The apointment is at 11 in the morning so no dh to watch other kids.  *sigh*  I'm thinking of calling B my 12 year old sister and asking if she wants to go with us.  The thought of trying to talk with the doctor and make sure 4 kids are semi-quiet is a LOT overwhelming hehehehe.   

    Kaylin is healthy so I don't have tons of concerns.  Except I DO want to ask her about a hearing test for Kaylin.  She is talking more...but she completely omits 90% of her I'm about the only one who understands......hehehehe  Also whenever she "talks" on the phone with daddy she REFUSES to listen with her right ear.  If I give her the phone on her right ear she always points to her other ear.  Where as if I give her the phone on the left ear she just smiles and "talks" to daddy.    So its worth checking it out.  Especially seeings our insurance will pay for it all

    I finished my laundry yesterday and cleaned out the fridge.  Man was that over due.    Its positively scarey in their its so clean.  The kids thoroughly enjoyed helping me clean it too.  They helped by taking all the food stuffs out and putting it on the counter...and then bringing them back to me so I could put them back in.  Saved me many steps.  The kids also helped me with the laundry.  They took the stuff out of the dryer so I didn't have to bend.  Carried the dirty clothes to me so I could stuff it in the washing machine and put their own clothes away when I was done folding.    They were so much fun yesterday.  I can tell they had actually got some exercise.  Daddy took them for a nice long they were not near as ornrey as they have been.    And the walk was VERy special...because they got to use their new canteens we bought them.   Jamari wasn't however too impressed with the new canteens.......he wasn't impressed with much of anything yesterday morning.  Fortunately he was a ANGEL in the afternoon. 


    Father God, I thank you for this day, and ask that the doctors visit goes well...and I get my questions answered.  I thank you for your love for  us in your sons name, Amen

  • So what does a house with 4 toddler/preschoolers need/miss?   A puppy of course.  You know this is logical.  We're getting a new baby in a couple weeks so of course we need a new puppy right??????  

    I'd like to introduce to you the newest member of the Signor family.  Dragon with fire.  (Samuel named him)  hehehehehe  He is part rat terrier....and?????????  so we're hoping he'll be small..but his dad could be a Great Dane ROFL   

    Why did we do this outrageous thing?  Well my parents female rat terrier cross had puppies.  And well ummmm they were cute.  And well Samuel doesn't have a pet and ummmm uhhhh ok their wasn't a really good reason  




    Poor puppy very rarely gets to walk.  Is carried EVERYWHERE>  And whats worse then a baby crying all night?  A puppy definitely!  He thought we were very mean to lock him in the entry way where it was nice and clean and safe to have "accidents"   He probably thinks he should sleep in Samuels bed lol.  He may end up getting away with that at some point.....but he has to learn some potty training first.  Like I have time for that.   

  • Good morning   And today I hit 36 weeks of my pregnancy.  WOO HOO!  The end is in sight...and the baby stayed safe. 

    We had a lovely weekend.  Though I was a lot bit sore.  The lovely jacuzzi that was in our motel suite took most of the aches away.     

    Kaylin had a great birthday.  And thoroughly enjoyed herself.  We didn't do anything super special.  I found her a little bike at Goodwill.  And she got a Magna Doodle and some books.  Her grandma who lives out of town sent her a new doll and a bunch of doll clothes.  Her grandma that lives here bought her a new outfit.  Oh and we bought her a new dress with sandals and she LOVES it.   


    She just loooooves those sandals   And looks ENTIRELY too grown up thank you very much.


    Kaylin's feet can't reach the pedals on her bike.  hehehe.  But she thinks its VERY cool anyhow!

    For her "party"  We just bought a HUGE sheet cake at SAfeway.  And invited everybody after evening service to come over the Fellowship Hall and eat cake.  We've been having snacks afterwards and hanging around visiting.  It was a instant party.  And worked quite well.    Except for the squabble my 16 year old sister had with my 12 year old sister as to who got to hold Kaylin while they were singing Happy Birthday.  (roll eyes)  The 12 year old was doing JUST fine...but the 16 year old thought that it was entirely UNFAIR that she wasn't the one getting the attention.  PBBBBBBBBBBBT to her.    The 12 year old knows Kaylin much better and has spent much more time here helping out and playing etc.  It was her right to be the one getting the attention.  And girls do you think you could pick a better time to squabble??  Rob wanted to ring both of their necks.  Picture Kaylin being a tug-a-war rope...while every one was singing to her.    Such is life I guess.  Of course Kaylin had to make sure the cake we gave her was she scooped a nice big peace of the icing to make sure none of us were poisoned



    Shortly after these pictures we headed to grandma's house...and ditched our kids.  Oh it was SO nice to have the break.

    We spent the first night at home.  Got up when we wanted to which ended up being fairly early due to our inner alarms expecting babies to wake us up.  hehe.  Went out for a nummy breakfast and then for a nice drive.  Took Rob up to an old haunt only to find somebody's bought the property gated it off and built this MASSIVE house.  The price of progress.

    We then wandered around two different towns and their varying book shops.  And had quite a bit of fun spending money.  I bought 2 new Anne McCaffrey books...Rob bought a couple books.  And we got a couple good history type books geared for kids about blacks & slavery.  In preperation for this fall and school.   They are stories...but have good history in kwim?

    When we had killed most of our day we went and checked into our motel.  And spent the rest of the day going between the jacuzi and our bed enjoying reading our books interupted and the quiet of the motel.  It was SO nice. 

    WE got up the next morning went out for breaky again and came and got the kids.    They were glad to see us...and got a EXCELLENT report as to their behavior.  Zeria was miffed because she hadn't gotten to do the T-party yet.  And kinda mad she had to go home.  LOL.  And the first thing out of her mouth was....The babies still in your tummy    I guess she thought this was the hospital visit.  We assured was still in my tummy...and soon she would be staying at grandma's again so mommy could get the baby out.  HEHEHEHE

    We had several more adventures yesterday...but I want to save the "big" adventure for another blog.  And besides I have to download some pictures to share first.    

    Its good to be home.  And do my housework again now that my ankle has 98% forgive me for falling down.  And today the kids are gonna help me clean the fridge.     Kaylin especially will get a BIG kick out of carrying all the food out of the fridge.  She LOVES to sort things.  So it should be right up her alley.   3 more loads of laundry to do and EVERYTHING will be caught up again.  WOO HOO.  So thats part of my life

    Father God, I thank you for this day.  I ask you that I would have the energy to get the right things done.  That I would enjoy my kids...and they would NOT get cranky.  I also ask that it would stay nice enough so we can go outside and play this afternoon.  I thank you for the wonderful weekend we had...and pray that you would help us to continue to enjoy each other.  In your sons name, Amen

  • Kids are ALL at grandma's.  They spent the night their last night.  And again tonight.  We are headed out to enjoy a day of quiet and relaxation.  This blog to be continued....when the kids return to this house.   Gotta love my parents.  We asked them to take them one night and they offered two. 

  • Good morning  

    Today is a very special day around here.  Two years ago today after being awake for over 30 hours.  I finally pushed Kaylin Joy out.  At 8 lbs even and 19.5 inches long. 


    My parents called her the most contenteded baby they'd ever seen and were convinced she was smiling when she was less then 20 minutes old.  Of course she couldn't show that smile to the photographer at Walmart

    She was a HARD nurser.  And we worked very hard to conquer that.  And 2 years later *Gasp*  I'm officially nursing a two year old.   I don't think I've ever been so stubborn about anything in my life.  And so good about winning that battle. 

    She has stayed a happy baby.  And if she's cranky we KNOW she's got something wrong.  Teething, sick, etc.   She can make me smile over anybody else in this house.   I hope so desperately she doesn't loose that ability.

    She never crawled until after she walked.  Instead she scooted on her butt...pulling with her hands.  We called it the Scrawl.  And it took her forever to learn to walk...because she discovered quite early on that the push toy with wheels could allow her to get anywhere she wanted to anyhow.  

    She is my climber.  At 13 months she figured out how to get up onto the piano bench and was standing on the piano keys headed for the next level when I removed her from the scene of the crime.  She's been up on the table, etc, etc.

    She's not as social as my other kids...and prefers her mommys and daddys company but is starting to grow out of that some. 


    She's a slow talker...but can communicate pretty much all she wants with sign language (her own version)  And going and getting it herself.

    Her favoritest things to play with are dolls.  And she pretty much always has one in her hand. 


    All and all she's very special (of course)  And I'm very excited to say

    Happy Birthday Kaylin

  • The day didn't go as originally planned...which was WAY cool

    I was planning on just vegdging and keeping my foot up.

    But it was GORGEOUS today.  Blue sky sunshine, and oh just springy.  Which after the week of snow on the ground was heavenly.   We still had a bit of snow on the ground here (still do *sigh*)  But had decided I was gonna hobble out and let the kids play.

    Instead my mom called wanting to know if she drove if we wanted to go pick up McD's to go and go play at the park.  No-brainer here.    We went and had a lot of fun.

    We drove about 45 minutes to the "best" park...and apparently the ride was a little long for some.


    Aren't they just tooooooooo cute   Thats my sister who has broken her leg.  And her littlest brother my son.    And yes they were both truely asleep. 

    Anyhow I was SO greatful for the change of pace...and thoroughly enjoyed our one day of spring.   Praying hard we wake up tomorrow to another day of it


    Now somebody doesn't look too excited about spring here does he???


  • Good morning.  I'm still alive.   

    I had this deliciously relaxing morning Friday.  Ran away from home without kids or dh.  Read a book, did a bit of shopping.  And ate a very nice lunch.  Was feeling nice and headed back home to nap while my kids were still napping.  Rob met me out on the deck and was watching me manipulate the 8 inches of wet slippery snow.  I was very carefully watching where I was going because at 35 weeks pregnant I'm extremely clutzy...and the "top" of the snow I'd be walking on would give out.  And I'd kind of slip and slide around.  Anyhow as I got close he said how was your day?  I looked up at him and took a step without looking where I was going and


    I went my ankle giving out on me.    I sprained it.  And could NOT get out of the snow.  Quite frankly I was willing juust to  lay there without moving.  Rob didn't however think that was a good idea.    I KNEW I was not getting up with just his help.  So there I laid crying in the snow trying to figure out how to get up.  When a neighbor neither of us had met stopped and introduced himself.  And between the two of them helped me up and into the house. 

    Helped I've fallen and can't get up.

    Of course taking pain killers is out as I'm 35 weeks pregnant.  And my pain tolerance is apparently NONE EXISIStent.  it hurt so badly.  So all I did yesterday was lay on the couch.  Rob went and got me crutches & papa murphy's pizza for dinner.  I was SO angry about getting hurt.

    I've thoroughly enjoyed being able to move around....for 2 whole days and then BOOM down I go. 

    Well for whatever unknown reason I woke up today feeling a TON better.  So apparently it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought...or God healed me quickly knowing that I'd learned my lesson...whatever that was. 

    My parents took Jamari for the night because I knew there was NO way I was gonna be able to lift him.  I was worried about tomorrow...but I think I'll be fine.  I'm mostly walking without the crutches already.  And tomorrow should just be a bit of a limp.  PHEW 

    I can't believe the pain I felt yesterday resolved itself so quickly today.  But for whatever reason I'm EXTREMELY grateful.

    But it still does hurt to not have it elevated much.  So  this is the longest I've been at the computer as I can't elevate it here.  And its starting to ache a bit.  So I guess I'll hobble back to the couch in a few and put it back up.

    My kids are taking care of themselves today...with mommy keeping them from killing themselves...and serving them "instant" meals.  Rob will be home tonight about 4 bringing Jamari with him.  Things should be ok by then.

    I'm btw very ready to live a nice quiet ordinary life again!!!